Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 4 - I Get To Choose My Own Emblem?? - Part 2

Rex was in deep sleep when suddenly he had a dream.

In his dream a beautiful lady, wearing a royal white dress with a curvy body and blue eyes having blonde hairs appeared. Rex was unable to understand what was happening.

Rex was confused because of the white space around him.

He asked, "Where am I? It's so weird. Am I seeing a dream?"

Then suddenly the lady appeared right in front of him.

The Lady immediately dragged her words and shouted saying, "Sooorrryyyy Masterrrrr!!!! I am so very sorry. Please forgive me for my late arrival master."

Rex, who was quite upset just a while ago, was suddenly shocked by this sudden appearance.

"Whaaaa...tttt !!! Who are you? and why are you calling me master?"

The Lady seemed apologetic and at the same time, she was kneeling.

"You are indeed my master and I am just your slave."

Rex was too surprised to even believe it.

"You are my what??? A slave?? Don't joke! Who are you really?"

The Lady immediately looked up and said, "Sorry for the late introductions master. I am the Guardian of Emblems and my name is Teris."

Rex heard her and said, "Oh so you are the Guardian of the Emblems...."


"Wait WHAAAAATTT!!!! You are the legendary Guardian of the Emblems!!!". Rex's eyes bulged and it felt as if they would pop out any instant. His mouth was also left open.

Teris replied with a smile, "Yes master."

"Calm down Rex. Think why she is here. She is calling me master. Then I should behave like one.", were the thoughts that were circulating inside his mind.

Teris stared at him innocently and asked, "Is something wrong master?"

Rex immediately replied, "Oh no, nothing. I was just thinking the reason for your apologies..."

Teris after hearing him said, "Oh! Yes master I was apologizing. It was because I arrived late."


"Yes. I am the overseer of Emblems. Emblems choose their masters by their own. But when you were taking the test none of the Emblems were ready to accept you as their owner."

Rex's mind wandered and thought, "Whaaaat!! Am I so useless that all the Emblems felt ashamed to choose me as their owner?"

Rex was confused because according to him, he had to be the protagonist! But oh well, right now he wasn't thinking much about it.

Teris then said, "The Emblems were thinking that they were unworthy to choose you as their owner."

Rex's eyes bulged to the maximum degree and any more would literally make them pop out.

"Whaaaattt!!! They felt unworthy??", his surprise didn't seem to end here.

Teris replied with a humble tone, "Yes master, your greatness cannot be compared. So because of this reason I had to search the strongest Emblem befitting you."

Rex couldn't seem to believe it so he asked, "So, did you find it?"

Teris lowered her head and averted her eyes a bit.

Then she said, "Yes master I found 3 of them but they were also feeling unworthy. Master I'll show them to you. Please you make the decision that which emblem you want to choose."

"Whhhaaatttt!!!???!!! I get to choose my own EMBLEM??", Rex started to feel that he was slowly getting even more OP.

"Yes, master you can choose your own emblem."

Rex thought for a bit and asked, "Then where are those 3 from which I have to choose?"

Teris extended her right hand and said, "Here they are master..."

'Master is the greatest of all. Master's powers and master's greatness cannot be compared to anything.', her heart was beating faster as she thought this.

"I have called upon 3 strongest Emblems that ever existed but I'm not sure what will happen.", she seemed nervous too as if her life depended on it.

'What if the master got angry on me for bringing only these Emblems.... and what if master never talks to me again and punishes me to get lost from his sight... What should I do? I hope that master doesn't get angry and instead be happy and praise me.?"

"Even if I am a Guardian, my powers can never even reach closer to master's! Please master be happy and don't punish me. I beg you!!", her thoughts seemed endless and continued to overflow and increase by each second.

Heya all! I hope you enjoyed reading this Chapter! I hope you will all be with me till the end!


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