Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 208 - Permission Via Telepathy

Rex felt those last words.

'So, she survived without any parents…'

'No wonder she is in such a poor condition.'

'Did you hear that you bastard king, don't you think you should reveal yourself and apologize to your daughter?', Rex turned a bit towards Dan while thinking this.

But Dan was shedding tears. He had truly loved the woman with whom he slept and without even realizing it, he had abandoned one of his daughters.

He was genuinely feeling sad because he had his vision focused on just one point.

But weirdly enough, his sadness soon turned into anger and he started emitting a lot of killing intent.

The horses that were pulling the wagon started to go crazy because of him and the same was true for the little girl and the driver who suddenly felt weird chills and nauseous.

'Sigh, control yourself.', Rex used telepathy to convey those words to Dan.

His eyes started t glow as a faint golden light started emitting which completely calmed Dan's killing intent.

In fact, Dan was too surprised when Rex used telepathy to talk to him.


'He knows that I am here?'

He slowly turned his head towards Rex and then asked himself, 'Just who is this person?'

'Not only is he filthy rich and kind, but also has a lot of power since he could see through my stealth.'

He kept staring at Rex as he thought all this.

While he was indeed shocked, he was wondering one thing – 'Can he really cure my daughter?'

But Rex had nothing to do with him other than the fact that he wanted to save the princess and help the little girl. Plus, he didn't want the name 'Chronos' to be tarnished.

"Alright, I promise, I will heal your sister.", he said.

The girl now smiled beautifully after hearing that because she started trusting Rex a lot.

Rex was baffled by her smile and wanted to pat her head when he realized that he didn't know her name!

"Uh, little girl, what is your name?", Rex asked.


"I don't have one, mister."

"I am a slave so I can't have a name.", she said.

"Slave? Whose slave?", Rex asked.

"A noble's, who bought me at the auction a year ago.", she said with a depressed tone.

'Alright, after healing her sister, my next task would be buying her freedom.'

''Don't worry, I will help you settle the matter with whoever that noble is and then give you a wonderful name.", Rex patted her head while he said that.

The wagon then soon arrived right in front of the outer gate of the new palace.

Rex and the little girl got out of the carriage and after giving the wagon driver, enough copper coins, he started walking towards the gate.

Unfortunately, he and the girl couldn't enter directly since many guards were standing there out of which, two of them stopped Rex and the girl.

"What work do you have here?", asked one of the guards.

He seemed a bit rude but by no means was he a bad person because a second earlier, Rex saw him smile.

It was as if he was just a strict person to the strangers or couldn't communicate with others properly.

"Ah, please inform Her Highness that I have come here to heal the princess.", Rex said calmly.


"And heal the princess?"

"Tsk, another money grabber has come.", said another person from the back.

"Stop it, don't judge them by the way they look.", the guard who had initially stopped Rex said.

"Please wait for a few minutes, I will immediately inform Her Highness and bring you her word.", after saying this, he went inside to tell Her Highness the Queen personally.

'What a good guard.'

'He is definitely different from those average ones.', Rex concluded.

He and the little girl were waiting until they were given permission to enter when suddenly, one of the guards started walking towards Rex.

Rex had no idea why he was doing that, but he was charging directly towards him.

Rex just moved to a side while leaving the little girl there due to which, the guard's clothes were slightly rubbed by the girl's hand.

And this was more than enough to cause a huge uproar.


He slapped the girl in her cheeks quite hardly.

"How dare a slave like you touch my precious clothes? Now they have become dirty, what should I do?", he said in a raised tone.

He was one of the leaders of the guards who was disliked by almost all the guards. The one who went inside the palace to inform the queen was the previous leader who was replaced by this person via many schemes.

In any case, he slapped the girl so hard that her cheeks got red and swollen almost immediately.

Tears left her eyes instantly however she didn't scream nor say anything else other than 'Sorry'.

"Sorry…", she got up almost immediately and dashed towards Rex and hid behind him.

She clenched her fists and grabbed Rex's robe tightly.

Her hands trembling and legs shaking, she held on to Rex in order to prevent herself from crying.

Nevertheless, the pain of her slap was felt by three people in total, the little girl, Rex, and Dan.

'Did I make such a bastard the leader of the guards?', Dan clenched his fists as he thought this.

He started liberating killing intent yet again.

Rex didn't interfere with what Dan was doing right now. Instead, he cast a light healing spell and pain-nullification spell on the girl which slowly lessened her pain.

Rex then grit his teeth and stared at the man who just slapped her.


"What are you looking like that for?"

"I will gouge your eyes out and feed them to the crows!", said the person.


"And here I thought I won't cause any troubles.", Rex sighed.

'Is it alright if I fu*k him up?', Rex asked Dan using telepathy.

'You have my complete approval.', Dan replied.


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