Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 35 - The Frozen Heart

Two Hours passed by and Rex was still sleeping. The old man hadn't returned yet. The cool breeze wasn't allowing Rex to escape from his sleep which he had got after a long time.

1 more hour passed....

"Waaa.....", Rex got up from his sleep, stretching his body a little and then looked towards the right and the left.

"The old man hasn't returned yet?", was what he asked the moment he found no one near him.

Rex, in previous life while playing game, was Chronos and hence knew that it wasn't possible to kill the old man. The old man was very strong and to defeat him, it would require a beast that surpasses the S rank and at least Grade 10!

But he was surprised because the Old man hadn't returned yet! Hence he thought of searching for him. He also wanted to find the Chronos' Weapon which originally belonged to him!

Rex stood up and started to run in search of the Old man.

"Now where can I find him?"

Rex kept on running for 10 minutes and had already covered 10 km!

And then he stopped running all of a sudden.

"Huh? Something is wrong....", he suddenly felt that the air in the surrounding started to cool!

"Hooo.... this chillness... Damn, it's as if I am freezing!"

And then he suddenly heard something. In fact he heard someone calling out to him.

"Master.... Master... MASTER!!!!"

"Huh..? What? Where am...."

And even before Rex could say anything, the old man hugged him and started to cry!

"Waaaaaa. Master... I was worried, Waaaaaa..."

"What happened? Why are you....", even though Rex felt uncomfortable with the old man hugging him, he didn't push him away. He felt a warmth that made his heart waver. It was as if he missed this kind of hug and with this after a long time, he remembered Julia and his parents!

He said,"Tell me what happened...? Why are you crying like a child? Haha"

"Well master, I thought you will never wake up again! I was worried..."

"Worried? Why? I was just having a small nap here..."

Then the old man said, "Master, this tree, it is a cursed tree named as 'The Frozen Heart' and it is actually very dangerous to sleep under it! "

"Oh! I didn't know about that! But I have heard about such a tree... Never got to see it. It's good to see it for the first time."

"Master, I know that you like seeing new things but it was too dangerous and your heart and body could have been frozen if I had arrived even a bit later...."

"Ya.. it would have been bad... but why is this tree called the Frozen Heart?"

"Master it's a long story... are you sure you want to here it?"

"Hmm... I want to but first I need to get my weapon back!"

"Oh! You mean your daggers?", the old man asked out of curiousity.

"Yes, my daggers, are they here in this mountains?"

"Yes master they are here. Well you can just order the weapons to come to you! Why do you need to go to them? They are soul weapons after all and hence would recognise you soul..."

"......" Rex was speechless.

"I didn't think about that!!"

"Master... you are now a kid and hence I guess that's why you couldn't think. Don't wprry you will soon get used to it!"

"...." Rex was speechless yet again.

"Oof very well then. Lemme call out to them..."

Hey all. I hope you liked this Chapter. Do support me by commenting and wait for next update!


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