Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 26 - The Thirteen(13) Forgotten Masters

Rex: Who...who are you all?

Liu: We...? We are all masters who have been forgotten h a h a ....we are 'The 13 Forgotten Masters'!

Rex was too surprised, he wasn't sure of what was going on now! Everything was so questioning and unbelievable for him.....he was left stunned by hearing this all...

Liu asks,"Hey lad, you OK? H a h a ...they all will be training you...Welcome to the Hellish training...H e h e h e h e..."

Rex: Ya I'm fine ... H a h a h a thank you!(N o o o o o o o, why did I even agree to do this in the first place!)

Liu: H a h a, we will be starting your training from tomorrow, so if you have any relatives or someone you want to see for the last time, then it's better you meet them,or if you want to do something for the last time, do it fast, because you might even die...h e h e!

Rex replies,"Oh! Is that so...then...I just have one thing left to do, Please wait...I'll be back soon"

Liu: O K lad, but be sure to come back h a h a!

Rex takes his leave, he left all the magic crystals here and runs with his full might....

One of the 13 masters asks Liu,"Umm...was that really a good choice Grand Master Liu? I mean, You might have scared him, what if he runs away and doesn't comes back?" By hearing this Liu replies,"H a h a h a, do you think the lad will escape, of course not, and don't call me as Grand Master in front of the boy, do you understand everyone?"

Everyone replies,"Yes! We understand!"


Julia was crying and very sad..."W a a a a a....Why brother...? Why did you leave me...? If...if only I were awake....brother...."

Elina was comforting Julia,"Don't cry Juli...your brother has gone with a purpose...even if he is small, he knows what is right and what is not...so don't worry Juli..." Alex too comforts,"He told in the letter right Juli that he will become strong and return, then just have faith in your brother...and he gave you a task too right? You have to fulfill your task so that he will be happy when he returns..."

Julia now smiles a little and says,"Okies...then I will become strong too..."

Alex: H a h a h a that's the spirit...

Elina: Yes...I will teach you a lot of things and your dad will too...also we will arrange a Royal tutor too...

Julia: ...H e h e h e....{even though she smiled...she was still suffering from pain...because never a day had passed when she had not seen Rex...}


Rex arrives and seeks as to where his new teachers might be...

And suddenly Liu appears..."Oh! You are back? Good. Let's not waste any more time and let's start! First of all we all will give introduction about ourselves...!" Then suddenly all the master appear...

Rex: Waaa! O K...I will listen properly...

Liu: O K then, you start first...{points his finger towards one of the masters}

1"Hello boy, I'm called Mon, You can call me Master Mon and I will teach you Runes...and all the knowledge about it...h a h a ..I'm a rune master..."**

{Master Mon was a humble person, he had long hairs, and a slim face...and almost no muscles as if he had dedicated his entire life to runes...however he was a spirit now...!}

2"Hello kiddo, I'm Sim Kon, Call me Master Sim, I will be teaching you 'Duendo'"{ This man looked quite dashing and heavily built with a lot of muscles...so much that one could call him Muscle Man!}**

Rex: Duendo? What is that?

Sim: Oh! It's a defense art! If you master it, you will be able to defend yourself and whatever nearby you or whoever you want perfectly!

Rex: Wow nice! H e h e!

3"My turn, I'm called Zine, You can call me Master Zi, I will be teaching you 'Slepone'"{ A busty fairy, with perfect curves, mostly in her 20s but was sItll a ghost!}**

Rex: Slepone? Wha..

Liu: H a h a, well everyone has given their own specialities and tecniques a name, if you start asking now it will take forever h a h a, so you better ask them during class !

Rex: Oh! OK!

**"Awwww...I wanted to brag about my Slepone....anyway I'll tell you during class hours..."

4"Hey, I am Jho Rann, You can call me either Rann Sensei or Jho Sensei I won't mind, I will teach you how to make magic tools!"**

{A tall, Japanese like man}

5"Hi, I am Mike, I will teach you Assassination arts, call me whatever you want!" {An outstanding man, with great conscience}**

6"Yo, I am Wini, I will be teaching you everything about magic"{A lady, who appeared to be in her 30s}**

7"Hi young boy, I am Krish, I will be teaching you various combat styles h a h a, be happy..."{A lovely and cheerful man, appearing to be in his 30s}**

8**"Hi HUMAN, I am Lucifer, I will be teaching you demonic arts"{A DEMON KING!!!!!*No comments*}

9"H e h e young boy,I am Rona and I will be using you in my experiment...I mean I will be needing you in my experiments, you can learn a lot from that, the topic of my experiments are h e h e h e...Potions,POISONS,medicines and BLOOD!!"{A creepy old woman in her 60s or 70s}**

Rex: ....eeekkk?

Liu: Come on, don't scare him like that!

**"H e h e, OK Boss!"

10"I am Kanzo Hattori de-gozaru, I'll be teaching you Ninja styles de-gozaru"{OMG!!! A REAL NINJA!}**

11"Hello, nice to meet you, I am Elfa, an elf, I'll be instructing you in magic, emblems and manners and discipline"{A gorgeous elf in her 20s who loves discipline more than her life}**

12"H a h a boy, I am Luke and I'll be your literature tutor and will be teaching many subjects like History, Mathematics, English and many other ancient inscriptions!"{Resembled a perfect tutor!}**

13"H a h a, I am last, You can call me Master Liu or Master Feng, as I told you earlier, I will be teaching you Light and Dark magic, oh and the void magic...I have some inscriptions on it but you need to learn by yourself h a h a, I can only guide you!"**

Rex: Oh! Thank you so much but...can I get some time for myself?

Liu: Hmm....after our training and your self-learning too, you will have 2 hours h a h a...You can enjoy yourself at that time...

Rex: What did you say? H a h a 2 hours? Then when will I sleep...?

Liu: Oh! In sleep too you will be training h a h a...Ziine will take care of it...

Rex: H a h a h a.... h a h a ..h a h a...H A A A A!?

"And thus began the hellish training, and my life became a HELL "



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