Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 222 - Seen Through

How does mana work? How many different sub-branch does an element have? How to make a contract with a familiar? – these were some other questions involved.

The person kept asking as Rex answered without flinching. A point for that was surely given, however, the fact that the teachers were displeased with him didn't change.

"Sir, why are we continuing this?"

"We should announce to him that he failed.", said one of the teachers who wore a ninja-like outfit.

His outfit was completely black which even covered half of his face including his nose.

Yes, only his eyes were visible with his black hairs.

Other than him, there seemed to be a swordsman sitting towards the right of a man who seemed much like the principal.

Yes, the principal was sitting right in the middle of the nine seats. He wore quite normal clothes – with grey to white color.

The swordsman wore a traditional Japanese outfit which they usually wore while playing the sports – Kendo.

There were many others present there but Rex didn't particularly glance at all of them.

Of course, his gazes were fixated on the fake principal.

He continued to ask and after thirty minutes, he said, "That's it."

"Those were all the questions."

After he said that, Rex just stood there awaiting him to give an answer if he passed or not.

However, the fake principal seemed to think about something.

He stood up and slowly walked towards Rex.

He then said, "Okay, this is the last thing…"

"Introduce yourself and tell about your talents.", he said.


'I would have naturally told my talents when he asked about introduction…', Rex thought.

"I am Rex Suoll."

"I will soon be 17."

"I want to learn more about magic and explore the vast land."


"Uh, I don't have that many talents.", he said while trying to be humble.

"To be precise, you have no talents at all. Why don't you say that clearly?", the ninja sitting behind the walls said this in a mocking manner.

Of course, the sound could only enter the barrier and couldn't leave due to which, Rex couldn't hear what they said. But that's didn't mean he couldn't understand what they meant.

Yes, he read their lips pretty quickly and understood what the ninja said.


However, he kept quiet and didn't make any fuss. Of course, one of the reasons why he kept his mouth shut was because he respected them.

Another reason was that he wanted to become a student and thus was in their mercy.

Regardless, right after hearing these things, the teachers had made their decision. But they had to let the fake person know about it and thus they didn't want to do it in front of Rex.

"You can wait for a minute outside."

"I will decide if you have passed or not.", the person said.

"Yes, thank you."

Without wasting any time, Rex walked out and stood right out of the office while awaiting the results.

At the same time, the maids that were practically wandering around, saw Rex exiting the office.

They could see that he was wearing great royal clothes so some of them hesitated a bit. However, the maid who was with the pink-haired princess, Melli, approached Rex.

"Greetings your highness.", she greeted him as he stood idle.

"Ah, yes. Greetings.", Rex looked at the maid and greeted her too.

The maid was surprised by his courteous behavior.

Usually, no royalty would even think about reacting to a mere maid. Yes, the princes and princesses were too arrogant to do that.

Because of that the maid was definitely baffled and astonished.

She raised her head and stared at Rex for a moment.

The remaining maids that hid themselves, kept watching what was going on.

They were surprised by Rex's behavior too and started murmuring amongst each other.

"What can I help you with?", Rex asked politely.

The maid with a smiling face, asked, "May I know your name?"

"Ah, I'm Rex Suoll.", he said.

The moment his name was mentioned, all the maids that had positive views regarding him, were surprised yet again.

And this time, it affected them negatively. That was because they had heard of his name multiple times.

"Wait, is he possibly that trash prince?"

"Yes, the prince without magic right?"

"The prince who couldn't even manifest his emblems?", the maids asked each other.

Rex had already felt their presence. Moreover, he had already heard what they were talking about.

He wasn't moved or anything when he heard them talk good things about him, but after mentioning his name, the way they talked, made Rex disgusted.

'What did I even expect?', Rex asked himself.

While the maids did snicker and talk about all the rumors that spread regarding him, Melli had other views.

She never thought about believing in rumors in the first place. But yes, she had to take those rumors to the heart to protect her princess.

However, after seeing Rex from her own eyes, she knew that those rumors held no value at all.

'So what if he doesn't have any power?'

'He isn't like those rude and arrogant princes.', she thought.

She smiled and said, "It's nice to know you prince."

'I know that you too despise me and are just faking it…'

'You can drop the act.' – Rex thought in his mind.

The maid then looked at his eyes and asked, "Will you be attending this Academy, your highness?"

'Why? Do you think the academy's prestige will degrade if they take in some filth like me?', Rex questioned in his mind.

He then smiled and replied, "Yes, that's right."

"Very well then, your highness. I will take my leave. Thank you for your precious time.", she said and left.

Right after leaving, Rex continued to stand there. Other maids were waiting to ask Melli various questions.

And as soon as they vanished from his sight, they started questioning Melli which of course, Rex could hear clearly.

"How did you bear it?"

"Yeah, tell us, how were you able to smile in front of him?"

"Perhaps, weren't you aware of his identity?", some of the maids pressured her in revealing this as they asked.

Melli stopped walking and then said, "Whether I am aware of his identity or not, it has nothing to do with you guys."

"Also, you guys shouldn't disrespect someone who has a higher status than us."

"And those rumors, I believe they are fake. You can think whatever you want.", after saying this much, she left.

Rex was surprised when he heard this. In fact, a small smile lit up his face.

'Looks like I misunderstood her…', he smiled with his eyes closed.

'Looks like there still are some people who haven't gone insane and are pure from their hearts.', he smirked and stood there for quite some time when he was called by Lady Violet.

He entered only to find the fake person standing in front of him again.

He thought that right now, the teachers would make their presence known, but oh well, none of them were present anymore.

The fake person said, "I am sorry to inform but you failed the test."

"Huh?", Rex genuinely seemed surprised when he was told about this.

"Yes. You failed the test miserably."

"Because of that, you won't be able to become a student at this Academy.", the fake person mentioned.


"I see…"

"Yes, if you want, you can try again next year. But I don't think there will be any change in you by then.", the person said.

"But why did I fail the test?", Rex asked.

"I am sorry, I can't mention you that."

"We usually take the same test many times so if we inform you about that, you might be able to pass on the next one.", he said.

Rex grits his teeth as he was told this.

He then turned back and started to walk out of the room.

He slowly opened the door and was about to exit when he turned around and said, "Well, I can't do anything about the result."

"But I don't want to be disrespectful either."

"Thank you for taking the test."

"And do give me my greetings to those seniors who were sitting back there.", right after saying this he left and closed the door.

The lady violet wanted to escort him back, outside, but Rex denied this and just got out on his own.

Though, after he mentioned that, the principal and the lady, both were in shock.

"Wait a second, what did he just say?", the person asked.

The lady stared at the person and recalled him saying to greet the seniors who sat behind him.

"Wait, had he seen through since the start?", the man asked in a low voice.


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