Level One Boss: Robbing A Marriage

Chapter 238: Chicken Flying Dogs' Engagement

Xu Zhengqing's eyes widened when he heard Xu Chengyan's words, and he glanced at Gu Jinchen deeply, recalling what the driver said to him two days ago.

In the past, Xu Chengyan was picked up and dropped off by the Xu family driver. He said that he had seen Shen Youran once when Xu Chengyan was taken from school. At that time, she and Gu Jinchen were very close, and the two seemed to be in love.

At that time, Shen Youran was 16 years old and Gu Jinchen was 18 years old. In the eyes of adults, it was premature love.

At the time, he did not take his words seriously, it seemed that the driver was telling the truth.

Gu Jinchen's lips were silent, and after a while he said, "I will go with you."


Shen Shuna saw that it was almost time, but Xu Chengyan had not come up yet. She planned to go downstairs to see what happened. Shen Yaoting pushed the door in. His face was ugly: "Today's engagement ceremony was canceled."

Shen Youran and Shen Shuna glanced at each other. Both were confused. Shen Shuna asked, "What happened?"

The guests are all here, and everything is ready, why suddenly cancel?

Shen Yaoting talked about what happened in three words, and sighed heavily after the speech. Now Xu is unable to protect himself, how can he help them.

After listening, Shen Youran fell down on the stool, motionless like a woodcarving clay sculpture. The whole person fell into the ice cellar, and a chill quickly spread to her whole body.

Xu happened to happen such a big thing today, maybe someone thinks it was an accident, but she knows best that this is not an accident, it is man-made.

It turned out that Ji Jinchuan had already planned, no wonder he just said that.

After Shen Yaoting left, Shen Shuna had been with Shen Youran. Shen Shuna saw that she was very worried. She thought she was worried about Xu's condition and patted her on the shoulder. ."

Shen Youran carried her dragged wedding dress into the dressing room next door. Before entering the dressing room, she took the phone on the table and closed the door of the dressing room. Her fingers coldly turned to Ji Jinchuan's phone.

Ji Jinchuan had already left the hotel, and it was not strange to see Shen Youran's name displayed on the screen. Instead, it was expected that a low magnetic voice was transmitted to her ear through the microphone: "Something to find me?"

She squeezed her lips, her lips covered with lipstick squeezed into a straight line, tight and depressing, and her voice shook with a trace of imperceptibility: "Xu... Are you doing it right?"

Ji Jinchuan entered the president-only elevator. The indifferent voice was as cold as water in the elevator: "I told you in advance that if you don't take the initiative to end your relationship with Xu Chengyan, then I will help you."

She took a deep breath and froze her voice: "What the **** do you want?"

The person over there hung up the phone without saying a word, and heard the busy sounds from the phone, Shen Youran clenched the phone.

Shen Shuna's suspicious voice came from outside the locker room: "Your leisurely, who are you talking to?"

She lied: "I answered a call."

Shen Shuna did not doubt that he was there, afraid that the wedding dress would not take off, and asked, "Do I need my help?"

"No." Her hand reached behind and opened the zipper, quickly changing her clothes.

After coming out of the dressing room, Shen Youran took a mobile phone and swiped the news. Within two hours, news about the Xu family was overwhelming.

Negative news most affected the company's stock. The reporter even reported the extent of the decline in Xu's stock, and she was chilly.

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