Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 69 - Memories - Part 1

He couldn't complete what he wanted to say when suddenly the host shouted, "She has been bought by that man who placed the highest bid of 1 trillion platinum coins! Don't break another rule or else the auction hall will become your enemy!"

"O-one trillion platinum coins...?", Zino's jaw dropped as he said that.

Emilia too was shocked while saying, "one trillion platinum coins?"


"T-that is not possible! He can't possibly have that many coins!!!"

The host and others also thought the same. It was impractical for someone to have so many coins and that too without any bags.

For a second the host who hadn't suspected Rex till now, started to doubt him since he didn't carry any bag nor did he have anyone who was holding any money.

Rex heard them gossiping but didn't give any much attention since he knew about the money he had and it was basically thanks to the cheat of infinity that he had got when he arrived on this land.

He immediately head to the counter and asked them the things that they had auctioned.

"Um, but you need to pay first..."

Rex immeditely handed a ring which he summoned from his storage space. It was no ordinary ring. It's purpose was to store many things and was called Storage ring.

Even a single storage ring was too costly and was basically rare too. Only a selected amount of people had such rings which marked that they were wealthy and worthy enough to buy whatever they wanted.

"Uhh... I'm sorry sir but we don't trade items..."

Rex was confused at her words and asked immediately, "Trade? When did I want to trade?"

Bandis and Zor were waiting outside after booking a vehicle as per Rex's orders. They too weren't present to explain what she exactly meant.

Rex was smart enough to understand but he didn't know the thinking of other people. Since there were so many people all with different thinkings and thought process, it was quite troublesome to be able to predict what one wanted to say.

The lady from the counter immediately said, "You are giving me this ring in order to get the items you have budded for right?"

The lady herself was not sure and that was why she even confused Rex a bit. But upon hearing what she had to say Rex smiled a bit and said, "You got it wrong. This is not for trade. It's actually a storage ring."

The lady looked at the ring and replied again, "Even if it is storage ring which is valuable, we can't possibly trade with that."

She seemed quite stubborn even in understand so rex had to explain properly.

"What I am trying to say is the money is kept inside the ring. Withdraw them and return the ring so that u can take what I bid just earlier..."

She finally seemed to understand what he wanted to say.

"Oh!!! I'm sorry, I misunderstood..."

"It's fine. Don't worry about it.", Rex smiled at her and waited for her to withdraw or transfer completely the money that was inside the ring.

Immediately after she did and confirmed the money, she asked some people to guide Rex to the place where his things were kept.

"Esteemed Sir, this way please..."

Two young ladies came forward and started guiding Rex towards the place. He walked for quite sometime and finally reached the sector where all the goods were kept.

"Sir, your token number please..."

He showed his token which was '111' and then immediately both of them guided him to the locker which was actually a small cabin like chamber where the girl as well as the heart was placed.


"I'm not sure if anyone can feel this but the heart is still beating as if the dragon is living till now..."

The heart beat was surely felt by all but they thought that it might have been their imagination. It was only Rex, Bandis and Zor, who knew that the heart was still perfectly fine.

Also as Rex approached the heart it's beating was increasing slowly and significantly. Due to that he had to subdue it almost immediately. It seemed as if the crest on his back was craving for the heart.

Rex didn't understand the real reason so he thought to find about it later.

He immediately used the storage space of his mind to store the heart instantly inside it. Then he looked towards the girl who was standing there while lowering her head.

She was shackled and it was probably hurting her. He immediately asked the guides to unlock the shackles from her body.

"A-are you sure? She is a demi-human who might be hiding her fangs and pretending to be vulnerable..."

Both of them were worried since they knew that the beast kin or the demi-humans couldn't be trusted but that was not the issue. Their hearts and minds were already filled with the hatred which was passed down to them by the church.

Rex was aware of that so he didn't say anything much. He just nodded his head to release her immediately.

"W-what is he doing? Is he going to unlock the shackles!? What kind of trick is this?", the demi-human thought that all of this was a facade.

She could never ever believe any human blindly due the thing that happened to her and her nation and that was why she kept an innocent look on her face but was scheming inside.

She had already thought that no matter who it is, she would definitely kill him or her and then flee away. She had no intention of being restricted or becoming a slave after all she too was a princess of a kingdom which no one other than Emilia and Rex knew presently.

Rex knew it all along that she was a princess, the moment he laid his eyes on her he immeditely cane to know about it after looking at the texts that were flying above her.

"It indeed is weird that so many people tried to kill her...", is what he mumbled which she heard keenly.

She had extremely sharp senses for hearing and that was probably why she knew understood and heard all the discussions that was happening even outside.

"D-does this man know my identity?", she tried very hard to not reveal her identity to anyone. The reason was simple as if the humans were to become aware that she is the princess of the demi-human nation which is situated in the north, they would have used her to their advantage.

She obviously didn't want that.


The shakled were unlocked and they fell on the ground while leaving a crack on it.

"Wow, they sure were heavy..."

He immeditely looked at the ground which cracked just by the small fall of the shackles.

"Come with me...", Rex immeditely said that to her and started walking again with his back faced towards her.

"Does he really trust me so much?", Leaving your dear unguarded and allowing someone else to follow was a sign that marked trust.

That was what believed in their nation.

"N-no! I can't fall for this trick...", she tried to restrict herself from believing him and just followed him as he walked.

Soon they were out of the building.

"Now where is the cart...", when Rex was looking here and there to find the wagon which Bandis and Zor has gone to prepare, he meets Emilia who comes towards him and greets him.

"I thank you for purchasing her... you saved her from Zino..."

Zino's voice was still being heard from the hall. It seemed as if he was displeased by something.

The slave who was with Rex right now, standing behind him looked at Emilia. Emilia also gazed at her and nodded her head as if she was trying to tell that everything was alright now.

"Ah, no need to thank Emi, I didn't do anything great..."


Suddenly there was silence. Emilia's eyes bulged and she stared at Rex as if her stare would pierce him.

"How... how did you..."

Just as she was going to ask something, Bandis and Zor arrived with a wagon near them.

"Master, it's ready. We can depart right away."

Emilia inistially wanted to buy the slave only to save her since it seemed as if they were old friends but when Rex bought her, for some reason she felt reassured.

Rex immeditely nodded his head and asked the Demi-human to get on the carriage which she obeyed since there was a slave Crest on her chest.

She couldn't disobey him since that would kill her instantly.

Rex then followed her and got on the carriage and bid Emilia farewell as soon as he could and they departed right away.

"Wait... don't go..."

Emilia was left alone with her butler while she was trying to ask a question to Rex.

"Who are you? Why did you call me... Emi?"



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