Level up from class F

Part 6: The Beast's Chakra

“I have something to tell you. ”

Delay has spoken.

“If you tell me you're in love with me, it's really embarrassing. She's beautiful, but she's not my type. ”

Why is this guy so unpleasant? Anyway, the delay was not succumbing to the words.

“Ji-woo and Jung Tanker are not qualified to raise her. You know, you've got to keep going with the Raid, and Clan A takes the Black Hawk Triple or the trailer, and they keep going through the swamps and they keep going. While he was there, the trailer we were with was attacked by a monster. He was a monster who ran out of the swamp, and he tore the trailer with his foot and he twisted it. We almost died, too. ”

The dragon's surprised face focused on the story of the delay.

“So you two, Ji-woo and Tanker, I wanted her to be protected in a normal family, not a hunter. Ji-woo and Jung Tanker wanted to come and talk to you in person, but we didn't have a chance. ”

“That's now……. What do you mean? I thought you came here to get Sejin... ”

The dragon asked.

“Yes, there is. ”

“Wait. That's, like, the decision that Erase made himself? ”

“…… Yes. ”

“Son of a bitch!”

I turned away angry, screaming for dragons. As I watched Yong-ha standing on my head with her hands, the delay looked at Kang Hyun. Kang Hyun avoided his gaze with him.

“She didn't think I had a job? She thought it was funny to make money, but she didn't think there was a connection that connected me to society anyway? I can throw you as much money as you want, so look at my Anna. Is that what you're saying? What did that son of a bitch say? ”

The delay rubbed the forehead. I realized that he had misunderstood and that it was his responsibility to mislead him.

“I said it in the wrong order. I'm sorry I made you think that. But you're mistaken. You were the only person Ji-woo could trust. That's why Ji-woo sent him because he trusted you. Without you, Ji-woo wouldn't have found an alternative. Then I would have had no choice but to keep driving him around in the trailer or driving him to the Black Hawk Triple, hoping that would never happen to him again. ”

“ ……. ”

“The situation is unlikely.... I'm not saying I'm busy getting paid for Raid. Si-hyun shouldn't be with Hunters. That's our conclusion. ”

He looked at the delay as if he really didn't understand what he was saying. Delayed thought of a way to persuade the dragondragondragon. And in this case, I thought the only way to tell the whole truth would work.

The delay looked at Kanghyun. Kang Hyun did not know what the delay wanted from him, and when he saw that the delay was taking out the small sensitizer, he uncovered the wrapping that was wrapping around him.

Yong-ha did not know what they were trying to do, but looked at the sensors that delay showed. There are two Hunter Chakras.

"What is this?"

The dragon asked.

"Chakra. Hunter Chakra."

The delay speaks. You don't understand why the delay in acceptance suddenly shows it, but nod first.

"Is this a test run? Is that chakra coming out of the baby?"

The dragon asked.

"Yes, for now. It's Sihyun."

The delay was vague. And the next moment, as Kanghyun unhooked Xi Hyun's basin, a dark, dark chakra that was different from Hunter Chakra appeared in the concealer.

The face of the dragon became stiff.

“This is……. What is it?”

Chakra grows calm. I looked at the delay with a face that demanded an explanation.

“There's another chakra coming from Si-hyun. Unlike chakra in Hunters. ”

The delay didn't even say it was the beast's chakra. I looked at him without shutting up.

Kang Hyun wrapped his belly loop again and wrapped it around his body and hugged him.

“I met a guy in Russia with a chakra like that. And I heard a special story from him. that people with chakras like that would show up with Hunter Tattoos, and if they got up to E rank, they would have to continue to be forced to upgrade. ”

Dragon nods slowly. He said, "If you don't think you understand everything, don't explain yourself." The delay was explained in accordance with the tempo of the dragon. And when the delay was over, he sat on the floor he was using.

“Oh my……. He's just a kid. Why does that happen to little babies? ”

Yongha said desperately. Hearing that 11 people had died and left Cats Eye Stone, it felt as if the terror had practically struck him.

“It may be Ji-woo's fault that she believed that she would accept him. There must be something wrong with you, but I think it's clearly our fault that you didn't think about it. But just to be clear, this was the safest place we could think of. I thought Ji-woo would be able to lead Clan A. Ji-woo wouldn't have made up his mind in the first place if it wasn't for you. Ji-woo can't do anything except think about her right now. ”

“Why is he……. How great am I at what? I haven't done anything right. Do something stupid and fail. I gave up the challenge not to get hurt, and I didn't take a step. This is my life of choice, and I'm the one who lost all of my pride and bragging about being responsible. ”

The dragon screams as if confused. I never thanked Jiu for covering it up and believing in me. It just, everything, it just didn't make sense.

“Ji-woo, keep an eye on people. It's a hobby of tying people to themselves by giving them a chance that they won't get a second chance. ”

Yongxia looked at the delay. I thought you might like to ask if you're that kind of tied to Angie.

“It's hard to imagine her peaceful face. I have a bomb in my body. It's a selfish bomb. It can detonate me, but it's harmless around here. There's a bomb in someone else's body in clan A. ”

“Erase it? ”

“But I don't blame him. I didn't live up to my beliefs. Anyway, we had a chance. I don't think the decision to choose you is wrong either. I'll ask for Clan A and for Si-hyun. It's a favor to me. Take care of Si-hyun, and this. This is our proposal. ”

The delay sent a three-page contract to Yongha.

Surprises continued to spread across his face. Dreamcar of Yongha, the watch Yongha sang about wanting to buy, the house she said she would build someday, savings and stocks, regular income and bonuses. Everything was promised.

“You can hire people to use it. ”

Delay has spoken.

“I see what you mean. ”

Yong continued to look at the contract. I thought I was familiar with the content, but I couldn't find the words to answer.


At last, Yong-ha said.

“Thank you so much for making the hard decision. If we don't get this done, Clan A will stop there. Then Ji-woo will be hunted by Hunters and killed by the storm without raising his rank. For clan A, you were the last hope. ”

As the delay spoke, I sighed for credit. I had to think for a few more days about what he was doing, what he was doing well. But I understood that the situation was more serious than I thought. The thought of erasing could not be shaken at any moment.

“Then why did Shi Hyun suddenly change? ”

Yongha, who was looking at Si-hyun, asked. Kanghyun explained about two chakras instead of delays and clothes of special materials that hide the nature of chakras.

I listened carefully to the story of Yong-ha.

“So he's from Russia, and he's wearing it? ”

“Yes. He's Yaroslav's brother, and he's wearing it. because Americans want to know everything that Clan A does. Clan A, of course, wants to continue their research against Clan A. If delays were possible for you to create a sensitizer, other people would think about a device like a sensitizer. You can imagine what would happen if they focused on Clan A. ”

“What about the rest of the Russians? Wouldn't it be great if you made them clothes like that, too? ”

As the dragon asked, the delay nodded.

“I've already done that. It was a request from Yaroslav. Not a lot of people. There's only one person left alive. ”

“Is that so?"

“There's a tracking device on it, or a signal when it gets ambushed. I'm overreacting, aren't I? ”

As Yong-ha said, the delay shook his head.

“I couldn't help but notice the importance of the Kats Eye Stone to us. ”

“That's... cruel. So you're saying if he dies somewhere, you need to know where he died? To collect the Cats Eye Stone. ”

“That's not why I'm doing this. ”

“Then why are there so many of them only in Russia? Did you ever meet anyone else with monster chakra before you met them? ”

“No, we're curious about that. We found out that other hunters with Jaroslav and Monster Chakra lived near Chernobyl, but we still don't know how they had anything to do with the accident. And while I'm here, I'm also going to look into that. If that's the case, I'm starting to wonder if there will be a lot of people in Japan with monster chakras. if it was caused by a nuclear explosion. If you say it's because the environment is affected. ”

“Why did you erase it? Ji-woo's apartment is just in the usual place. ”

“Yes, that's why I was stuck there. There's not much in common between Ji-woo and Yaroslav. It may be a coincidence that there are so many hunters in Russia with poisonous monster chakras. ”

“I see.”

Dragon Ha nodded and was watching him. Until then, Shi Hyun, who was playing nicely in Kang Hyun's arms, suddenly began to mutter.

“Why? Should I come to my uncle? ”

As if Kang Hyun would not be able to reach out his hand when he shouted with audacity, he handed it over to Yong-ha pretending not to win. The tremendous betrayal that he felt in his arms when he stopped crying.

It embarrassed even the Dragon King.

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