Level up from class F

Part 5. Class A Hunter

The executive falls to the ground and looks at the dead hunters buried in the map. If ten other people gathered to attack and said that the casualties would occur and the number of times they failed to attack, Clan A would immediately become a target of containment if only a few hours had passed since they entered.

In that area, the appointee was thinking more sensitive than anyone else. It was also ominous that Ji-woo and the fetus would be exposed to the monster's chakra, but no one could stop him from dying because he had almost died at the age of his colleagues because he was a tanker with healing abilities.

But the constitution of profit thought it would be only a matter of time before their abilities became known to the world.

“We can't keep this a secret forever. You'd better be prepared, because our secrets are too strong to be their weapons. In Korea, both the security forces and the Hunter Association were friendly to us, so the information was under control. It's hard to expect that kind of protection now. If you're this strong, won't we be able to expose ourselves? ”

Profit Constitution said.

The Taeine smiles, her arm resting on the shoulders of the eraser.

“Let's try that again. We need to find Maximum first. You and the fetus have the monster chakra first, and then we'll see how we get out of there. ”

“That's just crazy. ”

As if the constitution of profit was not worth thinking about twice, Seogyu Tai and Kang Hyun also stared at Tai.

“Are you thinking and talking? Now, you can tell me that Ji-woo has reached Class A, but why do you want me to tell you that the fetus has a monster chakra? Thanks to my sister's delay, I was able to hide my car for a while. ”

Even Kang Hyun, who shared his intentions with Tai, was indignant and protested as he drooled. The Thai woman apologized for making a fool of herself trying to shoot, but she also understood what the erasing brother was trying to say, saying that it would help someday. Erased was just a living fire.

Dundee was skinned one day, receiving the delicate hands of Seogyu Tai. The work was reasonably able to help, and the profit-constitution skills that were treated as inferior students increased, so I was able to complete the dismantling in a few decades. Considering the size of Dundee, he had to tilt his head all the way up to look up at Dundee, it was quite an achievement.

“Let's just do the organ dissection. That's it. We'll leave the rest here to the hyenas. ”

Everyone agreed with the words of Seogyu Tai, and it had been a long time since they had seen the joyous dissection of Seogyu Tai.

“I wish Cats Eye Stone had been found. ”

Kang Hyun said.

There really seemed to be no end to human greed.

* * *

The reaction came as soon as Clan A was able to target a first-class monster.

The mayor, governor, local senator and president were eager to thank Clan A and congratulate him. It was the same for the South Korean president. After receiving a message from the secretary that the president wanted to speak on the phone, they postponed and refused to speak to the president, and eventually they decided that Kim Kang Hyun, the most powerless person, was making a phone call.

Kang Hyun repeatedly said yes, yes, Nera hung up the phone and asked what he said, saying that he had no idea in his head and he didn't even remember what he heard.

Jeong received a congratulatory phone call from the Hunter Association Chairman. He ended the call with all sorts of admirers and advisors, unable to suppress his emotions that he really didn't think Clan A could hunt even the top monsters in the United States. When I got off the phone and organized what the chairman of the association said, all I could think about was, oh, really, what was left.

Harry and Lima Sil share Clan A. On the other hand, they had entrusted Clan A with a relatively weak Clan A attack while preparing for the next Clan 1 monster. Clan A, however, did not make the press release a problem. The difference in excellence was dramatic, no matter who saw it, because it was unnecessary for me to become famous.

And they understood Ramiscil and Harry's position so well. The people's expectations of a Class A Hunter seem to be piercing the sky, but they are increasingly realizing that their skills will not allow them to attack a Class A monster. Moreover, the traumatic memory of failed Raid and his fallen comrades beneath the swamp did not seem to be easily overcome.

“If only we were Harry and Ramsay. We wouldn't have been so easy. ”

Seo Kyu-tae also said that.

“If my country's first grade swamp grows. And if I'm the only one who can target it without a partner, and everyone's looking at me, and I'm not capable of doing it, I would want to disappear quietly. ”

I empathized with what Seo Kyu-tae said. Especially when it comes to "no colleagues." Tain and Kanghyun have been thinking that they do not seem to be doing a good job in Clan A. Through this raid, they realized that they are not.

Tain and Kang Hyun agreed that the idea that Tain and Kang Hyun would take care of their backs and the thought that they would have to take care of their backs made the erase stronger. Then I felt relieved indefinitely.

The press releases new news every hour. The keyword Clan A took over the global village in no time. Once Clan A was named, people greedily clicked on the article and wanted to know everything about Clan A.

Initially, information was controlled, but there was a limit. In the end, the fact that Jiu was a Class A Hunter and the rest of the clans were Class B Hunters, the fact that there were no Hunter Tattoos in the Hunter test that erased, and that this year turned out to be twenty-six, the fact that Hunter Tattoos were all 10 at the time, was appointed Deputy Head of Security Tanker and Seogyu was the Deputy Head of Security for veteran pre-op. The benefit was the Vice President of Body Firm and the Young Representative of the Extreme Hunter was backing Clan A. And it turns out that Kanghyun and Tain were both corpse hunters not long ago.

Only the fact that the Appointment is the head of the security guard and the fact that it is a tanker with healing abilities remained hidden until the end.

Kang Hyun and Tae-in were the ones who were most upset about what was published in the media. They also had a lot to offer, but it was their refusal to replace another rhetorical phrase with the modifier that they had been a corpse hunter until recently. Over time, information about them became as if they had been stripped off and put on flesh.

Kang Hyun was unable to raise because of his age restrictions, and it was also reported that he had created a special example for Kang Hyun, and that they were Class F Hunters, and that they were able to go up to Class A and B now through the act of evasion to drive experience points.

Clan A members simply snorted, saying that things that weren't the same were about to be done. When several media outlets asked the executive a question through the official route, he answered the question without hesitation.

“I have only done what is acceptable as a clue and have never violated the law. And even if I broke the law and gave you experience points, would you be more stupid or would you be more stupid to ask a fool to teach you? Why do you come out to defend your people's lives and property against experience-driven practices when you can't defeat monsters with your own superior hunters? ”

Though it was refreshing, the imperative remark resulted in many turning against Clan A. However, all members of the clan were cheerful and supportive for the benefit of the constitution. Those who are not clogged up see the situation in motion, find out who's trying to scratch clan A and support clan A.

It was the dominant opinion that what is important to do because it is a way to escape from this difficulty. However, the appointment was not enough for those who would want to be on their side.

“I believe there is an illegal element to drive EXP. Sometimes it can have very dangerous consequences. Hunters are measured on the Hunter rating. Hunters who become higher-ranked to drive experience points can blur other people's judgment and make their own raid difficult. Driving EXP should be exceptional only if you are rapidly training potential talent. To do so, I think we can solve the problem by taking responsibility and raising the skill level of Chakra with the assurance of authoritative experts. I would support their actions if they were being driven somewhere in that way. ”

Seeing such an appointment, people became increasingly drawn to Clan A, even though they didn't notice that they were trying to bring people in on their side.

On TV, cartoons and children's dramas featuring clan A members were popular, and their character products were sold beautifully following their appearance. Although Cheonggijung is good at diversifying his income, he also said that if he continued like this, the Asset Manager would ask him when to rest.

Regardless, no one cared.

Everyone's interest has now been focused on whether people can find the chakra of the foetus and erase it. Delays were sold to studies that allowed erasures and fetal chakras to be changed into everyday clothing, not armor, without being able to sleep for several days. Eventually, he succeeded in making it out of a very thin piece of material, and the lag engulfed the body pump and the extreme hunter, making the garments to be erased and drafted and worn by two people.

However, I was unable to return to Korea because of the constant appearance of first-class monsters as if anything had happened to the United States. Each time, it was a growing class of swamp monsters. It is not common in other countries yet, but people did not know why it is only focused in the United States of America.

As soon as Bru saw that the situation in France had settled, he crossed over to the United States and joined Clan A. To be precise, you were right to join a group of A-rank hunters wandering around Clan A.

Clan A has dealt with four more first-class monsters in between, but has found no Cats Eye Stones.

Tax problems were simply solved.

‘Clan A is volunteering to do what is not mandatory for Clan A, and will not pay taxes on the profits earned by it. Let's start with all the discussions here.’ According to the Statement of Interest Constitution, there is no tax.

I nailed it at the beginning of the discussion, and the U.S. government had no choice but to reject the conversation itself if an agreement was not reached.

The U.S. government knew that it was unconscious to demand taxes from people who would save lives in favor. It was well known that the placenta of that money was put back into research on monsters, swamps, maps, and research to increase the rate of attack and defense amplification of weapons and equipment.

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