Level up from class F

Part 5. Class A Hunter

Yaroslav couldn't figure out why he was stuck among these monsters and was being treated like a toilet.

People laughed, too. If you say 10, 9.78, and then say 200, then people will be happy to hear you say 70,000, then say 200, and then they will disappoint each other. By the way, what kind of hunter is Miss Chakra worth 70,000? Yaroslav had never been born thinking that his chakra was less than someone else's. It was the same with the hunters with the monster chakra. And 70,000.

What was surprising was not only Jiw's chakra. The delay between visualizing the chakra and the hunter's chakra and calculating the amount of chakra was also surprising. Professor Semenov was able to identify Miss Chakra and gather the hunters with the monster's chakra, but that was a way to rely on Hunter Academy's system and intuition.

Yaroslav is beginning to have a human interest in one person in clan A.

“The swamp you're going to is a grade five swamp. To get up to A rank, all you have to do is take the Cats Eye Stone and succeed in Raid, and I don't think there's any restriction on how many swamps that last swamp has to be. So it's clear we're going to hit the swamp with a high probability of success. There's nothing to be nervous about. ”

Tai explained it to Jareau. Tain also told me about his preferred form and attack method, and asked him anything he wanted to know about Clan A. When Yaroslav heard that he was going to hand over all of his Cats Eye Stones to the Bean Egg, his love for Yaroslav grew steadily.

“What do you call him? ”

Yaroslav pointed to the merit. Others could not help but notice what they were calling each other, but when they were making a profit, they seemed to obscure each other's titles. Some called him Ron Deer, and some called him Vice President, but he wanted to know what to call him.

Ji-woo or Tain just called her older brother, Delay and Appointment should be called Sis, and Seo Kyu-tae should be called Head of Security, but she still didn't know what to call the profit constitution.

“I don't know. What do you call it? ”

“What do you call it? ”

“We call ourselves Ron Dyr. Ron Deer is the primary weapon. ”

“May I also call you Ron Deer? ”

“Just, um... What, you want to call me Ajim? ”


“Yeah, you sound like a nagging lady. ”


“Yes. Ahem. ”


Afterwards, Yaroslav called it Acknowledgement, and if it didn't look back to the end, he reached out to him and grabbed him by the shoulders and arms of the constitution and summoned him as he waved. Profit constitution realized at first that it was the work of the Tain, but he ran away to keep it out of sight.

Clan A and Yaroslav run towards the swamp. It's a grade five swamp. Yaroslav had to succeed in getting him to A rank.

The lag calls for Yaroslav before you head down to the swamp. He hesitates and approaches the delay. Delay showed a sensitizer. The beast's chakra is caught beneath the swamp. I pointed out with my finger that the delay was different for Yaroslav, who was surprised by it. It was all Hunter Chakra. Jaroslav asks why his chakra is not caught.

Delay showed one point. Yaroslav moves slowly in front of the sensitizer and finds that it moves as if it were his.

“Is this me? Why is my chakra like this? ”

“That's Anziu's extra armor. It's made of special material to get Hunter Chakra out. ”

“Ah……. ”

Yaroslav suddenly gained their trust. All this time, I felt like I had been forced to stand on a long cliff and walk forward, but suddenly the ground appeared to rise quickly in front of him. I felt like stepping out of the sky wouldn't fall alone.

“Let's go inside. ”

I heard the voice of Seo Kyu-tae.

Yaroslav looks at the delay once and runs toward them. One point that appears to be a Hunter's chakra slows down as it rushes into the crowd of chakra dots, looking through the concealer.

Unfortunately, the owners of the 5th grade swamps who were targeted arrived at the scene of a truly devastating slaughter. The profit bounty resents you for hanging the Tanker's arm. Yaroslav received a good look of profit, not one of his faults.

A beast of 3,16,000 health was nothing to Clan A. When you tap the beast and look at the info window, the number of digits drops and becomes thinner. It took less than 10 minutes to reach the swamp.

The Delay sees the people who entered the swamp coming back in a few minutes, and then sighs of relief, seeing the roughstone in Kanghyun's hands. During that time, the 5th grade swamp had lost all sense of how long it would take to get there since it had not been entered.

The most surprised of them was Yaroslav, who could barely walk.

“After Yaroslav became a Class A hunter, I decided to go see the president. But do we really have to meet the President? It's annoying. Can't you just send me a photo of the certification and get it over with? Isn't that right? They say there's a lot to prepare to attack a first-class swamp. ”

Lee Kyu-tae's eyebrows twitched and nodded as she began to incite Seo Kyu-tae.

“I'll do that. I'm giving you a hard time, but I can't even play Miss Face. ”

Coolly, they made their own decisions, and Seo Kyu Tai closed the situation with one phone call.

The Russian president thought he could officially face them this time and missed his chance again. The press conference was packed with key journalists and foreign journalists he had called in advance, but they had to disband without getting any of the photos they wanted. However, there was no one who strongly opposed it. As soon as the media got a little negatively oriented about Clan A, there was a huge outburst of harassment across society.

"How sensitive Clan A is and how it offends Clan A." ’

‘That way, if Clan A turns his back on Russia, then you'll catch the monsters. ’

‘Clan A said they could now push monsters into the swamp. Can't you just drive it into the swamp? Clan A can drive monsters into your home. Be quiet and squeeze. ’

Such opinions were mainly made. Clan A was a hero all over the world.

Clan A was neither afraid of the Russian president nor of the government, nor hesitant to face them, but Yaroslav was different. Yaroslav was a man who had enemies there and had lived round by fusing into society in his own way. So Yaroslav had to go around attending events with his face in the government and the media for a while. That couldn't have been Clan A.

Russia has begun to publicize the fact that there is a class A hunter in its own country. News from Yaroslav all day, featured articles and featured programs featuring Yaroslav's work were all over the media. The whole country was in a festive mood, and they were happy about Yaroslav. Then they act as if they thought all their worries would go away with Yaroslav.

The growth of the swamp and the appearance of monsters were not finished, but progressive. Nevertheless, people tried to close their eyes to reality. For too long, I may have been exhausted without hope for too long. They fell asleep for a while and had a dream that they didn't want to wake up from.

Yaroslav has been consumed in response to public demands. Russian governments and citizens liked to believe that Yaroslav was a must for Clan A. And from one moment to the next, Yaroslav is the key force in Clan A, and without Yaroslav in Clan A, the chances of an attack are less. But I still haven't stopped seeing Clan A's sights, and I've always shown my gratitude and affection to Clan A.

Clan A thought the Russian government was wasting its time trusting Clan A. The clan members of clan A continue as planned until the moment they do nothing. I had to rest during my break. It was time to recover Chakra, not just the brute force, but to move according to the tastes of politicians was a great loss.

Clan A does not have anyone who has a brake system to speak of. The commission gave the Russian government an uncomfortable response. Clan A hoped that Yaroslav would help reinforce the clan's power, but Yaroslav said he spent all his time trying to please people, rather than exceeding his expectations. After a little more time, Yaroslav decided to withdraw everything he had offered to the Russian government if it turned out that he wasn't clan A. Whatever the penalty was, the Russian government looked into Clan A's awareness of the decision to pay it and break the contract.

Political realities that were using Yaroslav to increase their awareness and liking had to let go of Yaroslav's hand with a regrettable taste, and thus Yaroslav was only able to return to Clan A.

“Yaroslav. Don't waste your time being dragged around with nothing to say. I didn't know you were that guy when we chose you. Yeah, let's just say it was our fault. So you really want us to pay for our mistakes? ”

Jiu told Yaroslav.

After realizing that they were angry with Jaroslav for calling him Jaroslav, Jaroslav bows his head with a gloomy look.

“Say what you have to say and live. If you don't, it's not just you, it's Tim. Don't forget what's important. You want to be famous? Then you become a celebrity. Don't stand there in front of us. We need a real hunter. Not the guy who's desperate to get popular. ”

Yaroslav nods.

As a result, Yaroslav was born who spoke and spoke. That was the birthplace of Jiayun Yarro. Yaroslav has said everything now. I helped keep the thoughts in my head so that they didn't exist.

To Seo Kyu-tae, I asked her why she's still living alone without a girlfriend. If you look at him, he looks like he's cleaning up women, but if you look at him, he says he looks like he's cleaning up women, and asks what's wrong with him.

Of course, Seo Kyu-tae didn't have anything to say about it. Pretending not to hear it or pretending not to care about it made it too easy for Yaroslav to fall away on his own. However, Yaroslav was quite persistent and taught me what he had learned by looking at the western eclipse for a short time.

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