Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 213 - Replacing Hearts

Rex actually needed the artifact for himself. After using the spell, he suddenly felt dizzy and knew that he had done something way too risky again.

Regardless, he didn't feel that good now.

No matter how strong and talented a person is, if he isn't in his best condition and is ill due to some reason, he cannot perform many tasks which would otherwise be easy in normal situations.

'Before I can start treating her, I need the artifact.'


'I should have learned my lesson the last time I used this…'

'Tsk, but in order to get those artifacts, I had to use them.'

'After all, if I have to go against the laws of nature, I would require the help of nature itself.'

*huff huff*

Rex kept on panting after seeing which, the Queen called a maid and asked her to escort Rex to a chamber.

"Please rest here."

"You seem too tired after using that magic.", she said.

"I have to properly thank you for curing me."


"You can do that after I treat your daughter, though, I really think I need some rest. Can you get me the artifact fast?", Rex asked.

"Yes.", right after agreeing, she left the room to inform Dan about Rex's condition.

While Dan was quite happy since his wife was saved, he was still worried about his daughter.

Well, he was happy for another reason – he had found another daughter about whose existence he had no idea about.

The Queen then explained everything to Dan, who after hearing it, called the butler and the head maid.

"Get me these types of artifacts.", he said.

"But your highness, I don't think there are a lot of such items in our kingdom.", the butler said.

He was right, their kingdom was quite small and despite having tons of money, they didn't have such markets from where they could buy such things.

Though, in every kingdom, there sure was one place where such things could have been sold – The Black Market.

Dan was hesitant to tell them to go to such a place, so he said, "Go and try."

"I don't care how much it costs or what means you use, I want such artifacts before the end of the day.", he said.

The butler and the head maid hesitantly accepted his orders and immediately rushed to find a place where it was sold.

'Sigh, once my daughter has recovered, I will definitely give them a raise.', Dan sighed as he sat on the chair with the little girl in her hand.

The Queen too sat on a chair a bit away from Dan, near the princess who was still in her sleep. Herf ace was still pale.

Rex also laid down on the bed while trying to let the mana in his body flow freely.

'Sigh, if only there was a magic to recover the life force.', Rex thought.

But at this stage, it was impossible. He didn't have enough knowledge to make something like that.


'Alright, let me rest a bit and try to recover some of my stamina…', Rex said to himself.

Due to the flow of mana inside his body, he started feeling better.

The crest of the fairy was healing him. For a moment, he felt relieved because of the crest since if he didn't have that, it would feel like hell.

Regardless, his stamina was being restored and all the fatigue that he suffered was vanishing slowly.

'If I remember, I have three crests…'

Rex then suddenly recalled something.

He had tried the crests on both of his hands but had never given any thought about the crest that was on his back.

Yes, it was quite larger and grand in design when compared to those on his hands. He knew about its uses since the Guardian of the emblems had mentioned it earlier, but he had never gotten any chance to use it.

'Can that help me in recovering?', Rex asked himself.


'Let me try to redirect the mana flow towards that crest.'

Right after deciding that, he redirected the flow of mana towards his third crest, but the moment he did that, he started feeling immense pain in his chest.


He coughed blood from his mouth as he tried to press his own chest.

'Damn, my heart…', in reality, his heart was paining.

'What is the meaning of this?'

He was confused. He thought that the crest would help him, but in contrast to that, it was causing him pain.

His eyes started to change right after that. Yes, especially his pupils, their colors and shape changed.

While they used to be round earlier, now they looked like that of a dragon. Yes, the crest on his back belonged to their guardian Red Dragon and due to activating its powers, his body was suffering some transformation.

Earlier, in the auction, he had bought a heart of a certain animal that was said to be alive and was quite large.

That heart belonged to the said Red Dragon. The crest was actually replacing Rex's heart with that of the Dragon's heart.

To be precise, the emblem was strengthening Rex's heart.

Since a dragon's heart contains a lot of vitality since as long as the heart is alive, a dragon lives forever, the amount of life force that Rex started to gain was immeasurable.

While he was feeling the immense pain, he was also feeling a weird surge of energy.



He was both, surprised as well as in pain. What could he do? Nothing.

Until the emblem completed its work, he couldn't do a single thing. But yes, he continued to hang on while clenching the bed sheets and the pillows that were on the bed.

After an hour or so, the pain finally subsided. The entire bed was drenched in sweat and the same was true with his clothes.

*huff huff*

He continued to pant even after the process was over.

He slowly raised his right hand and placed it on his chest only to feel weird but strong heartbeats.


'What just happened…?'

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