Level up from class F

Part 6: The Beast's Chakra

“I'm fine now. ”

However, Sunyoung drank champagne. In the meantime, he looked at Sunyoung again.

“Glad I didn't get blood on the raid. ”

Seon Ah-young said as she watched the profit constitution.

“I couldn't even take a shower after the raid. I took off my armor, went to the department store, bought my clothes, and I ran. I can't even wash my hair. In the morning, of course I did. But it's meaningless after one raid. I'm sweating on my back, and it's getting cold. ”

While Profit Constitution was speaking, Seo Ah-young leaned toward him, focusing heavily on listening to him while it was noisy around him. When I heard all the stories, I thought I was paying attention to this story, but I was thankful that he rushed over so quickly.

“How much longer are you going to be here? Are there any more things you need to do? ”

Profit constitution asked.

“I think I've pretty much talked to the people I need to talk to. Why, are you uncomfortable? ”

“All I want to do right now is take off all these uncomfortable, stupid clothes and wash them. ”

"It looks good on you."

"Of course it'll go well. The frame is perfect. because it wasn't that great when it was dressed up as a mannequin. You should be thanking me for this. Can't you see that people are looking at me? Women keep looking at me. Just like they decided to buy this for their boyfriend or husband later. That way, they'll look like they've just got their sacks on."

"That's some confidence."

"So. How much longer are you staying here?"

“I think you've been held captive enough. So, shall we go out together? ”

“That's a really, really smart idea. ”

Profit constitution showed a smile for the first time that day.

When she left the party and landed in the profit-constituting supercar, she thought she was going to the trailer where she was staying with Clan A's clan members, but she drove the car to the hotel. Seon Ah-young didn't ask why she went this way, and Seon Ah-young asked about the weapon she brought.

He continued to increase the rate of attack at the Extreme Hunter, telling them how comfortable he was when he was on the raid, and also telling them about the strange monsters they encountered on the raid.

There was so much to talk about. When Profit Constitution brought up something, Sun Ah-young took it and continued talking endlessly. The two of them could talk about the Armadillo monster for a week. And they were all doing the same thing with the idea that they fit together.

Profit Constitution also told me about the encounter with 'Fear of the Abyss', but Seon Young wanted to know what the vision of profit constitution was.

“What's the fear of bullying you? ”

But he failed to mention the merit.

“If you're the Sun Master, What scenes do you think you will see in that situation? ”

He said to avoid focusing on himself.

“Maybe that's when I heard my father was dead. It felt like a heavy curtain was falling down around me. because those curtains were getting narrower and narrower around me, and they seemed to cut me off completely from the world. The grief of losing my father was also grief, but now I feel afraid that someone who communicates directly with the world should become me. The fact that I don't have a father to replace me. That's why I think it was scarier. ”

Seon Ah-young slowly thought about the heart of that day, saying.

“Grieving the death of a loved one is for selfish reasons. Maybe he went to a good place. But he's sad because he's afraid and sad. ”

Profit Constitution said.

Seon Ah Young wanted to protest, but I thought it might be true. And believing that would help soothe the longing.

“Ah, us. I decided to buy some land and build a hotel. Now the land value is very low because of the first-class swamp. It's a really nice view. I'm thinking of getting to the beach and living in the area of Yeouido. ”

“A hotel?"

“Wouldn't a hotel be nice? Sometimes I get tired of riding around in trailers. It could be a chain in the future. I don't know how long we're going to keep Raid, but I think we can make it while we stay at our hotel. ”

Sun Ah-young did not know that the constitution of profit was planning such things. I was glad to thank you for telling me that. I didn't think I would talk to anyone about it.

“How about a meal? I don't think I could eat enough to wear a dress like that. ”

Profit constitution looked at Sunyoung's dress and said.

“Oh. I should return this, too. ”

“Why do you return it? It looks good on you.”

“You can't buy this for hours.”

“You can wear it often. I'll buy it for you. Don't return it. Put it on. ”

“When am I going to wear this? ”

Sun Ah-young smiled.

“You can often create a place to wear something like that. ”

Profit Constitution said.

Sun Ah-young analyzed the words. But the benefit was just improvisation, and that was it.

Suddenly, the silence that came was awkward, so Seo Young quickly found something to say. The new weapon said 950 percent of its attack amplification rate was a tremendous success.

Sun Ah-young also explained about the bullets made from Anaconda's scales and paid attention to what Sun Ah-young said. After talking without any time to rest, the two of them arrived at the hotel.

When Sun-young tried to untie her seat belt in the hotel parking lot, she placed my hand on Sun-young's hand. He loosened his seat belt and flipped the child's seat back.

In a narrow car, his body rises on top of her. Sun Ah-young closed her eyes as she felt the hair and breath of profit falling on her face.

I thought I should tell you not to do this, but it was also the moment I expected and wanted. While the profit constitution held onto her wrists tightly and touched between her legs with her knees, the adjoining dress tested the profit constitution's patience and eventually the profit constitution stood up screaming.

He thought it was more difficult than he thought. He didn't say anything. Like the man a second before it exploded, he hurried.

He stood up first and looked like an angry person getting out of the car, but he turned around and opened the door for Sun Young. Then he took hold of Sun-nyeong's hand, wrapped his arm around it, and took her into the hotel.

Sun Ah-young checked in, guarding his seat as if he had the right. In the elevator, I couldn't endure the benefit. I pressed the forearm again and pressed down on the forehead.

“I think I just need five minutes. ”

Seon Ah-young nodded her head of goodwill. And when I finally entered the room, I took off my clothes and coveted Sunyoung like an angry animal. Without taking off everything, you pull the skirt up and tuck it under your waist wide enough to suck out only one exposed shoulder.

“You picked this to drive me crazy, right? ”

He said, bringing down Seon Ah-young's drawings.

“I didn't think you were crazy. ”

“It's crazy. ”

He closes his eyes as his pants zip drops. The Hand of Profit Constitution stammers on the Black Forest of Sun-nyeong.

I felt a rush of strength around her closed eyes. The constitution of profit felt a sudden illness because it wanted too much at once. There were too many things I wanted to taste at once. I didn't want to get bitten back.

“I can't. ”

Eventually, he raised his hands and asked Sunyoung to take off his clothes. No matter how fine the evening dress looked, he had to admit that she was much better naked.

While she was taking off her clothes, he took off his tie roughly and threw off his shirt. Two completely naked men and women could not even get into bed and rolled around on the floor. The floor touched my back and it was cool.

Sun Ah-young felt a tingling pain because of the profit of slicing my chest. I felt his violent tendencies gradually, and I was a little scared.

He greedily bites at the breasts of his young siblings and sets his arms up and bites the inside of his arms. I dipped the flinching body into her knees, violently kissed her lips, and completely filled my conquest lust without caring about the kiss mark being sharp.

Sun Ah-young was unsure whether she would be able to stop him. Feeling anxious, thinking that his safety was not guaranteed, but Sun Young was being conquered by him. Thought he might have wanted to be his slave, Seon Young gave himself up incompletely.

His steady stance pierces his young body from everywhere. There were times when I was flinching because of the hot sensation, but Sun-nyeong soon became accustomed to him.

Profit constitution grabs Sun Young's hand and lets her touch it. Then I kissed a soft one that wasn't like him. Sun Ah-young kissed as she accepted his coming tongue.

His penis became stiffer in the hand of Sun Ah-young.

“I want to put it in my mouth. ”

The profit constitution, which was moving slowly as it was rushed, whispered in the ear of Seon Young. As the hot breath entered, Seon Young was surprised as she bounced back. Profit constitution slowly attacked Sun-nyeong's ear as he took the ball in. Standing on her waist and knees, Seon Young struggled.

The profit constitution realized that she felt sensitive in that area, and raised the tip of her tongue to stutter her ears.


Seon Young turns her head to the side, dumbfounded in a blatant lie. The exposed neck was so colorful that the profit-giving constitution could no longer ignore the rising penis by itself while sucking it, spread its legs on both sides above her neck and climbed on her breasts.

It was a pretty penis. The color, thickness and shape were all lovely. Sun Ah-young held out his tongue with his hand, just above my mouth.

“Don't drive me crazy. Just let me put it in. Suck it hard. I can't stand it anymore. ”

He said in a voice of his plea for profit. Seon Ah-young reached out her tongue and brought it to the prison of profit, and the head of the benefit constitution was turned back. Sun Ah-young reached out his hand and touched the bosom of the profit-giving constitution, and Lee Ah-young patted the back of her hand.

As Sun-nyeong bit into the penis, she felt the profitability of sweeping it with her tongue and rubbing it with her lips as if electricity had flowed into her head.

“Are you going to be angry if you don't last long? ”

While sweeping her hair, she asked for profit. I didn't think it would last long. It was a stimulus that had been waiting for too long.

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