Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 236 - A Cup Of Tea And A Devil From Hell

It was all because of Ariel's help as mentioned. Rex would rarely get debts and when he does, he pays them properly.

Yes, he thought about helping Ariel at least once.

"I owe you one."

"Whenever you are in trouble, just call out my name, and I will be there to help you.", Rex said with a smile.

Ariel was surprised by what he said and laughed it off.

"Yes, I will surely call your name first when I need any help.", she said sarcastically.

Although she didn't believe him, she thought that it was nice of him to mention something like that.

Regardless, she seemed somewhat interested in him. It was not only because of his looks but also because of his wisdom and wise words.

His mere presence seemed different – only those of the top could recognize such aura and presence.

Yes, Riley, who was also a very good student, realized instantly by adding bits and pieces. As for Ariel, it was her intuition that led her to the conclusion that Rex was someone special.

She asked, "Would it be alright if I sat with you?"

Biyou was completely shocked when he heard this. If he hadn't been sitting, he would have definitely jumped at least ten times to see if what he heard was real.


'Wants to sit with Rex…?'

'Wait a second, perhaps…'

'She is in love too!', he thought and looked at her with weird eyes.

If not for her kind nature, Biyou would have already been thrown in a dump yard!

Regardless, she wasn't exactly asking to sit beside Rex. But instead, she was asking if she could sit on the bench right in front of them and have a talk or something similar.

Biyou looked at Rex and wanted him to accept when he said, "Princess, you sitting with someone as lowly as us would ruin your respect."

"Someday, when I reach your status, I will definitely come to have a tea made especially by you.", Rex said.

The moment Ariel heard that she blushed. Her face completely turned red.

Riley, who was eavesdropping while sipping her coffee, almost spat it out after hearing this.

Biyou, who was concluding and imagining things on his own, was happy because he wasn't mistaken this time. In his eyes, there could be seen two cartoon versions of hearts that were exploding and forming again.

He looked at Ariel who blushed hard.

'Of course, she won't accept.', Riley thought.

But when she looked at Ariel blushing, she almost spat her coffee again.

'For real!?'


She was now staring directly without hiding herself. She was too shocked to even think about not being obvious about eavesdropping.

So, why was Ariel blushing and why were two hearts banging each other in Biyou's eyes and why was Riley so surprised?

The answer was simple, in this world, asking a lady to make tea or coffee for a male is a form of proposing for marriage.

Yes, Rex basically did that and he really meant it.

Ariel was beautiful, who wouldn't get charmed?

But yes, he had his dignity as well and had many things to do. After those things were completed, he would come back and get her.

It wasn't love or anything, but a mere attraction.

Although Rex was an old man from the inside, his mind had already turned to that of a child.

Seeing his childhood friend's face on Ariel, he couldn't control himself either.

Regardless, he stood up, and while leaving, he asked just one question, "So, may I consider it as a yes?"

Ariel didn't say anything and just nodded her head while gripping the skirt she wore, tightly.

Rex smiled and walked out of the garden right after that.

Riley finally spits the coffee out. This time she was much more surprised.

She couldn't believe what just happened.

'DO princesses even have the choice of choosing their partners? Aren't they supposed to be assets for political arrangements?', Riley asked herself as she bit the nail of her right thumb.

"Uh, princess, you-"

The other princesses sitting with her were surprised as they saw her chew her nails. It was against manners so they were surprised to see the perfect Riley do that.

She was reminded that she was in public and almost immediately withdrew her hand.

"I have to get going, see you guys later.", she said and left hurriedly in order to chase princess Ariel who walked quickly as soon as Rex left the garden.

Ariel walked as fast as she could towards the female dorms.

But before she could enter the building, Riley caught up to her.

"Princess Ariel, I have something to discuss with you.", Riley said.

Ariel was surprised when Riley suddenly placed her hand on Ariel's shoulders.

She couldn't even sense Ariel approaching because her emotions were jumbled.

She got started as soon as Riley called out to her.

"Yes…?", Ariel asked after turning around only to find Riley.

"Um, if it is fine, can we talk in your room?", she asked.

Ariel had no problem at all so after agreeing both of them went to Ariel's room provided in the dorm.

Regardless, right now, Rex continued to walk with Biyou who was still surprised with everything that happened.

For some reason, being with Rex sounded fun.

He then looked at Rex who was walking forward and asked, "Hey, what is the trick?"

Rex was confused with the question. He asked in return, "What trick?"

"The trick of attracting girls…"

"Guess what, you might have not noticed but every time we passed by any girl, they kept staring at you even after walking about 100 steps away from us."

"Tell me, what trick are you using?", he asked.

Rex smirked and said, "I'm not using any trick."

"It's just that I have a very handsome face.", he said with a smirk as if he was trying to tease Biyou.


"I should have realized that you would say that.", Biyou became energyless all of a sudden after hearing that.

It was not as if he could do anything with the frickles on his body and a bent nose with which he was born.

He ended up saying this aloud, "Ya, being born ugly is really bad…"

Rex looked at Biyou and said, "It isn't about outer appearance…"

"You need to have inner beauty."

The moment Rex said that Biyou got a bit furious.

He said in a raised voice, "As if the girls could see the inner beauty."

"Say something practical man!", Biyou demanded.

And it was at this moment that Rex knew, he had been talking theories in front of a bull that understood nothing!

He continued to walk as if this didn't concern him.

"Anyway, where are we going next?", he changed his question.

Biyou started thinking when he realized that he hadn't shown Rex places outside the first gate.

He said, "Come, let's go to the city."

"There are many things that you will enjoy."

Rex wanted to roam anyway so he thought that this might be a good chance to explore the city. Also, while he was on it, he could end up visiting Alaia yet again and say that he was admitted to the Academy. He wanted to say the same to the grandma as well.

Regardless, both of them walked to exit the main entrance.

Biyou got out but Rex was stuck in. He wasn't allowed to exit the places.

"Uh, is there something wrong?", he asked the guards and the checkers on the place.

"Where is your Mana-Watch?", the checker asked.

"Mana-watch?", Rex was surprised with the name.

Although the name was different, he knew that they were talking about the wristwatch.

Biyou all of a sudden remembered that Rex wasn't issued one. He hadn't even gotten his rank since it was just his first day of the academy where he didn't even get to attend the class.

That was why something like this was common to happen.

Rex just replied by saying, "I'm sorry, I haven't received one yet."

He then explained his entire situation about getting admitted today. After hearing the story, the checkers and the guards laughed.

Rex was confused as to why they were laughing.

"I see…"

"So you are that trash prince.", they continued to laugh.

The moment they said this, Rex realized what they were trying to say.

Alex was powerful, no one would be able to handle his wrath if he were to attack, but all matters inside the academy had to be handled by the academy and no one else.

Thus, they were readily mocking thinking that Rex couldn't do anything.

Biyou, who didn't get the context, thought that Rex said something funny so he laughed as well.

"Very funny bro!", while saying this, he continued to laugh as well.

"Your friend? Looks like he came to know about you right now. Haha..", the checker continued to laugh not knowing that they were inviting the devil from Hell to emerge.

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