Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 90 - The Flying Killer

"It can't be right... the demon God's will can't possibly take over Master...", Teris seemed to be panicked when she thought about it.

"It is impossible...", she thought that Rex was invincible and nothing could be compared to him and that was the main reason why she wasn't able to believe this.

Also this was just a opinion of her, she wasn't really sure if the demon God's Will really existed even after so long and that too without a host.

Kite somehow managed to calm her down but it seemed like he too was confused a bit.

All he did was think in his head about his master because after seeing him in this state, he couldn't possibly leave him alone.

He decided to follow him but right now Rex had already gone too far away and there was Teris too who was mentally unstable because of Rex so he had to first take care of Teris and only after that could he go behind Rex.

"Miss Teris... calm down, let's just have faith in him. He will definitely be alright.", Kite seemed to be consoling her and telling exactly the same thing which she had been thinking.

"Yes...", Teris calmed down a bit and just stood there whole watching the place and waiting for Rex to return.


"Kekeke, we are ready to blow this place apart too...", said one of the angels with a crooked smile while tilting his head towards his right.

The other angels who were present there started to laugh.

"Kekeke Kekekeke, we will be able to hear their cries again! We have to kill them and offer their souls to his majesty... Kekeke.", other angels were saying the same thing.

All of them had a pair of black wings and sharp pointy teeth as if they were some carnivore.

They didn't seem much like an angel. Other than the wings part, everything else was similar to that of a devil so one would easily say that they were the hybrids between a devil and an angel.

They were actually riding on an entire island that was essentially floating in the sky. There were many weapons kept there but the most advanced and strongest weapon that was capable of destroying an entire city had the structure similar to a dragon.

It was without a doubt similar to a cannon, but the fire power was definitely 100x times that of a normal cannon.

"Ke ke ke, are you ready to fire it?", said one of the fallen angels who seemed like the leader of the island.

"Yes...", all of them had sinister look on their face and were about to fire.

They set the aim and locked the targets as to where they wanted to attack to fall so that there will be maximum destruction when suddenly Rex appeared in front of them.

"General! There seems to be something between the cannon and the target..."

Rex was flying exactly at the direction where they were aiming.

"Huh? Something...?", the glass crystals that they were using acted as advanced binoculars due to which they could see perfectly.

The general used that only to find Rex flying with his head lowered while not looking towards the island. It seemed as if Rex was looking at the people who were just below him.

They weren't aiming the academy right now, instead the aim was the city of Norak, one of the greatest city of the nation Van which had the strongest military strength in it.

"A... human?", the general of the fallen angels asked that with a surprised tone.

"How is a human able to fly at this height?", he was completely shocked but for some time he thought that humans too might have developed some artifact that might have helped them to fly.

"What do we do general?", asked one of the fallen angel who was in charge of firing.

"Tsk, doesn't matter, blow him away too. Kekeke I just want to see the blood and fear in his face!", said the general.

Obeying him, the cannon was set and immediately fired.


A sudden ray of light which had a lot of energy in it went at a lightning speed towards Rex who was not even looking towards it.

He was just staring at the people who seemed happy and were enjoying their day in the kingdom of Van.

It reminded him of the citizens of his kingdom and also reminded him of the view where all of them were killed.

He became serious all of a sudden and then extended his left arm towards the direction from where the cannon was fired.


There was direct clash and the attack hit Rex. There was a lot of smoke covering the area due to which nothing was clearly visible.

"Ke ke ke, there, now the human is dead. Prepare to fire another shot and take down the city!", the general ordered that and said quite arrogantly.

The fallen angel who was in charge of the cannon immediately prepared for another shot and set his aim when suddenly the smoke was cleared and Rex was still in the same location.

He hadn't even bulged even an inch even after taking the attack head on.

The fallen angel who looked at him was completely stunned since the attack was more than enough to take down a city completely and Rex even after taking it head on was completely fine.

"G-general!!!", he shouted at the top of his voice.

"What happened? Ke ke ke, why are you sweating?", he walked towards him while encouraging him.

He pointed out his finger and said to the general, "He... he is alive and perfectly fine..."

He wasn't able to stop sweating which increaed rapidly as time passed.

His heart beat had also increased. The general thought that he was just spouting non sense but when he himself used to binoculars to see Rex, he was baffled too.

"No way...", he didn't have any words to say because this was completely impossible to happen.

"H-how? How is he still flying?", he asked this while being completely shocked.

He then used his binoculars to look at Rex clearly when suddenly Rex stared back at him with an evil look.

"No!!!", his breathing increased suddenly and he dropped the binoculars which fell and broke.

"He... he isn't a human...", he kept on saying this while cowering in fear.

It felt as if Rex was a predator who was on a mission to hunt the fallen angels who were his prey.

He had already decided to give them the worst possible death and show them no mercy.

He suddenly vanished from the place where he was initially flying and appeared in front of them.

The island that was floating seemed like a huge flying ship. It had the designs the same as any normal sailing ship of the seas but at the same time it was flying.

But Rex wasn't interested in that, all he wanted was to see despair in the eyes of the fallen angels.

"W-who are you!!!?", the General said this while he was trembling. The other angels were also surprised when they saw him appear out of nowhere.

"Me...? That doesn't matter... you won't even be alive to know who I really am.", just after he said that the pressure increased suddenly.

All the fallen angels could feel this and started to beg for mercy.

"Ahhh!! Who the heck is cause ruckus!?", suddenly another fallen angel came out of the small hut like cabin that was built.

It seemed as if there were true generals and out of them the one that just cake was the strongest one.

The general could feel that his energy was large and if both had fought, the shock wave that would be caused might have destroyed the kingdom of Van too and that was why he came forward since he had no problem with that.

"You look like an interesting guy... but I don't understand how a human like you has demonic energy.", the giant said this.

He was holding a huge sword in his right hand and was slowly tapping it against his own shoulders.

"...", Rex didn't reply to what he asked.

"Hmm... perhaps you are a demi-human?", the fallen angel asked but Rex didn't reply to this either.

He was simply uninterested to answer anything such as that.

"Tsk, that's no fun, you need to at least say something...", the General seemed to be taunting while others were lying on the floor.

Rex glared at the general for wasting his time so he said, "Shut your fucking mouth and just die!"

His voice was quite deep and different from the usual. For sometime it sounded as if two voices were combined with one another.

"Die? Do you have the ability to kill me?", just as he has finished his sentence, Rex slashed all of his arms and legs swiftly.

It was so fast that his eyes couldn't keep up with it.

It was only after a few minutes when Rex returned to his position that the general realised that something was off with his body.

"Huh...? What's wrong...?", the moment he tried to move his hand, it just fell off.

The same was with his other hand and legs.

"Ahhhhhhhh!!! Nooo!!!!", he screamed.

"I said right... shut your mouth and just die!", immediately after he told that, he crushed the general's heart due to which he died immediately after that.


"Now, it's your turn.", he turned towards the other general and said this.


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