Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 232 - The Blondie Bastard

"Look, this is the garden where all the princes and princesses sit and chat or pass their time.", he said.


"What do you mean by princes and princesses? Can't you go and enjoy the place as well?", Rex asked Biyou when he mentioned the garden.

"Unfortunately, no.", Biyou shook his head in denial.

Rex wanted to argue on that matter before which, someone butt in after hearing their convo.

"Look here, you peasants have no right to sit in this garden which is made specifically for us."

"You don't even have the right to breathe the same air as us. You shouldn't even be living in the same world as us. Do you get that? Now stop asking questions.", a weird and crooked boy with blonde hair walked towards Rex and Biyou when he said this.

Well, Rex was wearing a different cloth right now. Since he would be living with the commoners, he thought about changing his clothes since he didn't want them to feel bad after looking at the expensive clothes.

He changed before leaving the dorm and even before Biyou had arrived. So in the end, not Biyou nor did the crooked blondie ever think of Rex as a prince.

In any case, the blondie totally talked in a rude manner to Rex without realizing that he was of higher status.

Yes, the blonde guy was a noble. He too was denied access to the garden since he wasn't a prince. Of course, he was angry because of the denial and after seeing Rex and Biyou, he thought about letting his anger on them.

He was just choosing some random commoner, Rex and Biyou being there was mere coincidence. Of course, he purposefully eavesdropped on them despite the fact that Biyou wasn't even talking that loudly.

Rex perfectly understood the person's intentions. All he wanted to do was mock Rex and Biyou and wanted to humiliate them.

Also, he wanted to attract attention so that he could be the main character whereas they are some villains or side ones.

Regardless, Rex had no plans of going along with that.

He looked at Biyou and said, "Do you want to sit inside?"

Biyou was surprised by the question that Rex asked.

He thought that Rex would ask about going away from here or apologizing or at least would want to know who the badmouthing person was. But to his surprise, the question that he asked was totally unrelated.

Also, he failed to understand the impossible question.

"What do you mean?", he asked.

The blondie felt that he was being ignored and thus he made a bigger fuss.

"You lowly bastards!"

"How dare you ignore me!?", he raised his voice.

Biyou looked towards him when he raised his voice, but Rex didn't even give a thought about him.

He continued and said, "Exactly what I asked…"

"If you want, I can take you inside.", he said.

Biyou was confused. Well, he thought that Rex wasn't a prince so it was obvious that he thought of this thing as impossible.

Well, it was surely mentioned that only the prince and princesses could enter the garden, but it was nowhere mentioned that any friend of the prince or princesses can't enter.

Yes, if the guards were to prevent a prince's friend to enter, then it would be equal to disrespecting the prince and thus various consequences.

Thus, with this loophole, Rex thought about bringing Biyou inside the garden which was supposedly only for the royalty.

The blondie was infuriated by Rex's actions. He literally dashed forward to hit Rex.

'Tsk, too slow.'

'Should I dodge it?'


'Na, let me see what would happen if he successfully lands a blow on me.'

Rex wanted to see what the reactions of the people around him would be.

Of course, the blondie had already caught the attention of many princes and princesses including many other nobles in the act.

Rex just stood there as he was slapped by the blondie.


'Sigh, was it supposed to hurt?', Rex asked himself in his mind after the slap.

Neither did his cheeks turn red, nor was he affected in any certain way. He still had that calm appearance as if nothing had happened.

He continued, "Let's go Biyou, barking dogs don't bite."

Although he said that saying at a weird timing, it was more than enough to provoke the blondie bastard.

She showed him the wristwatch that he was wearing from which, a weird hologramic image appeared.

Rex paused to take a look at that. After all, it was something that caught his attention.

He wanted to know what that wristwatch shaped device like instrument was. Now that he was finally looking at it, he came to a much deeper understanding that the device was indeed similar to a watch but had many different things as well.

After seeing the hologram, he wasn't that surprised because there were tons of magic out there that could cause a 3D projection and holographic projections.

He stood there only to find a weird number in the hologram.

394 – that was the number mentioned.

"I am rank 394. Since you are of lower rank than me, you need to obey everything that I say!", he shouted.


"Ha!?", Rex was genuinely surprised after hearing that.

He never knew that there was such a rule. To begin with, he didn't even know a single rule of the Academy.

He looked at Biyou only to see him nodding his head.

He then asked him in a low voice, "Then does that mean a high ranking person can do whatever he wants to the low ranking person?"

Biyou nodded his head yet again.

This time, Rex asked quite a disturbing question – 'Then does that mean, a higher ranking person can even r*pe a lower-ranking person?'

Biyou paused for a second after which, he nodded his head.

The moment he nodded his head, tears broke out of his eyes.

Rex was utterly confused now, firstly because of the rule and secondly because of Biyou's tears.

He grit his teeth while thinking about the matter.

It was weird, way too weird.

Why would a high-ranking person get such a privilege? – this was the question that Rex had in his mind.

And why would such extreme things be allowed?

Rex had his mind full of things when he looked at the blonde-haired guy flashing his emblem.


After flashing his emblem, he said, "I command you, a lower rank, to bow and roll like a dog before me!"


For two minutes, there was utter silence. Yes, none of what he said came true. In fact, he himself was surprised that Rex stood the same way as he did two minutes ago.

"Am I really supposed to do that?", Rex asked.

All the nobles around him were completely surprised. They couldn't believe what just happened.

A common resisted the Oath of Order of a high-ranking noble.

This was bound to make a commotion in the entire Academy, but for now, everyone's confusion needed an answer.


"Why isn't it working?", the blondie bastard was confused.

He knew not what was happening.

To begin with, one wasn't allowed to use the crest during Academy hours unless they were the third year. The blondie in front of Rex was definitely the first year as it was specified on the badge that he was wearing – it was written 1 B which meant that he was from class 1B.

Nevertheless, he used his crest.

Well, the gadget around his wrist gave their ranking without the usage of the emblem, and thus because of that it was given to everyone to prevent the usage of the emblem.

The blondie turned the other way and looked at Biyou.

"You! Role before me! I command you!", the moment he did, Biyou started rolling in front of him.

His emblem was yellow-colored just like his hair. But more than that, it had a great design on it just like a horse or something similar.

Regardless, with the power of the Oath of Orders, he was able to control Biyou.

"I command you to roll as well!"

However, it had no effect on Rex.

"No way…"

"This is not possible…"

"Why isn't it working on you when it worked on that beggar…?"

"I activated my emblem perfectly, there should be no problem in the command as well…"

"This leaves with just one thing-"

And before he could say that, a princess walked out of the garden while saying, "It means, his rank is higher than yours, Dranis."


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