Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 224 - Brother Of A Stranger

Then she returned and sat beside him again.

She said, "Your eyes…"

"They were more than enough to tell me.", she said.

"My eyes?", Rex was surprised with her answer.


"My granddaughter also tried to kill herself many times."

"Your eyes were just like hers.", the old lady said.

"Your granddaughter?", Rex was astonished when he heard that.

"Yes. I think you are about her age.", she murmured.


Rex didn't know where the conversation was heading towards, but he knew one thing, the grandma was filled with kindness.

How could someone care about a stranger in such a manner?

Rex stared at the grandma and then said, "You can tell me."

He thought that by sharing the past of her daughter, she might feel at ease. Yes, at times, if the burden is shared, the people would feel much better.

The old lady looked at Rex and smiled. Then she said, "Come here, let me show you."

Rex was confused and intrigued about what she wanted to show.

Regardless, he followed her since he had started to trust her.

The lady walked upstairs quickly slowly and Rex walked behind her.

After a few seconds, both of them reached the first floor.

There was a room but it seemed quite dirty and somewhat messed up.

Yes, no one was present to clean, and perhaps because of that, it was left like that.

Rex looked around only to find a girl staring right at him from the bed.

"Huh?", Rex was surprised.

'Wow, I couldn't feel her presence…'

He was genuinely surprised. He turned his head towards the old lady who then said, "She is my granddaughter."

Rex thought that the story which the old lady was saying would be quite old. However, after looking at the girl, he understood that it was a kind of fresh story.

The girl, who was staring at Rex, no lowered her gazes and continued to look at the half-torn blanket with which half of her body was covered.

The grandma then said, "Yesterday was her fourth time trying to commit suicide."

She broke down in tears as soon as she mentioned that. Her voice could barely be heard.

Rex walked close to her and patted her back in order to comfort her.

He was feeling sad for the old lady. Also, he didn't know why the girl was trying to kill herself.

He wasn't told about anything else, at least, not until now.

The grandma then said, "Please, tell her not to do such things…"


"She is always looking for ways to die.", the grandma continued to cry.

"yes grandma, I will tell her."

"You please calm down…", Rex said in a low voice.

"Girl, you shouldn't try to kill yourself.", Rex said after looking at the girl.

The girl stared back at Rex. Dark circles under her eyes, silvery-white hairs, and deep blue eyes with a dull face, that was how the girl looked.

She murmured, "I will…"

"I will continue to try until I die.", she said in a somewhat rude tone.

She wasn't exactly rude but was stubborn for some reason.

"I can't handle it anymore…" while saying this, the old lady walked out of the room.


"Grandma!", Rex continued to call her as he walked towards her, but the grandma didn't turn back nor stop.

She probably went to a quiet spot to cry as she usually used to do – her kitchen.

Rex then turned back yet again and then raised his voice, "Don't you feel sorry for your grandma?"

"Can't you see how she is struggling?", Rex asked.

The girl sat quietly while grabbing the pair of torn blankets that covered half of her body.

For some reason, she seemed a bit annoyed and sad – a mixture of both expressions.

This burst forth in the form of anger as she shouted, "Why should I care about her?"

"I am suffering more than her!"

"It's my life, and it's my choice to do whatever I want with this body!"

"Who are you to butt in!?", she said.

And this definitely seemed rude.

The grandma's sadness and kindness had touched Rex's heart. On top of that, since he was just recently failed, he had some mixed emotions.

Due to this, he couldn't control himself and moved forward and slapped the girl.

This was the first time ever that Rex had raised his hands against a girl. From his past life till now, he had never thought about hitting girls.

Yes, he respected them a lot and knew that they could do any and many things that men could do, but that didn't mean that he would go and hit them. For some reason, it just didn't feel right.

However, all those past memories just shattered like pieces of glass as his right hand moved on its own to slap the girl.

Although he didn't hit her that hard, it was more than enough to feel a bit of pain.

The girl was in shock when she was slapped.

She then slowly raised her head as tears flowed out of her eyes.

She bit her lips in anger and sadness and said, "Nothing new, even some random stranger can slap me…"

When she murmured that, Rex suddenly realized what he had done.

He couldn't control his anger. When thinking about it, he clenched his right fist tightly.


"I'm sorry…"

Rex lowered his gazes. He didn't think he would react this way.

He looked at the girl who continuously shed tears.

He slowly moved his right hand forward again when the girl suddenly flinched.

She thought that he was going to slap her again but no, Rex just moved his right hand and wiped her tears.

He then hugged her and said, "It's alright."

"Whatever problem you have, you can tell me."

After slapping someone, if you hug them and tell this, what would be their reaction? Of course, they would be mad.

However, the girl wasn't mad. For some reason, she felt a weird warmth as Rex hugged her.

Although her chest did rub against Rex's, she didn't think about that right now.

Rex patted her head and then said, "Calm down."

The reason he suddenly became close to her was that he could see her hands trembling each time she mentioned death.

"I am all ears…", he said and sat beside her.

The girl soon calmed down and then looked at him. He was quite handsome, to begin with, and the moment he had entered the room, he stole her heart.

Yes, that was the reason why she was staring at him during the start. However, her face didn't seem to be red because of those dark circles and weakness.

She then told him why she was trying to kill herself.

She removed the blanket that covered the lower part of the body.

She wore pink underwear. Well, anyone would be shy enough to show themselves wearing only that and a girl on top of that, of course, they would never put themselves on display – at least not in this era.

However, the girl showed without hesitation. Because in front of the horror of her legs, the scene of undergarment was nothing!

Rex moved his gazes towards her legs only to find them completely ruined. Yes, he activated his golden eyes only to see many fractures and a lot of cracks all over her hip joints. Also, the areas near her tighs and her private parts seemed a bit messed up with a lot of bruises.



"How are you able to bear this pain?", Rex asked while grabbing her shoulders.

A few drops of tears flowed down her face as she said in a low voice, "I can't…"

"I can't endure this pain anymore…"

Her voice was shaky since she was crying, but it was definitely filled with pain.

A drop of tear flowed from Rex's eyes as well when he saw her cry.


'This is really bad.', Rex thought.

'I should quickly heal her…', he decided instantly but before he could proceed, the girl started to mention how it had happened and what else had happened.


"I was a good student at the Magic Academy…"

"I was admired by many."


"Everything was ruined…"

"Just because…"

"Just because I wasn't from a royal family, they…"

"They did this to me.", the girl said.

"What…?", Rex was hearing her side of view due to which he wasn't able to understand everything clearly.

Also, it was as if she was telling the summary of the incidents.

Rex asked, "Who…?"

"Who did this to you? And what exactly…?", he asked as he covered the lower half of her body with the blanket.

She hesitated a bit. Perhaps there was something that she didn't want to say, or perhaps couldn't say. Regardless, Rex knew the way she was feeling so he moved his hands and grabbed both of her trembling hands.

'Yes, instead of a stranger, she needs someone like a family…', after thinking this, Rex proceeded.

"I am your brother from this moment."

"Don't worry and tell me everything that is in your heart."

"I will take care of it.", he said.

And after hearing that, she broke into tears and started to narrate from the beginning for which, we need to go 3 months back.

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