Level up from class F

Part 8: The Beast's Chakra

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Clan A has had more busy days since the Extreme Hunter's plan became known.

Needless to say, he found the swamps where the web spiders lived and raised them to dry them out. He actively searched the web for new monsters to make a weaponry worth spreading. It was clear that it would be a matter of time before the Extreme Hunter Guild created a new weapon that should not be used in the Raid and restricted its sale to attackers not in the Extreme Hunter Guild.

Seogyu became a class A hunter, and his body almost recovered with the intensive treatment he received. When I got up to Class A, my ability to accept healing chakra seemed to have improved as well.

I didn't think that being attacked by Jiw's chakra would rot for so long, but after all, it was almost healing, so Seogyyu is now completely out of the slum.

Most of the time before sunset the clans spent targeting monsters and researching weapons at night. Ordinary people could not endure it physically, but they enjoyed continuing their daily life.

It was a coincidence that Seo Kyu-tae heard about Mickey's latitude.

Raised all day, washed his head, showered, and stepped on the remote control that had fallen off the floor, and there was a broadcast from Mickey latitude.

If it was the same at any other time, he would have thought of sleeping just a little bit, but because he stepped on the rolling remote, he saw Mickey's last broadcast on Channel 68.

At this point, the thought of Miki's relationship with latitude was quite remarkable in his mind.

In the screen, Mickey's latitude struggled to stay bright, but the drumstick couldn't dissect his feelings, and at the end of the day, his lower lip trembled. My eyes flushed, but I held my head back until the tears fell.

“So far, Miki, it's been latitude. ”

The last words were heard with a strong voice.

In Seo Kyu-tae's head, the voice grew for a while.

After that, I sometimes thought of Mickey's latitude. I thought he wanted to do in-depth coverage, so he asked me to do an interview, but I couldn't remember how the conclusion was made at that time.

Eventually, Seo Kyu-tae contacted Miki at the latitude first, and Miki remembered not forgetting Seogyu before answering his phone.

After exchanging polite words, Seo Kyu-tae said that she had seen the last broadcast at Mickey latitude. He also told me how he got to see the broadcast.

Mickey says latitude is a really strange thing, and he tells me some amazing things that he knows. Is Seogyu really going to do that every time? I fell in love with Mickey's latitude.

After laughing for a long time and talking, I felt bad when I thought it was time to hang up the phone. I was surprised that I still had a lot to say after talking without stopping.

“So what are you going to do now? I don't think I have to go to the station. ”

Seo Kyu-tae asked me that after saying the last greeting. The conversation started like that again for a long time.

Miki Wido said he was worried about what he was thinking, but he thought it would cost too much. Later, he said that he was worried because his friends seemed to be saving up money.

“When I thought I couldn't do it because I had no money, I felt relieved that I had a good reason not to start doing it, but I'm increasingly worried that my acquaintances are saving up money. The only thing left to do is to think I'm good at it. ”

“I know what it is. ”

Seo Kyu-tae smiled and said. Miki Lato said it was an honest feeling that he didn't want to give up what he had been doing. Seo Kyu-tae continued to listen to the words.

He was not the same person, but Miki's latitude worked well with Seogyu Tai. Mickey's latitude felt that too.

“I'd like to help if there's anything I can do. Let me know if you need anything. ”

Seo Kyu-tae said that one day.

“Really? Then let me post it on my new company homepage. I'll pay for it.”


Seo Kyu-tae laughed. There were not many people who called him a writer. And those who still called Seogyu Tai before they wrote it had many meanings in them. Respect, love, friendship. Etc.

“That's not so hard. I felt the need to continue sharing information on the map with the hunters. Let's talk to others and see if there's a way we can get involved. I think it's better for us to participate than to simply help. ”

Seo Kyu-tae said.

“Clan A? I'm glad you got fired from Channel 68. ”

Mickey's latitude spoke in an excited voice.

“Don't get your hopes up, because there's nothing set and we have to talk about it. ”

“No, no, no. I'm already looking forward to it. ”

I thought it was a dead end, but I just laughed.

“I wrote an article, should I send it to you? I think it'll help me see where I'm going with this. ”

“Okay, fine. Send it.”

Miki Latitude was excited and emailed an article right away. If it hadn't happened that I had to check the article with the clan members, Seo Kyu-tae would probably have been on the phone with Miki at the end of the night.

“I have plans to go to Korea during my break, can I interview you then? ”

The question of Mickey's latitude was unannounced, and Seogyu said he would not refuse. At the end of the call, Seogyu Tai was surprised to see the call timed to 4 hours and 47 minutes.

When Seogyu went out thinking that no one would be awake during this night, almost all the clans gathered in the large living room. They were asking each other for their opinions as they were talking about their Raid.

“Why aren't you sleeping? ”

“Are you awake? I came out hungry and everyone was there. Aren't you hungry? Can I boil you some noodles?”

As Jung says, Ji-woo stands up and says, "Don't move," and presses his shoulder silently.

“Are you going to eat? ”

Ji-Woo asked Kyu-Tai and raised the water of ramen. Seo Kyu-tae approached Taeine who was searching on her laptop.

“I want to see something with you for a moment. ”


Tain woke up immediately, and Seogyu opened an email showing an article from Mickey's latitude. While people were watching the article, Seogyu told me that Miki's latitude had been cleared on Channel 68. Everyone who heard about it realized it had something to do with them and felt sorry for Mickey's latitude.

“Mickey wants to start a new company. Cable TV, magazines, newspapers. I think I'd like to try different mediums together. This is not a finished article. It's like a draft that says we're going to do it this way. I thought it would help me understand directions. ”


The knight deals with an increasing swamp in New Jersey and Cobra, the alcoholic monster found there.

The size of the individual is not that big compared to other monsters, but even if the individual is not that big, it is lighter than 8 meters. The Cobra Beast has a poison with a hole in the front and is known to spray poison through it. There was a cobra that had that feature in the natural world, but in the case of a cobra monster, the poison was much stronger, and the Hunters were struggling to target because of the danger that they were able to reach any height and spray the poison as they were suddenly erected.

I imagined the fear of a cobra who was crawling on the ground suddenly rushing forward. The face of the cobra at the top of the sky came down under the tsutz and came right up to the front. Moreover, the poison from the poison was fatal.

A 100 percent chance of processing poison from a cobra monster's venom into the eye will result in blindness.

Since all I had to do was hold my body with my tail and swing my arm in the air, I was able to move fast enough to avoid the cobra monster. Seeking a safe zone to avoid the cobra monster's poison is also not very extensive due to its wide range of sprays.

Many of the hunters who went to raid the Cobra Beast were also blinded by the Cobra Beast. The Cobra Beast is ranked at the top of the list of monsters that make it difficult for hunters to attack.

Mickey Latitude wrote at the end of the article that he plans to interview the attackers who succeeded in attacking the Cobra Monster.

I'd like to continue to cover the tricky monsters' attacks, but I've also noted that Hunters are increasingly reluctant to share information to increase their value.

“If you're holding your tail and moving your body, that's a very unusual form of movement. It's kind of like flying. ”

Kang Hyun said.

“If you keep attacking the support tail, I don't think the Cobra Monster will be able to attack properly. ”

When Sejin said that there was a reason, Jill complimented Sejin.

“How much poison can they release? I don't think it's infinite. I don't know. But once the Raid is over and the Hunters are back in, everything will be reset, right? ”

The Thai asked.

“I think you'd better ask Mickey Latitude. He has plans to come to Korea. He asked if I could interview Clan A at the time. ”

When Seo Kyu-tae said, I looked at Seo Kyu-tae with a strange expression.

“Mikey, did you say that yourself? To you? Why is he only talking to you? ”

When Ji-woo was asked maliciously, his face suddenly turned red.

“Mickey's latitude is small. ”

When the Tai Yin said, Seo Kyu-tae's face turned even redder and told her to shut up. Because there were executives and pilgrims around him, he desperately wanted it to end there. Taeine and Erase stared at Seogyu, muting their mouths as their expressions became increasingly ferocious.

Objects that are difficult to target, maps that evolve.

Among the swamps found in Korea, the proportion of them was increasing.

Among the tricky swamps were swamps where lava rose high like the tide. The beast that lived below was covering the metal instead of the skin, and the metal did not melt under it. This is a first-class swamp that hasn't grown, so I only went there once and looked at it, but I haven't figured out a way to attack it yet, so it's one of the unsolved swamps.

I could not have been more shocked by the fact that I had appeared not only to life but also to a machine monster.

Soon there should be an ambush against the swamp.

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