Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 60 - The Beggars Alley

They agreed to what Narsus said but at the same time Narsus contradicted himself and said, "However we need to keep an eye on them because this might be just a part of their act!"

Rex, Bandis and Zor were going to different shops to try different things. They bought many variety of items and spent a lot of gold.

Rex wasn't hesitating at all in spending the money when suddenly Bandis asked, "Master, May I ask a question?"

Rex nodded his head and said, "Ya sure..."

"Master, how many gold do you have? I mean just some estimate..."

Rex stared at Bandis and smirked.

"Why do you want to know Bandis? Hehe~"

"No master! Don't get me wrong. I was just worried that if we continue to buy things and spend money in this manner, we might run out of gold too soon..."

Rex looked at him and gave a gentle smile.

"Well, don't worry about it Bandis. I have infinite gold..."

Bandis didn't understand what Rex meant by the term infinite but he somehow guessed that he had a large amount of gold.

He stopped asking any further question and justices along with Rex where ever he went.

Rex suddenly posed a question to Bandis and Zor, "Tell me both of you... how does this city look to you?"

Both of them started to praise the city a lot. They talked about many things that were extraordinary and the things which they had never seen before. The only thing they were dissatisfied was about the corrupt person from before.

Rex smiled again and turned his gaze towards them.

He said, "I have only shown the good part of the city and that is why you are able to praise it... however this is just a superficial thing..."

"Superficial? What do you mean master?", Zor asked while munching the hot corns that they bought earlier.

Rex grinned and said, "What I mean is, the true face of the city is just ahead of this place~"

Rex started to walk immediately towards an alley which was between two buildings. Bandis and Zor followed him. They had hardly walked a few steps when they suddenly stumbled upon a scene which made their hearts pain.

"Oh my God... this is —"

Bandis couldn't describe the view which he was seeing. Neither could Zor say anything.

Bandis was so shocked that he just looked and gazed everywhere. Zor stopped munching and looked at everything with pitiful eyes.

"Master, how can this..."

Rex sighed and said, "I know what you want to say~ but I don't think so it could have been prevented."

Even Rex's Heart was paining just by standing there. The area was filling with rotten corpse smell along with heavy gloomy atmosphere.

There were many dead bodies that were just lying there which were left to rot in open. On top of that many people were standing there whose skin was literally touching their bones.

It was as if they have been starving since ages and have not even got proper water to drink. None among them was healthy or had a proper meal a day.

Rex and the remaining 2 started to walk through the place where everyone one of them were looking at them with hatred.

It was good that Rex, Bandis and Zor weren't wearing any wealthy clothes or even if they were wearing, it was covered with the robe.

If they had shown this, they might have become the target of their hatred and pain which they have been feeling until now.

"Master, why is it like this here?"

Rex couldn't answer to thie question or at least he didn't want to answer because he was thinking something intensely.

"Outside it was so lively, but here it is completely dead? Didn't you say that your father was a good ruler, Master?"

Bandis was asking many questions to Rex which he didn't want to answer but he also didn't want to Bandis to think or get any wrong information.

So he opened his mouth and started telling him about this.

"Listen Bandis, not everyone is lucky in their life and not everyone can earn good karma easily..."


"Such conditions were prevailing even before my father has ascended the thrown! However it was even more worse that time according to what I have read..."

Bandis and Zor continued to listen to Rex's explaination.

"After father ascended the thrown, these conditions have drastically decreased but still it prevails..."

Bandis and Zor nodded their head silently after listening to all this.

"So listen to me, I don't want this to happen with anyone else and that is why I have bright you both here..."

It was as if Rex wanted Bandis and Zor to see the real sufferings for themselves by which they wouldn't regard the lives to be just a joke. They would understand everything and treat life as valuables!

Rex immediately started to walk even faster towards the inner areas when suddenly a beggar bumped into him.

"Young lord, please give me some food... I am ready to do anything!!"

A young girl who appeared to be 16-17 years of age was kneeling in front of Rex and asking for help.

She was very desperate since her mother and sister were sick. She didn't have her father with her anymore since he had already passed away.

She somehow managed to survive till now by fighting against the fate but now she was utterly helpless so she decided to beg. Finally when she saw Rex and his gang coming the way, she thought about asking them too.

"Sigh, what do you want?", Rex asked her in a dominant tone.

The girl did get scared at first and then became nervous. Regardless of those feelings she wanted at least some help from the strangers. At the same time she didn't want herself to get killed.

Rex on the other hand just ignored her and walked passed her as if nothing had happened. This shocked Bandis and Zor.

"M-master?", Bandis slowly called out to which Rex didn't reply for a while.

"Young lord please!!"

Rex turned back for a moment and then smiled a bit. After that he continued to move forward.

"Eh? Did he just... smile?"

The same question was raised in Badis and Zor's Head But they didn't think about asking. They completely believed that he wouldn't abandoned just anyone like that.

There must be a special meaning to what he was doing.

Rex kept on walking and finally reached the centre of the area. He stood their and looked at everything that was within his sight. He took a look at all the people standing there and immediately made an announcement.

"Listen everyone! I am come from a far away place to propose you all a DEAL!"

Some were listening while some didn't. Some didn't even know what 'DEAL' meant since they weren't educated at all.

And that was why Rex started to explain it from the very basic. Then soon a bit more people started to gather including the girl from earlier.

"So, if you all are ready to work for me, I will give you all 3 times meal a day and even wages on every week for your work!"

All of them were suddenly shocked when they heard about this. They immediately thought about joining him and answering it with an 'YES' but they couldn't possibly trust him.

There was no trust among themselves to begin with and that was why they couldn't trust an outsider no matter what deal he or she proposed.

But it was a deal which couldn't have been left. If it would have been true then they could get out if this misery right away. But none of them cane forward to accept the deal.

Narsus and the remaining people who were following them all the way too thought the same but then suddenly the young girl from before comes forward and says, "I'm ready to accept he deal, may I know is the work Young lord."

Rex grinned immediately and said, "Just believe in me, your work will be good. However I'm afraid I can't disclose it yet. But I can guarantee that you will be safe unless any accident occurs."

The girl lowered her gazes and thought for a bit. Then she immediately replied, "I am willing to join you YOUNG LORD!"

Soon after she said that, one by one many other people started to agree. Though the numbers were less, it was a good start which Rex had already expected.

He immediately asked the one who were willling to join to immediately come down towards them. They obeyed and rushed towards Rex who immediately gave each of them a slice of bread to eat and some warm milk to drink.

"Here~", he personally gave it to the girl while the rest of them were being distributed by Bandis and Zor.

The moment others saw food, they too started to run towards them to join however due to coming late they were given only half a slice of the bread and half the bottle of milk.


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