Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 179 - Kisses Of Shadows


She heard it again and now was sure of what he was talking about.

There had been only one hero all this time so she couldn't have made any mistake on that.

She understood that perfectly when he said and then looked here and there while sweating profusely.

Well, the barrier that seemed opaque, actually allowed one to look outside from the inside, though the opposite wasn't possible.

Rex could see Elina and Emilia walking towards them due to which he said, "I guess you should put the barrier down..."

"Y-yes!", Seria saw it as a command and did as he asked.

Earlier, she was quite scared of him and that was probably because of the number of deaths that she could see.

Needless to say, now she was frightened even more after seeing his stats and learning that she had done him wrong.

The barrier was deactivated right away. Elina and Emilia then walked towards them with haste.

"There you are, mother..."

"Y-yes Emi?", she asked with surprise.


"Are you not well?", Emilia asked her and a similar concern was shown by Elina.

It was because both knew Seria quite well and by seeing her expression and the way she talked, even if it was for a second, they could tell immediately that something wasn't right.

"Ah, don't worry Emi, mom, she was just worried a bit...", Rex said.

"Eh?", both of them turned towards him when he said that, of course, with surprise.

"Worried? Worried about what?", Elina asked.

Seria thought that Rex was going to tell about the special jewel eyes which she had, well, Elina knew about that since she was her bestie, but Emilia and Daryun had no idea about that.

Also, one wouldn't like it if someone was going to announce your secret.

That was why she intervened and said, "I..."

"I was just inviting him to have dinner...", she completely changed the topic and said something which she never mentioned in the first place.

'Huh? She created a barrier just to discuss dinner and invitation?', Daryun questioned himself.

"Oh? You could have just told me..."

" I would have said that to him...", Elina smiled while saying this.

"Ah, Yes, haha...", Seria laughed with her.

'Sigh, I was going to say something similar but oh well...', Rex sighed.

"What happened Rex? Why did you Sigh?", Emilia asked.

'Now I literally have to give a reason even for sighing?', was what he wanted to ask but he didn't.

"Well, I..."

Seria got flustered when he sighed and when Emilia asked.

Instead of him, she answered, "It's because he agreed to dine with us..."

She smiled while saying that but in reality, it was she who agreed to that well, even before asking that is.


Rex didn't want the talk to get longer so he just nodded his head.

Right after that all of them left the garden and went to dine. Other royal members had gone to a different lodge-like mansion to take a rest.

That was because they had already eaten enough in the banquet while contrary to which the Estelias has nothing.

The same was for Elina and Rex. Though Alex did take a drink, he hadn't eaten anything else either.

After entering the banquet hall, which was practically empty, they reunited with Alex and Elendo right after which they went to a bigger mansion which was just behind the hall.

After entering the mansion, they all were given a separate room to which they went.

They all then washed and got dressed after which they head towards the dining table.

Emilia's uncle who had been talked about earlier had prepared the dining table and all the cuisines.

Of course, the first one to arrive was Alex since he had to talk with Elendo.

Both of them say down at the dining table and waited for others to arrive after which the cuisines and different dishes would be served.

They started talking to each other about the land and politics. They were discussing many more things about their own kingdoms and about the people too.

They talked if they were taking care of themselves or not and what not? They talked for so long that half an hour passed by right after which Elina and Seria walked down the stairs.



They were chatting with each other too. They had good dresses on them and had out a lot of makeup again despite the fact that they were going to have dinner and nothing else.

Maybe that was how noblewomen worked things for them.

They sat down too and chatted a bit more. Emilia's uncle joined them too with his wife of course.

They all then began chatting among themselves when suddenly the maids started serving food.

They didn't mind it and kept talking to each other.

After the food was served, they were about to start to eat when suddenly Emilia's uncle asked, "Where is Emilia?"


The moment they heard this, they kept the lifted spoons and forks down.

All of them turned their heads here and there only to find Emilia missing, the same was with Rex too.

Both of them were missing.

Elendo was about to ask the maids to get Rex and Emilia when suddenly Emilia's uncle stood up.

"Ah, I'll get Rex from the Room...", was what Emilia's Uncle, Rowan said.

No-one stopped him since he had already gotten up from the seat.

He then swiftly walked past the dining table and then climbed the stairs which were ten meters away from the table after walking with haste.

He first went to Emilia's Room which he had provided.

*knock knock*

"Baby Emi..."

"Are you there?", he called with a gentle voice.

If someone were to hear that, they would have to doubt if it was indeed a man that was calling out.

*knock knock*


He got no response for quite some time and kept on knocking on the door.

'That's weird...'

'Is she not inside?', he asked himself and pushed the door gently only to find it open pretty easily.


"She is not here?", he was shocked to see that there no one inside.

"Emi?", he then walked towards the washroom and knocked on the door which was in the same room.

But there was no response from there either, of course, when he took a look at the cupboard that was left open, a dress was missing which meant that she had already got changed.

"Where did she go?", he asked himself when suddenly a thought crossed his mind.

'Don't tell me...'

'She is in his room?', he referred to Rex when he said 'his'.

He then rushed out of the room with haste and dashed towards Rex's Room.

Well, he was the one who had given the room therefore he knew which Room belonged to whom.

In an instant, he arrived in front of Rex's Room and started to shout, well not that loudly but yes, it was loud.

"Prince Rex!"

"Open the door!"

He basically didn't show any respect that was probably because he completely believed those rumors!

"Rex!", while calling out he started to knocking with a greater force due to which the door opened.


"It's not locked either...?", he entered inside only to find no one.

Needless to say, Rex had also got changed, of course with the dress which was provided to him.

"Where...", he turned here and there and searched the entire room but didn't find him anywhere.

"He isn't here..."

"Nor was she in her room..."

"Where could they be?", when he asked this to himself, he suddenly visioned the rooftop of the mansion.

Indeed, there was a roof for the mansion where they could have been gone.

He ran with haste despite the fact that he wasn't young and was sweating profusely.


He could hardly talk when he finally arrived at the rooftop.

"Emi, are you here?", he did ask but his voice was so low that even he couldn't hear it, of course, that was because of his loud breathing sound too!

"Last four steps...", the staircase almost ended and there were only four steps to go.

Right after climbing them, he found a view in front of him which baffled him completely.

The moon was right in front of him, a half-moon which seemed quite large and just in front of him, two shadows were kissing each other!


To be continued...

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