Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 52 - Secondary Seal



"Damn, who the fuck is this guy? He said he can remove the seal in just one day? He might be boasting, but his power was real, even Bandis bowed to him?"

A guy in a black robe stood on top of a fig tree.

"I must inform master as soon as possible!"

After saying this the unknown person just vanished into the thin air.


"Please come this way Sire...", a young elf greeted Rex and asked him to come to the guest room which was just next to the Royal Meeting Room if the elves.

Rex followed to the Room and so did Bandis. Rex immediately went and sat in the bed and Bandis moved forward and knelt on the ground since they had a lot of topic to talk.

Bandis wanted to ask Chronos many things about the reincarnation and other things but he contained his curiousity since it was one of Rex's secrets and it isn't a duty of a slave to question his master.

"Hmm, so tell me Bandis, how have you been till now?"

Bandis's eyes were filled with tears. He wanted to hear those words from long ago and missed it so much that just by hearing it he felt a warmth inside his heart.

"I have been doing well Master, I have trained a lot and finally reached the godly Fire Demon level!"

Rex smiled a bit and said, "That's indeed nice but... still you lost to this certain someone right?"

Bandis has just spoken proudly but now suddenly his expression dulled. He couldn't deny the fact that even after reaching the strongest revolutionary phase, he lost to some unknown person and have been obeying him since then!!!

"I... I'm sorry Master... I am pathetic..."

Rex looked at him and smirked.

"Listen Bandis, I'm not blaming you because you lost, what I'm trying to tell is that you should learn from every defeat you face! Don't worry, I'll help you get stronger..."

Bandis was satisfied with whatever Rex said but he still had a small doubt.

"Master... how can I grow even stronger? Ain't I in my most powerful state?"

After hearing this Rex burst into laughter.

"Hahahahaha! Oh my... Hahahaha! Most powerful state? Hahahaha!"

Bandis couldn't understand the reason behind Rex's laughter and immediately asked, "Did I say something wrong Master?"

"Haha how to say, you are saying that you are in your most powerful state when you have just started practising it... Hahahaha! Let me tell you, you are at an initial phase... there are 5 more stages which are even more powerful than Godly Demon state!"

Bandis was completely shaken. He just heard one of the truth about the world which was hidden or lost for centuries. Everyone believed that Godly Demon Level was the strongest for fire beasts but right now Rex contradicted it!

However Bandis believed in Rex more than he believed others since he knew how his master was.

He would never lie to him in such a way and even if it was impossible, Rex would be able to complete it and emerge victories even in a dire and stagnant situation.

"Sigh, let's stop the further chit-chat and let me remove the seal from your body..."

Bandis immediately showed the seal to Rex.

"It really is amazing that there is a caster who could perform a secondary seal on you..."

Rex was quite intrigued by it since all he had seen was Quatrinary (4 Down Tier) or Tritary (3 Down Tier) seals till now and it was the first for him to see such an advanced Secindary Seal when he compared both his past and present.


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