Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 20 - Goodbye Julia...

Everyone had now returned to the Palace, situated in Runadei also called as Rhine, capital of Rhone... it was night right now.

Alex used magic on Rex to heal him of his tiredness and other cause and traces of magic that had made him unconscious! Elina was happy and sad at the same time having an expression of being relieved on seeing Rex and Julia again...Alex now takes Rex to his own room and makes him sleep comfortably on the bed!

Alex was cussing himself, "What kind of a father am I? I can't even protect my own children? If so, then how will I protect my citizens...?"

"Don't blame yourself dear...you did your best...", Elina was consoling him.

"Best is not enough Elina...I just don't want to do my best...I want to be a father that transcends the best...can't I even do that? Then what's the point of having the title of Warlord?", he kept on frowning.

"Dear...", she also lacked words now and all she could do was share his sadness.

"Ha...let's leave it like that...at least if Daryun was there, he could have protected...but because of my foolishness of thinking about expanding my territory, I had called him back, thinking Orchid Villa was the safest! Damn...", Alex decided to drop the topic since thinking about it was useless right now.

Elina said, "It's fine dear...we cannot always be perfect...anyways...let's leave it at that...it's already too late...let us continue this tomorrow!"

"You are right! Let's go to sleep!", after saying this Alex and Elina both fell asleep.

It was 4 am in the morning now, Rex was awake and was thinking something! Rex was pretty much sad too and was somewhat feeling guilty...

"Darn it! I...I am really useless, I couldn't do anything, I'm really...really useless, with my own power...I couldn't...couldn't even protect my own sister."

"I had to rely on KITE...What's more...I am emblemless...Damn....D A M N N N N N!!! I have adjusted somewhat to this life...I have been reincarnated and my wish has almost come true...but...I am nothing like what I had wished of...!!!"

"I have watched many anime and read a lot of manga...I had even written my own novel...but...in the end...I am useless!!! Utterly useless! Everyday I wished of becoming like 'Nie Li' or 'Saitama' but...I am not even close to them!! But...but...it's not correct too to depend solely on luck!"

"Now I am clearly able to understand....The world is created by God! And he has set some rules and regulations for each and everything of his creations... So if I were to get this cheat like power from him...then this would be as if I am special and other all living beings are thrash!! And this is not true!! However, one can get power from him, I think, if he or she or it has done the deeds which will be to his liking!"

"And that way that person can gain power!! I have always aspired to become someone like Nie Li and Saitama...but even they were not actually favored by heavens directly...they had to do some deeds, Nie Li gained a vast amount of knowledge due to which in his reincarnated life, he was able to grow stronger much quickly and protect his loved ones!!"

"Saitama too had to do 100 push ups and other different exercises until he turned bald to grow stronger...one of them became strong due to knowledge and the other based on pure training...but even so...something was common in both of them...they never bragged about their strengths and were honest and modest! Very well, to grow strong I have to work hard, and there is no shortcuts...", he continued to say all these things.

Not only these, but also other anime that he watched, he was comparing himself with all those MC's!

Rex was in a state where he had made up his mind to become the strongest no matter what, and the reason to become much powerful was so that he could protect his loved ones...And due to this...he made a decision that would really change his future forever...!

He brought a piece of paper and a pen, and wrote, -

'From Rex to mamma, papa and Juli... I am leaving now, sorry I am not sure where to go, but thanks for everything you have done for me...but I don't want to shame you and our ancestors for being a useless Prince...so...I'm leaving...But I promise I will be back, one I succeed and become strong enough to protect you all...Take care of yourselves and Julia...always remember I have loved you a lot so...until I return...you have to train yourself and become a lot stronger...I know that at the age of six, one has to join the Royal Magic Academy and later when slowly the student graduates they join the Magic University which is situated at the borders of 5 Kingdoms who have formed a alliance that any one after graduating from which ever Royal academy can enter here but through tests and any form of Kingdom will not have the rights to questions the test procedure until and unless it harms the student!'

He was crying while writing this but his hands didn't stop.

'Yes, I know that this University is supported by almost all the Kingdoms in our continent and I too wanted to go there...but I'm not sure if I can come back in time to enter this university...mamma, papa...I have written quite a lot now...bye and Julia...please be unbeatable...what I mean by this is you should be so strong that no one younger or at the same age should be able to defeat you...In fact no one other that papa, mama and me should be able to defeat you...I guess I have wrote too much...Goodbye..."'

And then Rex folds this piece of paper and keeps it under his pillow...He then visits Julia's room to see her the last time before leaving...

He puts his hand on Julia's head and says, "Goodbye Julia, I will miss you and I didn't wanted to leave you but this is necessary...Goodbye Julia..."

Julia, unknowingly, opens her eyes a bit...but she was still in deep sleep and was thinking that she was in a dream...and the only and last words that she heard from Rex was...




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