Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 92 - A Small Little Deadly Game

All the cries from the cities were being heard by Rex. They were practically echoing in his ears which was hurting him even more.

But right now it seemed as if his consciousness was fading away.

All his emotions were being blocked and he felt as if he was drowning in a sea whose depth couldn't be predicted.

"I am a... killer...", that was the last thing he was thinking after which the darkness slowly started fading away.

He was now just levitating at the same positiknon his own and looking towards the other clouds that were right above him.

"So, you all are hiding there?", he said it to himself with a deep voice which sounded like some devil's voice.

"No mercy..."

"No kindness!"

"Only kill... and give death!", immediately after saying that he extended his left arms from which a large ray of black lights appeared which blasted towards one of the clouds.


The moment the blast reached one of the nearest clouds, there was a huge explosion after which many fallen angels had been killed and were falling downwards.

"You deserve it...", after saying this he aimed towards another cloud and fired another beam towards it which destroyed the ship that was hiding behind it.

The same was for all other clouds in his vicinity. Even the clouds that didn't have any ships, he was firing the beams because he had already lost his calmness due to which his decision making capacity had become Zero!

But while he was killing all of them, he didn't care about the ships and the people that were below him.

All the ships started falling and crashed to the ground whole killing a large number of humans including other races that were present there.

The sky kingdom originally belonged to the Fairies and Sky men, who were somewhat similar to the fallen angels.

They used to live high up there because that was the perfect condition for them to survive.

They hardly ever came towards the lands because there was no use for them.

But yeh fallen angels who were banished from the heavens thought about taking everything down and destroying God's creation by resurrecting the great Devil!

For that a large number of sacrifice was needed and precisely because of that they were killing everything that cane in their way.

They even killed their own kin who were weak and powerless. The children were sacrificed as they were believed to be loved by the devil. On top of that, the pregnant mothers and other females were also brutally killed.

That was the inhumanity which they had since all that was important to them was revenge and their aim. It didn't matter what cane in their way.

Rex came to know everything about that after taking a peek in one of the fallen angel's memory.

He despised them even more and was now ready to go and slay the leader personally.

But little did he know that he too had become like them. In order to get revenge, he forgot his duty if protecting his own kind.

He thought it was alright as long as he reversed the time but little did he know that committing a sin no matter how small it was or when it was committed, it would always be counted as a sin.

He flew at a high speed towards the so called head quarters of the fallen angels which was yet another huge island and was probably the largest island of the Sky Kingdom.

Rex had already destroyed almost entire of the sky kingdom and had killed everyone including the ones who were in the ships.

The islands and a certain unique properties which were making them fly because there was a weird blessing in the rocks which had been composed to form the island.

But it seemed as if Rex was planning to snatch away that blessing or even dispel it.

His mind was not working normally since earlier and it seemed like someone was controlling him.

Even his voice was sounding like that if someone else's so it was really weird.

"Y-you Human!!! How dare you!!!", said one of the members of the fallen angels.

The moment his words reached Rex's ears, his brain was crushed within his body.

It had comepelteky become flat while all the blood from it were gushing out if his ears, mouth and nose including eyes.

"Nooo!!! Save us!!!", all others were completely engulfed in fear and were tying to escape in order to save their own damn life but ghis was something that Rex hated the most.

"K-kill him,.. we are innocent!", said many of the angels but Rex did not hear anything from them since he twisted their head and rotated it by a whole 180 degrees!

Only a handful of fallen angels were left including the leader.

The fallen angel's last hope was their leader but for some reason they weren't able to understand as to why he wasn't coming forward to attack Rex.

They wanted him to protect them but it seemed as if he had no interest at least that's what they thought.

"Leader...", the angels looked towards him while anticipating him to hear their calls.

"Whom are you waiting for? That big guy?", Rex was referring to the leader who was like a giant and was sitting on a huge throne.

"...", the remaining fallen angels didn't say anything and kept staring at theirnlwqder who had been closing his eyes for a quite long time.

"Ah, did I forget to tell you? I had already killed him the moment I had stepped here..."

"Huh...?", this was the moment of true despair. Fear had engulfed everyone of them completely which made them go crazy.

They started running like fodder as all of them wanted to survive.

A few hundred of them bowed in front of Rex while begging for mercy and another chance while the rest of them were trying to escape.

"Tsk, pests...", while saying this, he killed all those who were trying to run away.

They had a brutal death as their heart was forced to pierce their body and pump blood outside of their body.

All of their organs was forced to come outside of their body which was being clearly displayed but even after that happened they weren't dead.

Their legs weren't stopping and they weren't even aware of what was happing.

The moment Rex got bored of this display, he killed all of them without a second thought.

All of those who were bowing in front of Rex were shivering after looking at what had happened.

They could hardly even beg for mercy anymore. The little amount of srength that was left in them was being consumed in breathing.

Other than that they had absolutely no idea as to what they had to do when suddenly Rex said something to them.

"I have an interesting game for you...", his voice sounded deep and calm while he said that.

Some of the fallen angels somehow lifted their heads up and started to hear what he had to say. All of them were already stained with blood of their own kin as well as of others.

They were completely drenched right now because of that but none of them even dared to love a bit even if it was smelly.

Now all they had to do was pray for themselves to be saved.

"G-game...?", asked a few of them after hearing Rex.

"Yes, it's an interesting one. It's a simple one too in which either all of you will survive..."

Suddenly all of them started to smile a bit because of what he said.

"Or all of you may DIE!"

Immediately after hearing the second statement, their hearts throbed faster.

"So, Who are willing to join this game? Raise your hand.", Rex asked politely.

But many of them were already cowering due to which only a few of them could raise their hands.

any of them were hesitant because they didn't have the guts to do anything.

"Sigh... such a pity, only 20 members raised the hands? Oh well it's a good number anyway.", Rex smiled a bit.

He then said, "All the others go towards that place and become the audience. These will be your players..."

They thought that they had survived somehow and immediately went and sat where they were told to.

Some were eve barely able to walk while some were limping. Some were being dragged because of exhaustion of all of their energies.

"I... I want to forfeit and join the audiences!" said one of the fallen angels who had raised his hand.

"Hmm...? You want to go there?", Rex asked.

He nodded his head on seeing which Rex smiled and said, "Then you may go there..."

He hesitated a bit but after looking at Rex's smile, he walked that way and started to run finally when he felt he was safe!

Others also wanted to forfeit after seeing this happen when suddenly they heard a loud scream.


All of them turned their gazes towards the angel who had forfeited only to find that with every moment of his, one of his body Part was being teleported from inside of his body to outside.

First his stomach was teleported outside which fell and blasted. Then his kidneys, liver, gall bladder, etc etc. and finally when his heart was teleported the way he screamed made everyone tremble.

"Hmm... he died too early.. that's a pity. Anyone else wanted to forfeit?", Rex asked with a smiling face yet again.

All of the angels had dark and gloomy expressions on their faces which were completely filled with fear.




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