Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 217 - Series Of Weird Events

"Well, actually…", Rex tried to explain why he took the artifact, but the Queen wasn't even ready to hear what he wanted to say despite the fact that she was the one who asked him.

"I don't want to hear any excuses."

"If you really wanted to take that precious artifact, you should have asked us."

"Instead, why would you steal?", she asked.

Her voice kept growing louder and louder. Rex was getting pissed off because of this.

Here he wanted to help her but she just continued to blame him even without hearing him out.

"The artifact cost 100,000 gold coins. You must have heard about it from someone and came to take it away."

"How shameless can you be?", she asked.

'I cannot understand…'

'What's wrong with her? I mean why is she being this way just because of an artifact?', Rex's left eye twitched as his patience was running out.


"Mother, don't scold mister!", the little girl walked in between them and turned towards the Queen and said this.

"Daughter, you don't know what is mister did."

"He became greedy because of money and-", the Queen suddenly became gentle as she explained the little girl.

But even before she could complete, Dan intervened.


"Do you even know what you are talking about?", he asked.

"Of course I do, darling."


Before she could continue, Dan intervened again.

"Ha, why would someone who spends only on a little girl like her, who appeared to be a beggar earlier, be greedy?", he asked.

Right after that, he explained everything that had happened as Rex calmed down.

'At least, he understands…', he sighed and waited until Dan completely explained what had occurred prior to him coming here.

And as he finished saying everything, the Queen stared at Rex and then back at Dan. She then said, "It could have been just a show-off."

"He might have known that she is a princess and might have known that you were present there."

"It could have all been an act, don't you think so?", she asked.

"Hey, no you-", Dan was going to raise his voice when the Queen intervened this time.

"Think about it, didn't you feel something off?"

"Like, he calmly greeted you or something, or when you appeared here, he wasn't fazed even a bit…", she gave different reasons to justify herself.

'Ha, for some reason, this feels funny.'

'I will wait and see where this subject will escalate and how…'

'I might even learn one or two things from the Queen…', probably Rex wanted to learn ways to make up lies or connect various reasons into nothing!

Yes, while he was being blamed and suspected for something, he was literally thinking about learning that from the one who was blaming and suspecting him.

"Now that you mentioned it, he did know that I was there even before I revealed it…", Dan looked towards Rex with his eyes wide open.

'Ah, I take back what I said earlier…', Rex had a weird expression on his face.

"See, I told you right.", the Queen seemed excited probably because she was finally being believed.

"Then does that mean-", Dan was going to suspect Rex as well, but before he could proceed, Rex raised his voice.

"I've had enough of what you said.", Rex said.

The little girl was surprised the moment Rex raised his voice.

He then said, "Look here, this artifact that you call precious, is made from the blood of demons."

"Huh?", Dan and the Queen, Selia, were dumbfounded.

(Author note: Not sure if I named the Queen earlier, but yes, I will go with Selia.)

"From Demon's blood?", Dan asked with confusion.

"Yes. I'm not sure who sold you this, but I can tell this much, they had no intention of letting the princess live.", he said.

"And also, Your Highness, don't you think you were being too impulsive?"

"Not only did I help you get rid of the poison from your body, but also cured the princess, and even without giving me a chance to speak, you kept on babbling sh*t?", Rex couldn't control it anymore and said whatever came to his mind.

"Are you blind?"

"Can't you see the clothes I'm wearing?"

"What do you think? How much would have they cost?", Rex was literally pissed.

"Let me tell you, they cost 20,000 gold coins!"

"Yes, my mother bought the most expensive dress out there in our kingdom after I returned."

"You what she said?"

"Because I wasn't in the home for many years, she wasn't able to buy me anything. Now that I finally returned, she spent all the money that she stored specifically for me."

"Yes, all that money on different clothes."


"And you think, I, who is filthy rich, will be greedy enough to steal that artifact?"

*huff huff*

Rex was panting after saying all these things.

Yes, if he wanted, he could have punched the Queen, but considering seniority and various other things, he controlled himself and just ended with a big lecture.

Selia started to think about what he said and took it to the heart.


'Just what had happened to me…?', she too was confused.

Yes, she was a good person and would never act hastily, so her behaving this way today was way too weird.

The same with Dan, he never once raised his voice on his family. Today was the first time he raised his voice.

A series of weird events followed right after Rex started working on the artifact.

"Trust me, I never meant in that way-", Selia tried to give some excuses.


Rex stared at her with a weird expression yet again.

'Making excuses again…?', Rex was about to get pissed when suddenly, he heard someone's voice.

"She is speaking the truth, she doesn't behave this way."

"It is all that demon's fault."

A soft yet low voice of a female was heard.

Rex activated his divine eyes right after which he saw a small fairy flying right in front of him and bowing her head.

"Greetings to your highness."

"I am the fairy Eia, I am in charge of guarding this territory..", she said.

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