Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 211 - Growing Poison

The little girl was surprised to see Dan. For a moment she thought that some ghost was making sound but now after looking at Dan, she was sure, that he was some strong person who was hiding somewhere.

The Queen wasn't that surprised but was a bit shaken for sure.

Dan was super worried right now after hearing what Rex said. He was so baffled that he wanted to double-check if what he heard was true.

"Did you just say that she is poisoned?", he asked.

Rex nodded his head.

"But how can that be? She looks perfectly fine, no?", Dan asked.


"Of course, she would be fine, after all, the princess has been absorbing all your poisons since the day she was born.", Rex said.

"Since the day she was born?", the Queen asked with surprise.

"Yes.", Rex nodded his head.

"She might have started absorbing the poison unintentionally but it was so often that it became a habit of her body."

"While she had the talent of being immune to poison, by absorbing poisons for such a long time and rejecting them, her body has become a complete rejecting body."

"You should just be happy that her body isn't rejecting the air that she is breathing.", Rex said.

Both of them trembled when they heard this.

This was the first time they were told this, but this was more than enough to shock them.

The Queen especially, she couldn't bear to hear this after all a mother couldn't imagine hurting the child she loved the most.


"She is like this because of me?", the Queen asked in a low voice.

If Rex had said yes, then she would have constantly blamed herself and thus guilt might have affected her psychologically, thus, Rex, after thinking, changed his answer a bit.

"Actually your highness, I think it is the person's fault who put a Growing Poison inside you.", Rex said.


"Growing poison?", Dan asked.


"It is an ancient poison that grows with the person."

"Once put inside the body of a person, it can never be removed."

"The poison is so strong, that the infected person would die in a year.", Rex said.

"However, thanks to the princess, you are still alive, your highness.", Rex coughed as he said this.

Dan stared at his daughter and then at his wife.

He knew that he would have lost his wife if not for his daughter. But now, he was close to losing his daughter.

The Queen seemed somewhat fine right now, but she couldn't let go of the guilt since directly or indirectly she was also involved in the process of harming her child. She had dark circles just below her eyes which showed that she had been staying up all night while taking care of her.

"Then what should I do…?"



"Do you have a cure for them?", Dan asked.

He was sweating profusely after hearing all those things.

If his daughter were to die, he would become emotionally unstable. But after his wife dies in the next year, since their daughter won't be present to absorb the poison, he would barely be able to do any work. In fact, he might think of dying too to reunite with them.

Rex did not want such a tragedy to happen, but right now, he thought about making some profit off of them too.

He did come here to prevent Chronos' name from being tarnished, so he wanted to gain the artifact that the princess had.

"I-", he was about to mention his condition when suddenly, the little girl came forward.


"Please, I beg you."

"You said you could cure my sister, but now my mother is also ill."

"Please save her too.", the girl pleaded.

The little teardrops that covered her face and almost drenched her, made Rex pity her.

The Queen was surprised when the girl called her mom.


"She-", she pointed her finger at the little girl while staring at Dan.

Dan then explained what had happened right after which the Queen ran and hugged the little girl.

Yes, Dan had already revealed about having another wife after hearing that, the current Queen was happy since she would gain a companion.

Unfortunately, she died due to which, the Queen had to again live on her own with the King.

Her life was lonely as she was too tired and worried after taking care of her daughter.

Now, when she saw the pitiful child calling her mother, she couldn't control her emotions and rushed to hug her.

Rex smiled pitifully when he saw this.

He was about to tell them that he could cure when suddenly, the queen stopped hugging and pushed the little girl gently.

"Mother…?", the girl seemed shocked.

"No, please don't come near me…"

"My body is poisonous…"

"What if…?"

"What if you…?", the queen was mumbling those things in a low voice.

But even before she could complete saying, Rex raised his voice and said, "I can cure you both!"

All three of them paused and looked at him.

"Wait, what?", Dan was surprised and relieved to hear that.

He couldn't believe his ears and asked Rex to repeat himself for the second time within ten minutes.

It was as if Rex was a wild card who was giving him weird surprises back to back.

He then looked at them and said, "It will take no more than ten minutes for me to cure you."

"But for your daughter, it might take a little longer than a day, so you have nothing to worry…"


The Queen and Dan stared at each other.

Dan then immediately asked, "Then, can you cure them right now?"

"Yes, of course.", he smiled.

Dan then said, "Alright then, what are you waiting for?"

Rex then stared at him and with a little hesitation, looked towards the Queen and said, "Actually, it will be a little uncomfortable."

"What do you mean?", the Queen asked in a subtle voice.

"Actually, the poison has probably rooted deep in your heart from where it is growing and spreading throughout your body."

"I would have to press my hand tightly on your chest…"

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