Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 205 - Predictions: 700 Gold Coins

She ran as fast as she could and jumped right into Rex's hands.

He then gently put her on the bench since she wanted to sit on it.

The money collector was still surprised and wanted to chase the girl out, but he kept his mouth shut in front of Rex.

Others smiled at the small smile that the girl made after sitting on the bench. It was as if all their worn-out bodies had been relaxed all of a sudden.

Yes, one of the reasons why many people visit to sit on the bench is because it was believed that the bench was a magical item that could help them relax and gain peace.

So what was happening right now? Yes, they were relaxing and getting refreshed. It was all thanks to the little girl who sat beside Rex and continuously smiled.

It was as if this was the best day for her.

But her smile soon vanished. It was as if she recalled some past memories because she soon just stared at the bench and slowly moved her hands all over it.

It was somewhat painful and heartbreaking to watch this and imagine what harsh things the girl might have gone through.

But even now, Rex didn't mutter even a single word, not until the girl stood up.

"I think this much is enough for me."

"You shouldn't waste your money, mister.", she said.

"No matter how rich you are, you will end up with nothing if you spend like that."

"Even if you have money equal to the sand in the bank of a river, it would all get over one day." – she said while staring at Rex and having a last feel of the bench.

She then started walking away from the bench with her little legs when Rex asked, "Do you want this bench?"

The girl stopped almost immediately after she heard Rex ask that.

'He said that he is extremely rich.'

'If I say that I want that, then he would end up buying.'

'I don't want to waste his money after he has been so nice to me.', she thought.

She fidgeted her head a bit and then turned back and said, "No. What will I do with a bench?"

"Instead, can you buy me a good dress, mister?", she asked.

When she had decided that she wouldn't spend any of his money, then why did she ask for a dress?

Well, the answer was clear. She knew how smart Rex was. She understood that Rex could guess everything about her choices beforehand based on what she wanted or not wanted.

That was why she tried to divert his mind by saying this.

By doing so, he would think that she really wouldn't want the bench and would rather enjoy or have something that could be of at least some use to her.

'Does she really think that I am such a fool?', Rex asked himself after hearing her.

He understood her scheme perfectly.

'Hmm, but yes, I cannot just take this bench from here.'

'Price wouldn't be the problem, but I need the King's permission first.'


Rex thought about this for a few seconds while sitting on the bench and then concluded that for now, he would go along with the girl and later get her the bench.

"Alright, let's go then.", Rex said.

Only 15 minutes were up but Rex got up.

"Here you go.", he tossed a ring that he summoned to the money collector.


Rex then said in a low voice, "This is a spatial ring."

"It has around 700 gold coins."

"You can take the amount required from that.", Rex said and waited for him to hand over the ring and the leftover money.

The man took out 660 gold coins since the girl sat for 11 minutes. He didn't count it and instead, just estimated.

The girl only sat for 9 minutes on the bench but the man was charging for 2 minutes extra. That would cost someone his entire life's fortune, but for Rex, that was nothing.

"Take another 40 gold coins for these 40 people standing here."

"Let them sit for as long as they want since they didn't think bad of the girl and stopped talking rubbish as soon as I said.", Rex said.

The man just nodded his head and took the rest 40 gold coins as well.

So, did Rex actually read the person's mind and calculate that he would go for 11 minutes and a total of 700 gold coins would be required?

The answer is yes. He was able to predict precisely. It was partially thanks to the Future Sight magic but the rest of the things was something that he deduced carefully.

After receiving the ring back, Rex walked towards the girl and then walked away from the place.

'Instead of seeing the palace, I think it would be better to treat her to some nice things.', Rex thought.

Right after that both of them left while others started to sit on the bench with turns one by one.

'Damn, what a nice person.'

'What a spendthrift!'

'How rich is he? Must have been born with a large golden spoon.'

These were the comments that most of them said. Rex could hear them clearly but he didn't mind their words.

In any case, after they exited the garden and were on their way to the palace which was just a few meters away from them, Rex called out to the girl.

"Little one, you said that you wanted to dress right?"

"Let's go and grab some first.", he said.



The girl was trying to find a reason to reject when suddenly she found a reasonable excuse.

"But mister, all the cloth shops are outside the premise. If we leave, then all the money that you spent till now will go to waste.", she said.

She thought that he would agree to visit the palace first and later when they would go out, she would just say that she had to go home and then quit.

"Haha, you are still talking about wasting money when I spent 700 gold coins in front of you?"

"Besides, didn't I tell you to ask whatever you want for today? I will buy everything that you ask.", he said.

The girl bit her lips gently causing them to bleed when she heard this.


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