"Because--" the clear voice on weekdays was almost indistinguishable, and when you listened carefully, it seemed to have a faint choked voice, "We hurt her."

In her eyes, everything he did was hurt.

Shen Shuna stood in the hallway, watching the man walk down the stairs and disappear into the living room, then the sound of the car engine.

Wang Ma was originally playing with Gu Yiyi in the bedroom. Hearing the conversation they had just heard and the sound of going down the stairs, she came out of the room and saw Gu Jinchen carrying the suitcase.

Shen Shuna stood in the corridor for a long time, and the mother Wang looked at her worriedly: "Mrs."

Shen Shuna narrowed her eyes, and her voice remained calm: "Don't call me Mrs. I am no longer Mrs. Gu."

In Gu Jinchen's heart, Mrs. Gu's position will always be that person.

Mother Wang always knew that her husband liked Miss Shen Er. She didn't know why he would marry Miss Shen Jiada. But after the marriage, the two had been sleeping in separate rooms. She thought, should he have any hardships?

Shen Shuna entered the room, Gu Yiyi was playing with toys on the bed, and she suddenly shouted, "Dad."

Shen Shuna touched her hairy head: "He is not your father."

Wu Ma thought that she felt uncomfortable, so she said: "Ma'am, although you are separated from your husband..., you can't say that in front of the child, the child is too young."

Shen Shuna hugged Gu Yiyi into her arms and smiled lightly without saying anything.


When Shen Youran came back from the bathroom, she saw the phone on the desk in shock, and the bright screen showed a series of strange numbers.

She held the phone suspiciously, walked to a quiet place, and connected the phone: "Hello?"

Xie Suling's voice came from the computer: "Miss Shen, let's meet alone."

Shen Youran didn't expect Xie Suling to call her and asked to meet alone, she was stunned: "Okay."

Xie Suling was somewhat dissatisfied with her late reaction, and frowned: "Twelve noon, I am waiting for you in the restaurant opposite the company."

Back in the office area, Shen Youran stared anxiously at the computer. Xie Suling suddenly asked her and told her not to tell Ji Jinchuan, which made her a little caught off guard.

Next, she had little thought of work. After 11:30, she took the file and entered the president's office.

The man was busy, seeing her holding the document in her hand, and raised her hand to spread her palms.

The corner of her mouth lifted slightly: "I'm just pretending to be this."

He raised his eyebrows unexpectedly. If there is no work at work, she rarely enters his office unless it is under his order: "Something?"

She had already thought about her remarks: "I went to the staff restaurant to eat with my colleagues at noon."

Since the two got married, Shen Youran has followed Ji Jinchuan to eat in the restaurant dedicated to the president. Sometimes he is too busy, and Xiao Cheng will pack the meals to the office.

Seeing him twisting her eyebrows, she continued: "I have dinner with you every day, and the feelings with my colleagues are weak, don't you want me to be isolated, right?"

What she said was reasonable, and with a pair of black and bright eyes, he could not refuse, and reluctantly agreed.

At twelve, she left the office area with her colleagues. The elevator stopped at the staff restaurant on the twelfth floor. When the colleagues got out of the elevator, she was standing still.

Xie Suling was already there when she arrived at the restaurant. She sat across from her: "Sorry, I just got off work."

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