Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 176 - I Am Rex

In any case, Rex had given his gift to Emilia, in fact, he tied it around her neck.

Emilia perhaps the happiest person among all who were present there.

He could feel the intense glare from Emilia's uncle. He even turned to look at him, however, he was unfazed.

Of course, the filling intent that he emitted was minimal, whoever it was more than enough to make a normal person piss his pants!

Its range was short and he had only targetted the intent on Rex, needless to say, he didn't want to shame Rex, it was something he did without thinking twice probably because of anger.

However, Rex wasn't your average human. Of course, his magic had been sealed off of him by himself, but he by no means was affected by the killing intent.

On seeing that, her uncle was surprised. Well, he was quite strong without a doubt, and he had seen the effects of his killing intent, after seeing Rex completely normal, he had to think about him a bit.

'Who is he?'

'Is he really the rumored Rex?'

'Or...', questions would definitely pop up when one would see someone quite contrasting to what they had heard so far.

Regardless, Rex didn't care much about it and just moved down the stage from the other side. Emilia kept wearing the necklace and started to smile much more brightly.

Rex then walked towards Elina who was quite proud of what he did. Of course, she was happy cause he didn't pile to her.

But she was curious about the necklace which he gifted to Emilia. She had never seen it before, neither had Alex.

None of them had given it to him, so they wanted to know from where he got that.

And, many others looked at him too while thinking about what he did. Of course, Elina and Alex looked at him with a similar question in their minds.

'Why did he give her an already used necklace?', Elina asked herself and so did Alex.

Whatever it may be, other than Elina and Alex, no one would dare to ask him. Not that they were scared, they just didn't want to approach him.

Although their views were changed by Emilia's speech, the disgust still remained.

Elina grabbed Rex's arm and pulled him aside.

"Rex, why did you give her a used gift?", Elina asked in a low voice.

"Mom, I thought that was the best thing that I could gift her...", Rex replied.

"But you could give my necklace to her...", Elina frowned.

She was indeed offering a much more expensive gift than what Rex's gift seemed to be, so she thought that it was unwise of Rex to give her something like that.

"But mom, won't that too be a used one?", Rex asked.

"Uh...", and after hearing that Elina was left speechless.

What he said was indeed true, the necklace that she had been wearing was something she had received during her wedding.

Needless to say, it was expensive, but it was old at the same time, It was used tons of times so giving that wouldn't be good.

However, that didn't justify Rex giving his necklace. Whatever, the topic ended there when Rex left without saying anything else.

He moved out of the hall and went to the garden and sat on the bench.

'Sigh, I don't think I'll be called again to attend the hall...', Rex sighed while thinking that.

'So, what next...?'

'I need to wait here until the party is over?', he asked himself while sitting on the bench.

He then looked towards the sky and sighed.

"The stars look beautiful...", he said with a small smile on his face.

It was nighttime, although it wasn't late, the sun had already set. The banquet was held for quite a long time and the time passed sooner than it normally would, at least that's how Rex felt because of the continuous incidents.

He kept on admiring the stars that were soothing his eyes.

'This view looks fantastic...'

'I want to capture it and save it, but there are no cameras in this world...', he sighed.

He stood up and randomly roamed around the garden, Daryun was within him to protect him all this time, well, there was no need for that anyway.

The banquet was soon over and all the Kings and Queens who had come including barons, counts, dukes, and nobles, started to exit the hall.

Of course, a separate mansion was provided for all of them to rest, more like a hotel or restaurant or lodge where many facilities were available.

The hall was soon emptied. The only ones that were left were Elendo, Alex, Elina, Seria, Emilia, and the baron on whom Rex had his eyes, of course, since he didn't show any signs of hostility.

Well, many wanted to take a look at the garden and enjoy the cool breeze, because of which they entered the garden, but the moment they spotted Rex in the garden, they left almost immediately.

'Tsk, I don't want to see anyone at the moment...', and just when he thought that, he found Seria entering the garden.

Of course, she too exited the hall and it seemed like she had something to speak with him.

"Prince Rex...", while calling his name she appeared in front of him.

"Greetings, your highness...", Daryun bowed his head and greeted her.

"Greetings Sir Daryun.", she said with a smile.

Right after that, she looked towards Rex as if she expected him to greet her and of course he did.

"Greetings Your Highness, Queen Seria.", well, he threw some extra respect for her.

"Greetings Prince Rex.", she smiled while saying this.

Right after that, she said, "I want to talk with you  alone..."

"Is that possible?", rather than asking him, it was as if she wanted him to come with him without denying it.

He looked at Daryun and so did she, of course, he would have no choice other than to leave Rex's side for a while.

But he was asking to stick by his side by Alex and Elina, so it was tough for him to make a decision.

Rex looked at him hesitating and decided not to put too much pressure on him. 

He looked at Seria and said, "Well, he was asked by mom and dad to stay close to me..."

"I don't think he will leave..."

"Hmm, then let me create a barrier so that no one could hear or see what we will be about to do...", was what she said.

That was pretty easy, Rex expected her to order Daryun leave, but it seemed like she came up with an alternative.

"You won't have a problem with that will you?", Seria asked while looking at Daryun.

"Absolutely not...", he replied instantly.

Right after that, a blue light shined brightly and a barrier was formed all around Rex and Seria. 

Of course, the barrier wasn't transparent and was in blue but it was indeed soundproof.

'That's cool...', Rex thought after looking at the barrier.

'This is formed just with mana?'

'That's pretty nice...', he was expecting her to cover themselves with walls with the help of Earth Magic.

"So, what did you want to tell me, Your Highness?", Rex asked.

"Haha, drop the titles and don't be so formal...", was the first thing that she said.

"Uh...", that took him by surprise indeed, but oh well, it was acceptable.

"Alright, so tell me, why did you isolate me?"

"What did you want to talk about?", he was much more straightforward now and his voice seemed to be raised too.


"I wanted to know about you..."

'Who are you?"

"What are you?"

"What is your goal?"

"And what are you doing here?"

"Why are acting as if you were Eli's son...?"

"Why are you acting like Rex and where is the real Rex?"

When's he asked all these questions, Rex was rather surprised.

Although the questions were good, he thought that she might have imagined a bit too much.


He didn't say anything for a while and was planning to answer her question calmly after thinking about then when suddenly she ended up speaking again.

"You may deceive Eli and Sir Alex, but you won't be able to deceive me...", was what she said.

"Just who are you!?"


Well, it was up to Rex now to answer all the stupid questions. But oh well, he had to drive her suspicion away at the same time too.

"I am..."



To be continued...

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