Level up from class F

Part 7. Controller

“The person making the decision is me. And she and Se-hyun decided to stay there, too. Erase told two people to leave, and rather than hurt them, she wanted to die. I'm sure the Chairman knows that. ”

The chairman shakes his head. He didn't seem to believe it.

“I'd like you to leave now. And I don't want you to ever see me again. ”

Yongha said.

“You can get out of this as much as you want. Mr. Credit is a victim of good faith. I don't want to hurt you, too. Put him down and come next to me. I'll save you. ”

“You don't have to try to save me. I'll take care of my life. I don't think he's going to make it. Should I call the police, or should I call security? ”

“Security? This is going to be fun. Appointed tankers and Seogyu Tai Dealers will no longer have enemies on the security guards. because you're going to be responsible for what happens here today. ”

“Here……. What's going on? ”

“The host of the beast will die. I'm going to announce that a mother killed a child when she found out that she had a secret like that. ”

The dragons trembled. At the same time, I was relieved that she didn't worry about herself.

“There's nothing to worry about. You know?”

“Joan Tsk.”

I looked at the dragon's camera.

“I've seen that. Mr. Credit, we're running out of time. Hunters will be here soon. ”

“I don't need time. This is where I belong. ”

You hear loud footsteps outside the door. And then, for a moment, the door bursts open and leaves. It seemed that the chairman of the association had spoken to him to distract him. I ran inward, holding the dragon string, thinking that I had no intention of saving myself in the first place.

A bullet flew through the glass door in front of the porch and smashed the glass. Glass splashes down like a waterfall. The sound of machine guns and automatic pistols is mixed up in confusion.

"What the fuck, huh? Fuck!"

I couldn't understand the fact that this was happening in an apartment in the middle of the city. I ran into the dragon panic room. However, locking the door was not a relief. It was a panic room designed to reassure all criminals, but for intruders it was also considered a paper house.

I hugged him with my back against the dragon wall.

“Si Hyun……. ”

I turned on the monitor in the dragon panic room and watched the situation outside. White and black hunters were coming up the second floor. Twelve, 13, 14.

I counted the number of dragons and gave up. They click as they threaten to touch the safety net. The panic room was filled with armor and weapons that Chae Joon had made just in case.

When she tried to put down her armor on him, she started mumbling for the first time.

“I have to wear it, Ahn Si-hyun! ”

However, Sihyun did not let Yong-ha go, holding his neck tightly.

“What are you trying to do! That door's gonna open soon! ”

And before that, the door opened.

"Hi, baby. And. Bye."

The hunters at the door pull the trigger without hesitation for a second. I hear noisy noises that make my ears tingle. I curled up as if I was trying to block it with my body, and I thought I would soon feel great pain in my body. But that didn't happen.

The people screaming horribly were hunters standing at the door. The bullets were flying around and the sound made my ears go deaf. The dragon blocked his ears, and while he was doing so, he saw a huge chakra gushing from his body and wrapping itself around him.

Several of the hunters have fallen to the ground. The gun that took them down was a shot by a colleague. They cursed an uncontrollable body. I didn't know why my arms were moving and why they were targeting my colleagues. The ones who could avoid survived, but those who didn't, fell down from the gunshot wounds of their comrades. In front of the dragon, one fell down, shot in the neck and chest simultaneously and spurted blood. The blood splattered quite far due to the strong pressure.

I saw chakra spreading from the body of the dragon. Chakra seemed angry, but the expression on his face, holding Dragon King's neck, was only peaceful. He stroked his head and told me that he was going to be okay, stretching to his little ear. The hunters struggle to stay away from the chakra and retreat. After realizing that shooting didn't do him any harm, the hunters put down their guns.

Sihyun's chakra reaches the closest hunter. Yongxia turned her head without even knowing it, then she couldn't help but watch him again. Hunter's body quickly froze, touching Shi Hyun's chakra. That way, Chakra continues to stretch out, and the hunters are busy fleeing like they've seen a ghost. The speed at which Shi Hyun's chakra extends was too slow, so I thought that was the limit of his practice. However, just as Chakra was just a pastime to enjoy, Sihyun's chakra stretched out at once toward the Hunters. While the hunters captured by Chakra are on one side freezing fresh, the already frozen hunters are melting.

The only thing that taught me that Hunters were there was a pool of water where their bodies were melted. I was fortunate to accept that there was no bloodshed. The people who were shot and died were frozen again as soon as they touched Chakra, and the pool of blood lying on the floor became ice and melted.

The outside is calm for a moment. However, a brief moment of tranquility passes and a loud noise is heard outside again. When the dragon glanced at the monitor with a stiff body, there was clan A.

The first to enter was erased. I ran toward the chairman of the association who was looking up the stairs on the second floor with a blank expression. Yong-ha rushed out with Shi-hyun. Yongin was aware of the situation when Jiu's chakra exploded. It was still flowing similarly to that time. The fact that the security of Se-hyun erased was not guaranteed, it was clear that the people who wanted to kill her would have missed me again.

I ran with a string in my arms.

“We're alive, Anziu! Si-hyun is fine. Si-hyun saved my life. Sihyun's chakra. Sihyun didn't lose. So you do the same. You win, too. You're my dad! Don't let him see you like that! ”

The dragon yells, "Is Ji-woo planning a pointless murder?" Ji-Woo looked at him. Sihyun opened his arms to erase. However, erasing did not give me a hug immediately.

Everyone else in clan A is running in. I saw chakras flapping like wings on the shoulders of a dragon eraser.

"No, you can do it. Don't let him see you. Si-hyun won't stand it. To him, you're his world. Don't make Si-hyun go through that. Don't let Si-hyun's world fall apart!"

Jung and Seo Kyu-tae rushed in and stood there as if they were nailed. The erase was so similar to the erase at that time. Seo Kyu-tae thought it was too late for Ji-woo.

Erasing slowly, I turned my head from Dragon Ha to Shi Hyun. And I looked back at the dragon. Ji-Woo's chakra sinks without a flood. Ji-Woo smiled at Sihyun. Sihyun looked at his father's smile and burst into laughter.

“Please take Si-hyun into the room for a while. Yongha.”

I took the dragon strikes for Jiu's words and went inside. Soon, the executive followed him into the room. Until then, the chairman of the association had nothing to do with it. I didn't have a chance to escape, and I was almost in a panic because I thought Jiu's chakra was about to tear me apart and pierce me.

"This was the only way to end it. What the hell is wrong with you? Why didn't you believe me?"

Ji-Woo said he heard a cry from the head of the association. He seemed crazy. Suddenly, the voice of the head of the group screaming that your child is the leader of the monsters stops.

I blocked his ears.

“Si-hyun, don't listen. That's all a lie. Si-hyun is the nicest and most precious baby in the world. You know Si-hyun, the bravest. I don't cry. If anyone wants to see it, hold on. Who can be as good as us? ”

“Joan Tsk.”

“Yeah, I'm good, too. Yeah, I'm good, too. ”

The dragon smiled at the sudden words. When Yong-ha left Si-hyun with the executive and went out, the chairman of the association collapsed. The commission approached and identified the body of the chairman of the association.

"He's definitely dead."

He says, the dragon approaches and lays a hand on erased shoulders.

“We'll have to move the house again. ”

Ji-Woo said as if sorry.

“The head of the association suddenly came to see me. The Chairman knew the Hunters were coming. He attacked her and tried to frame her for what she did with her mom and the head of security. I tried to get them both off the pedestal. I don't know why it's changed so suddenly. ”

I didn't have anything to say to Yong-ha either.

“I'm always sorry for you. ”

“Why do you say that? Si-hyun is not a burden. Saying that makes you feel burdened by him. Who are you to make a fool out of her? ”

“ ……. ”

“She's precious to me. Don't ever say that to me again. Because he's my son, too, asshole. ”

“That's comforting to hear. ”

“Just say what you want to hear. ”

Ji-woo tapped the dragon's shoulder once and looked at Seogyu.

“It's getting weirder. I don't know why I'm doing this, Written. ”

Ji-Woo said.

“I can't help it. I think I can handle this. I'd rather deal with this myself than the Chief of Security. Anyway, I'm still Chief of Security. There are also hunters' bodies, so explain how they were attacked first. ”

“I, I see... ”

Yong-ha cautiously said.


“There are no bodies. ”

“Yes? What do you mean, the door is like that and the house is like this? I heard something when we came in. ”

“Yes, there was definitely an intrusion……. Si-hyun doesn't leave a body. No, Si-hyun's chakra. ”

“ ……. ”

Seo Kyu-tae went up to the second floor without saying anything.

“Si-hyun has already mastered how to hide the body? Amazing.”

He spoke with envy and bought everyone's eyes.

“Oh, really, these people. I don't have a sense of humor. ”

In front of the panic room, the water was gushing as if it had leaked anywhere. Seo Kyu-tae touched the water with his hands and took it to the tip of his nose. Looking at that, Kang Hyun and Tai felt peculiar.

“You're doing this again. It's just water. It's even weirder that it's just water. People freeze and melt, and it's just water. ”

Thai said.

“No viscosity. It's just water, really. ”

Seo Kyu-tae said, Profit Constitution was really jealous of Shi-hyun's chakra, but she kept her mouth shut because she thought others would hold it all at once if she opened her mouth again. Frozen and melted with no emotional fluctuations, and that's it. I don't have to run like a crazy bitch to get rid of a body.

I was really envious of Chakra of Shi Hyun. Meanwhile, I was envious of Jiu's chakra, but from now on, I decided to respect only Ji Hyun's chakra.

On the way down, Yaroslav asked him in a small voice.

“Ahem. When I was trying to get Chakra out of Jiu's brother earlier, Your brother stopped you, right? ”

“ ……. Is that it? "


“I don't know. I saw her and thought she was real. I guess that's what you're saying, huh? I heard the voice of credit first. They said they were alive. Anziu turned around.”

“Anyway, I think it works for Se-hyun and Ji-woo. Yong-ha's control. ”

“If that's the case, that's a relief. I'm starting to get scared. He rips his wife to shreds once he's drunk. You're not that close to me. ”

“I think Ajim is really great. because if someone tries to impress him, he seems to have a knack for forgetting all the good images that he has stored up. ”

“What are you doing buying favor from someone? Okay, Jareau, don't flatter me either. It's annoying and burdensome, okay? You bastard! You were trying to impress me with your face! I'm warning you, don't flatter me. Okay?”

“I don't want it, I don't want it! ”

Now only Seo Kyu-tae's head aches.

I remembered what Mickey said about the pains of non-fiction writers. What Seo Kyu-tae is feeling right now is, technically, different from that. I know exactly what happened, but I didn't think Miki latitude would have ever imagined the pain suffered by someone who was forbidden from using the necessary words.

How should I explain it? Hunters' bodies are all gone.

Then Tai approached Seo Kyu-tae.

“The only problem now is that there's only the body of the head of the association. It's a simple matter of getting rid of the body of the head of the association. because when the body of the head of the association disappears, there's nothing we can do about it. ”

I heard what Tai Yin said, but Seo Kyu Tai didn't understand exactly what she said.


The person who asked the question was unexpectedly appointed.

“Oh, my God. Why are you out here? Where's Shi-hyun? ”

Seo Kyu-tae asked.

“I put her in the walker. ”

Jung said.

“A walker……. Is that it?"

Tai said, pointing to Xi Hyun.

While people were watching, Chakra stretched out from his body. I was very relaxed because I was sure that there were no dragons around me. Chakra touches the collapsed head of the association and begins to freeze. Everyone stared at him without even breathing. Sihyun's chakra disappeared into Sihyun after completing a secret prank by herself.

Sihyun instinctively looked around, and when everyone opened their mouths and just looked at me, he was surprised and leaned back.

“Woof, woof! ”

No one.


I couldn't.

Part 7. Completion

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