Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 229 - The Room For Commoners And Beggars

The principal was definitely flustered. Rex noticed that. Though, he failed to know the reason why the principal was acting this way.

He brought Rex to the office right after which he handed various slips to him. All those pieces of paper had various information about the books, materials, management, and timetable.

These things were supposed to be provided by the Homeroom teacher and not by the principal or the vice-principal. But of course, in order to prevent the Dean from being angry, they had to do at least something!

Rex was confused by was happy as well since he passed.

The principal then led Rex towards the receptionist.

The receptionist greeted the principal who immediately asked her to give a room to Rex.

"Yes, Sir.", she took a look at all the numbers that were left empty.

But unfortunately, all the rooms were taken.

The dorms were quite big. In fact, a total of 500 rooms were built for males and about 500 more for females on the other side.

Since they were princes or princesses, they would usually be given separate rooms. As for maids and butlers, there were separate rooms as well. Though they would spend most of the time with their masters or mistresses, when they would be asleep, they had to go back to their dorms and sleep there.

Yes, since the security was the best, there was no chance of assassination since everyone's movements will be noted always by the barrier.

Regardless, that was how the system was. When the receptionist looked at the dorms for princes, every room was already taken since this year, most of the princes had attended the Academy.

"Sir…", the receptionist looked at the principal.

She then explained the situation after hearing that the principal was now further worried.

'We don't even have room to give him…'

'What do we do…?', he was thinking quite hard.

Rex heard that but stood quietly. He wanted a room, would he sleep outside as if he were camping? Of course no. It was his right to get a room so he, for now, let the principal get anxious because that way he would soon think of something.

He waited when suddenly, the receptionist said, "Sir, we can have him share-"

And just as she had said that the principal shook his head right away with a scary expression.

'You want a prince to live with the commoners and beggars?'

'I wouldn't mind that but he will surely. After all, how could he suddenly live in the room of someone who is of low birth.', the principal thought.

The receptionist thought something similar as well, 'If he is a prince, then there is no way that he would agree to share rooms with them.'

But what to do? There were only the rooms in Girl's dorms left. But he couldn't possibly be allowed to live there, after all, the safety of the princesses would be questioned.

Even if Rex were to be innocent, all the blame would be thrown on him if something wrong were to happen. They wouldn't be taking such risks.

In any case, Rex heard this so he ended up asking, "What is this about sharing…?"

The principal then explained it.

Actually, as it was mentioned earlier, there are basically three buildings for the males in total which all constitute dorms.

In one of the buildings, there were 500 rooms all for princes of different ages. Yes, they would be staying here for 3 years so there were segregations among seniors and juniors but all combined -> 500 rooms.

The second building was made for the people from noble families. Yes, a country could have tons of nobles so the rooms for them were in total -> 1500.

As for the last building, it was only for gifted and talented commoners or even beggars. Their numbers were the most because many were outstanding. The number of rooms was 2500 and this is all for males.

Yes, there was another separate, but small building for the butlers which wasn't exactly counted as a dorm but was accepted to be a part of it.

The same would be applied to the dorms of the females. Their numbers were similar as well, except the fact that the number of females that would get admitted was a little less as most families would think of their daughters as burdens and won't let them go and study.

Thus, the most vacancy could be found in the female dorms.

In any case, for the princes, they would get one room each. For the nobles, two per room while for the commoners, even five per room was less sometimes.

And right now, only the commoners had any rooms so the principal wasn't considering it.

After hearing about it Rex said casually, "What's the problem in sharing with them?"


After hearing this, the principal was surprised. He asked, "You-"

"You have no problem in staying with them?"

"Of course not. Why will I have a problem?", he repeated himself.

The principal's face lit up. Right after that, he said, "Good then."

He then right away asked the receptionist to provide a room. She took some random numbers from the pages and gave him the key and tag.

It was written – Room 4444.

After seeing that, he smirked.

'What a fancy number…', right after that he walked beside the principal.

He smirked as he stared at the key that had the tag. In any case, soon enough, they arrived at the specified room number.

The dorm was pretty neat, but the design and some things were much duller than other buildings – Rex observed all this. But he had no problems with this.

The principal then walked up the staircase and so did Rex finally after which, they arrived in front of the room which was on the fifth floor!

'4444' – that was the tag mentioned on the door.

After seeing that, Rex said, "Thank you, sir, for showing me the way."

"Ah, no-no. It was nothing.", the principal said.

"Alright, you will stay here from now. I will send the timetable and other things soon so rest for now.", the principal said.

Without any hesitation, Rex opened the door with the key. The door opened right after which a smell of disgust followed.


'What the hell?'

'What is this smell…?'

A foul smell was being emitted from the room. When he entered the room, he found various reasons for that.

Nothing was kept clean, in fact, one could confuse this to be a garbage dump.

But oh well, Rex was not one to complain about every stuff. But this was indeed unbearable.

He started cleaning everything as soon as he arrived. He didn't want to see even a speck of dust.

He had just started when suddenly, someone appeared behind him.

Rex turned back only to find Zor standing in front of him.


"What are you doing here!?", Rex was surprised.

He never thought that Zor would end up following him all the way or would come to meet him.


"I can't watch you being this way…", Zor said.

"Huh? What do you mean?", Rex asked.

"I tried to control myself, but after seeing this room, I couldn't stop myself from showing in front of you…", Zor said.


After listening to what he said, Rex guessed that Zor had been following him since the start.

"Zor, did you follow me all the way from Rhone?", Rex asked.

"Yes master.", he replied right away with honesty.


'What the heck is wrong with me?'

'Have my senses dulled? Why didn't I sense him?', Rex asked.

Yes, he could actually blame the barrier inside the Academy, but outside of the premises, when he was traveling, even then he couldn't sense.

So this definitely confused him right now.

Though, he thought about thinking about it later.

"Go back Zor, I am worried about Bandis…"

"He might end up revealing things that he shouldn't…", Rex said with a stern expression.

Well, what he hadn't imagined ended up happening. Even Bandis followed him and revealed himself when Rex mentioned him.


"Even you!?", Rex looked at him with a surprised gaze.

"Sorry master, but we had to look after you…", both of them said.


"Sigh, don't worry guys…"

"You both know me the best. I am not weak. What could possibly happen to me?", Rex asked.

"Master, it has already-", before Bandis could continue, Zor pinched Bandis' stomach all of a sudden.

He stopped Bandis from saying something.

"What were you saying again?", Rex was confused with what Bandis was going to say.

"Master…", Bandis looked towards Zor while saying this.

Rex noticed Zor shaking his head slightly.

'Is something wrong?'

'Why are they behaving like this?', and just as he had thought this, Zor ended up talking.

"Master, we wanted to clean these things for you."

And with this, Rex agreed and let them clean while asking them to leave after doing so.

They agreed with what he said and started clearing and cleaning all the mess in the room without actually touching the remaining things of his roommates that were supposedly out right now.


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