Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 58 - Home - Part 1

All of them rejoiced and laughed. They thanked themselves but for some reason the princess was still flustered as she had just showed her whole body to a man.

This proved that she was even ready to sacrifice herself for the kingdom.

Rex went close to her and patted her head and said, "Don't worry much, I will take responsibility for it..."

For some reason she blushed hard and immediately ran into her own chambers.

"Huh? Did I say something bad?"

Other Elven elders looked at him and said, "Hiw dense can he be?"

Soon Rex wrote down the new alliance which could give mutual benefits to be shown on the outside however they were all his slaves in reality since the symbol was on everyone's back.

It was something called as eternal Crest that would be passed ok from generations to generation and cannot be broken at any means. However if the master dies and so does his soul then the Crest would disappear automatically.

Rex discussed some more confidential matters with the Elven elders and even provided them a lot of knowledge which was not known in this world.

He even showed the the proper way to manifest mana which allowed them to perform a wider range of magic.

Bandis too was being taught by Rex and so was Zormugand. All of them were training hard for sometime since the mana found in the Elven territories were extremely pure and weren't mixed with any toxic.

Rex himself also trained during the nights and thus kept on for some more days when finally the day came where Rex would bid farewell to the elves and return to RHONE to fulfill his promise.

"Okay then, it's time for me to return back to my home... so I'll meet you soon..."

But for some reason Efinia was sad and couldn't raise her head to bid him farewell. Rex thought she had her own reasons to do so and thus didn't pry much into it.

He just said, "We will meet again if we are destined..."

After saying this he started walking with Bandis beside him who had taken an appearance of a human which was now possible thanks to his extraordinary power which he gained after transcending the Godly Level.

Efinia was too sad seeing Rex leave. It was as if she was too attached to him since both of them shared a lot while talking about their kingdom and many other things. Other than that it seemed as if Efinia was in love with Rex which she herself was aware about.

She felt as if an important part of her body was going away and they would hardly meet again.

Her head was lowered and she grit her teeth.

'If only I had confessed him earlier...' was what she was thinking. It seemed that she wanted to convey her feelings to him but unfortunately never got a chance to do so. Even if they got a chance, she hesitated to say.

The King was looking at her and smirked a bit. He patted her head and said, "Do you want to hear something extraordinary? Your mood might become better I think..."

"I don't think anything can make me happy for now father..."

"Hmm... I wonder... the thing I want to say is about Master Rex..."

He said that which smirking and moving his hand over his beard.

"Eh!? About Master Rex!!? What is it...!!!?"

Her curiosity increased immediately and she was exited. She wanted to hear everything about Rex and now that she had a chance to do so, she immediately asked, "Tell me quick!!! What about him!?"

"Haha, I knew you would give such a reaction... looks like you are madly in love with him..."

She blushed a bit and then said, "Maybe..."

Then he immediately smiled and said, "When you attend the Royal Magic Academy, you will understand!"

"Eh!? Academy?"


"I don't want to attend that place anymore... all of them just look at us with disgusting eyes..."

The king smiled a bit and said, "Maybe this time it will be different!"

"Eh? What do you mean father? How can the humans stop bullying us? It's impossible..."

He laughed loudly and said, "Silly girl, Master Rex is also going to attend the academy!"




"I didn't hear father... can you tell again?"

"I said, Master Rex is also going to attend the ROYAL MAGIC AGADEMY!"


"Whaaattt!!!? Really!!?"

Her eyes sparkled and she immediately hugged him. Her joy knew no bounds and her eyes sparkled like the stars.

"Haha, it's true! He himself told me that..."

Efinia thought that she would never have another chance of meeting Rex but now after hearing this she knew that they would be meeting soon!

The Royal Magic Academy was for royalties and it did have a small branch that was opened up for other commoners and even slaves. But no matter who they were, they would be meeting each other at least once in a year during the grand festival or a great battle war that would occur to promote themselves.

The academy featured many students with extraordinary talents and thus it had many advanced teachers. That was the real reason why Rex wanted to attend there since Julia was also attending the same Academy.

Rex travelled a long distance and kept on helping many people without revealing his identity. This took him much more longer than expected to reach the Kingdom Of Rhone.

During his travel he met many people who had different natures. They had different views and ideas and many other different things. But the most common among them was that they hated other races a lot.

This was the racial discrimination which was a common belief in every human he met. However Rex wanted to change that common thinking. He wanted everyone to co-exist and learn from one another.

But the real problem was when he understood that the other races had a similar point of view. They too hated humans and would rather sacrifice themselves in battle than co-exist with them.

Rex was thinking all this when suddenly the man who was bringing them to Rhone in a cart said, "Sir, we have arrived at your destination."

Rex got down from the cart and so did Bandis and Zormugand too.

Both of them had acquired human appearance. Bandis looked like a handsome middle aged man who had red hairs that looked somewhat similar to Rex.

Zormugand has the appearance of a kid of age 10-12 years who had black hairs and purple eyes.

Both of them were restricted by Rex to cause any trouble since they already had given him enough troubles previously.

The border line was well maintained and the guards that stood there seemed to be disciplined but the one who checked and allowed others to enter was completely corrupted from the core.


It was Rex's turn to enter. He walked forward with Bandis and Zor.

"Identification letter please..."

Rex was wearing a brown robe which covered his entwine body. He put his hand inside the robe and flashed an identification letter that was given by the Elven King.

"Tsk, you are from Elven nation?", he said it out loud so that others would start to discriminate and hate him right away.

They would also not stop him from doing wrong against them.

"Is there a problem if I was from that place?"

The man suddenly got annoyed and said, "How dare a low life like you speak that way to me?"

All the rest of the people also supported him.

"Doesn't matter, it's the identification letter given by them about us 3, so let us go in..."

An identification letter given by elves were valid and it was to allow him without any taxes or other things. He was able to cross other places thanks to that but it was the corrupt officer who wanted something else out of Rex.

"Tsk, give me 100 gold coins for each of you and then you can pass..."

Others were just enjoying the show and kept on supporting the officer and his corruption.


"Oh fine..."

He handed out 300 gold coins right away to the man who was shocked when he saw the coins.

'He seems to be rich... I can leech more coins from him' is what he thought.

"Master, just let me kill this bastard in one punch..."

"Master, I'll burn him with my dragon breath! Just allow me once..."

Both of them used telepathy to communicate with Rex however he didn't want any big scene so he forbade them from being reckless.

He asked calmly, "Now we can go right?"

The man suddenly stopped him and said, "hey you! You have given only 300 gold coins!"

Rex said, "Ya, 100 gold coins each, that would make 300..."

The man intelligently said, "Oh my, maybe you heard it wrong, I said 1000 gold coins per person!"

He had a sinister look on his face.

Bandis and Zormugand were already pissed off because of this.

"But you said 100 initially..."

The man immediately decided and said, "I have witnessess!"


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