Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 23 - Science

Liu repeats himself,"The Suoll clan specialized in Science"

Rex was baffled by hearing this, he is quite shocked because in this world of magic, how could Science exist?

Liu: Oh! Don't worry if you don't know what science is! Even I don't know! But at that time they used so Magic called Science which gave them the power to use Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Lightning, Light, Dark and Void! Yes! They could use all the elements!!

Rex: Science...All of them...? Solar, Hydro, Electric, Wind, Gravitational field....now I am able to understand...{Thinking: Then if I am able to use the power of Science here, can I grow strong? Can I protect my family? Can I protect my Citizens? Can I protect....Juli?}

Liu continues without even caring about what Rex told," The Estilias were the only ones who were considered the allies of the Suolls...They always helped the Suolls after all their Kings were childhood friends! But the Medos who were excellent in using the Dark element were actually the enemies of the Suoll clan and they despised and seeked for a chance to defeat them...and they finally launched an attack without even annuncing on a full moon night when the Suoll Clan were at their weakest, and in the process of defending the citizens, the King dies...and a moment later the Medos were overjoyed and went to the castle to seek the throne...but they didn't the greatest danger coming...!! The Dragon A L A K A M A! They thought that it was the dragon A L A K A M A who had cursed them, but it was now protecting them...well they realized why it was doing so...the reason was A L A K A M A had promised to protect the country...in return of a resting place and it had indeed got a resting place even if for a little time, hence it wanted to save them fulfilling it's promise and this was what led to the downfall of Medos...And now Suoll Clan was in chaos and slowly became the weakest clan because they lost the Science Magic...But the Estelias never left the sides of Suoll Clan and continued to help them and then soon the Suoll clan could regain their might under the crown prince who had survived and that is the whole story...I am Liu Feng Sha...My true name is Leucas Estelia and I am the friend of the king who died in this story..."


Rex was now totally stunned, he was puzzled, confused and interested in this story...He asked,"If...If you are an Estelia then....how can you teach me Dark and Light Magic...??"

Liu: H a h a h a, you are quite sharp! Yes, I originally use Lightning attribute but after my death, my soul didn't dissipate and instead I gained the knowledge of using the Light and Dark magic!

Rex: Is that so? H m m m m....but there is a problem...

Liu: Problem? What problem?

Rex: Well...I don't have an emblem...

Liu: Oh, you don't have an emblem....that's it right? don't worry as long as you have your emble...W H A A A T D I D Y O U S A Y Y Y Y Y!!!!! Y O U D O N'T H A V E A N E M B L E M ....??

Rex: No....h a h a

Liu: How old are you? You should be at least 6 right?

Rex: I am 5 but...

Liu: Then you should have awakened it by now! Why...?

Rex: I underwent a test but...but there was no reaction....

Liu: No reaction.....

Rex: But...

Liu: But..? but what?

Rex: I had a dream...

Liu: Dream...?

Rex then explains everything about his dream and whatever he was told in his dream...about Teris and the L ranked emblems etc.

And after hearing this....Liu's eyes popped out! His mouth was left wide open and his hairs were standing upright like pointy nails...

Liu: What.....! You f o o o o o o o o l l l l l l l ....It was not just a d r e a m m m m!!

Rex: It was not?

Liu: Ya....Tell...tell me...what did you chose from ... those..... which one....

Rex: Oh! I chose...

"Ha? Why did he stop? Continue Rex! I wanna hear what you chose!!"- If this is what you all are thinking, then wait for next episode patiently and read that!! H a h a!


N E X T C H A P T E R: E M B L E M P O I S O N

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