Level One Boss: Robbing A Marriage

Chapter 2730: This hurt his self-esteem

The next day Minan came to the Triumph Palace, and when he entered the living room, he saw Xu Chengyan tilting Erlang's legs, and there was no change in the expression on his delicate face.

Xu Chengyan was watching TV, and when Aunt Li stepped up to say "Miss Mi, you are here", Yu Yu glanced at Minan, and then quickly withdrew, pretending not to see her, and focused her attention on the TV. on board.

When Shen Yiyi saw her, she shouted "Aunt Mi" softly, without the cowardice when she first saw her.

Minan waved at her with a bright smile on her face: "Hi, Yiyi."

After that, Min Nan and Shen Shuna, Gu Jinchen, including Aunt Li and Sister Ming greeted each other, but Xu Chengyan was ignored.

Xu Chengyan was not happy, and threw the remote control on the table: "I am such a big living person, don't you see it?"

He originally wanted to wait for Min Nan to take the initiative to talk to him, but after waiting so long, Min Nan didn't even give him a positive eye.

This hurt his self-esteem and was very depressed.

Min Nan took the water poured by Aunt Li and raised her eyes, then glanced at him slightly, her red lips casually spit out a sentence: "See."

Seeing you still ignore me?

Xu Chengyan thought so, but didn't say it.

You can't let him say, do you still treat Master Ben as air?

He was even more depressed, and took a pillow into his arms, like a little daughter-in-law who was suffering, with a look of displeasure.

Min Nan put down the glass and sat for a moment, then took Shen Yiyi upstairs.

Xu Chengyan originally wanted to keep up, but Min Nan's cold face made her no longer ask for fun.


Min Nan's temperament is straightforward and her mouth is sweet. She often comes here. She is very happy to coax Aunt Li. Aunt Li is also very good to her. Eat fish.

She likes to drink fish head tofu soup, and Aunt Li deliberately devotes her soup to it.

When it was time for lunch, Sister Ming went upstairs to call them, and Minan and Shen Shuna took Shen Yiyi down the stairs.

As soon as he entered the restaurant, Minan saw the fish head and tofu soup on the table, and a flower bloomed on his face: "Aunt Li, I like the soup you made most."

Aunt Li laughed happily, and said, "Then drink more", went to get the soup bowl, and gave them a bowl for them.

After Gu Jinchen and Xu Chengyan came down from the study, everyone arrived and started to use chopsticks.

Because there are many people today, the food is very rich.

I was a little hungry just now. At this time, when I saw a table of dishes, Shen Shuna suddenly lost her taste and smelled greasy. She felt a little uncomfortable in her stomach. She tried to suppress the discomfort.

Gu Jinchen saw that she suddenly stopped chopsticks, looked at her sideways, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Hearing the man's concern, she gently shook her head: "It's okay."

Seeing her face pale, Gu Jinchen asked again: "Is the foot starting to hurt again?"

Seeing that Minan and Xu Chengyan both looked over, she smiled at him slightly: "No, I'm fine, let's eat."

Gu Jinchen sandwiched the ribs in front of her and thought to take her to the hospital for a review on Monday.

Shen Shuna took a bite of the ribs, making her stomach more uncomfortable. She always felt that today's dishes seemed too oily.

She picked up the fish soup and took a sip, her stomach tumbling up, which could not be suppressed.

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