Hunters heard about eight individuals.

“The objects that make up the word are individual entities that function independently. Many individuals come together to form a single organism, each performing its own function. ”

Seo Kyu-tae showed me the screen and said.

“Separating them won't kill you, right? ”

The Thai asked.

“That's what it looks like on the screen. Recovery doesn't happen as fast between individuals as other monsters. Watch this and it will help you understand. ”

Seo Kyu-tae quickly turned the screen.

“This hunter cuts off Ward's shoulder. This area on the shoulder of Ward is where the other objects are connected. If it was like any monster we know, it would stick back between three and six seconds. Or they grow new where they were cut off. But look here. ”

“It doesn't stick. They're moving independently, aren't they? ”

Jung said, "I'm more unfamiliar with unfamiliar creatures."

The legs were similar to imaginary animals with their heads pointed upward but never seen on the ground. The cut from the shoulder moves alone, and the hunters attack as they follow the subject of Wards. I was surprised to move even though I didn't have a leg. Something invisible seems to be running from underneath. However, it was not to be ignored by being away from the body. It harasses the hunters while avoiding the Hunters' attacks.

If it were just them, Hunters would be able to find an ambush. If the beast moves fast, it can move faster than the beast and attack. But that wasn't all Ward was.

“Does Ward have a particular way of attacking himself? Or is it because you have too much stamina that you haven't been able to attack? ”

Kang Hyun asked.

“This is the most problematic object of all. ”

Seogyu said, pointing to the area under his head between the two front legs. Although it did not look detailed, it appeared to be a site that felt heterogeneous as that of a person suffering from a skin condition.

“This catches up to Hunter in no time. And there's that scene here, too. ”

Seo Kyu-tae found the scene of the problem and showed it.

As black smoke rises from Ward's body, the insects that were attached to his body swarm towards the hunters. The soft, light black silk muffler appears to be blown away by the wind, but in reality it is terrible.

As it latches onto the person, the hunters scream and struggle to pluck it from their bodies. But it was just a meaningless struggle.

The assaulted hunter falls to his knees in less than five minutes, and it looks like the black blood is churning vigorously around his fallen position. However, they moved against gravity and flew back up into the sky. It wasn't Hunter's blood, it was Hunter's flesh.

Seogyu stopped them as Hunters tried to stand up together to see it.

“Here's a close-up. Sit down. These are worms that are parasitic to Wars, and they fly around attacking people. Most of the time they fly around in swarms. People call it the Black Circle. ”

“Black Circle? ”

The Thai asked.

“I suck blood. ”

Seogyu spoke and played a file in another folder.

“This is the image of the hunters killed by the Black Circle. This is a video that Mickey saved. This should give you an idea of how the Black Circle attacks. ”

There was a completely different scene on the screen. It was a place for dissecting corpses, not outdoors where monsters stir up chaos, but it was odd that the tension didn't seem to budge at all. A piece of corpse is lying on a white iron bed. There was no sanctuary on the body. The two coroners in white robes stand beside the corpses, talking to each other and checking on their condition.

“Eye, oral cavity, esophagus. They're all normal. If this hadn't happened, they would have lived to be over a hundred years old. ”

That said, the man flexes the dead hunter's muscles and removes the ribs with a bone cutter. Hunter's body reveals everything he has with his armor off, much more horrifying. The coroners were all zinc when they saw that the bugs that had penetrated through their skin had eaten and disappeared without leaving their hearts and intestines behind.

- Imagine how fast these guys got inside their bodies and ate their organs. It's just a dead body on the outside. This guy was dead before the nerve endings detected any signs of anxiety even reached the brain.

The coroner on the screen, covering the muscles on which he had been turned, told his colleague. The camera looks inside Hunter's body.

You feel like you're asking Clan A members to take a good look. Seogyu stopped the screen.

“It's not just Hunter's intestines and heart that Black Circle eats. Sometimes they dig up all the flesh. The size of the Black Circle isn't that big, but Black Circle scares you because of the speed at which it reproduces. It may be difficult to spot the Black Circle breeding during the Raid, but Hunters did. I don't know what speed it is, but it seems to be continuing to blow. And it's even harder to attack the Black Circle because it's directly attached to the Hunters. We can't just shoot flamethrowers at people to get to the Black Circle. ”

Seo Kyu-tae said, the more I heard it, the worse it was.

“I thought it would be easy to target eight of each of the eight individuals in a given time frame. ”

Leonid nods his head as Jaroslav speaks. He seemed to have just said what he wanted to say.

“You didn't say it on purpose because you didn't think we would do it?" ”

Lee Kyu-tae was consistent with no comment on the question.

“Approximately how many Black Circles are there? How big is one? How many hunters are attacking? ”

Sejin asked.

Seogyu regenerated the file she had initially viewed, pointing her finger at the screen and showing the Black Circle.

“Here's one. As you can see, each black circuit is not that big. If I put it on an adult man's stomach, I think there's about four of them. Half the size of a thigh? Usually two or three of them stick to one hunter. ”

“When you fly out of Ward's body, how many of those are there? ”

Leonid asked.

“That makes sense if you look at this. ”

Seo Kyu-tae showed me the scene of the Black Circle escaping the herd.

It seemed to be 300.

“Here's the thing. ”

Seogyu recalls people's attention and points his hand at the bottom of Ward's neck at the back. The Black Circle has just left and the empty spot is filling up again.

“Oh, my God! It's coming back! Is that where you laid your eggs? And that's how it grows in the meantime? ”

Jung shouted. The more I watched, the more I fell in love with him.

“Eventually. Ward himself is not a big deal, but the Black Circle is. ”

Ji-Woo said.

“Ward himself is not a big deal. Yes, in fact, so do I. Word won't be a problem for Clan A. because I think if we can isolate each individual and target them, we can attack them. But the problem is the Black Circle. ”

“The armor is useless, right? ”

Kang Hyun asked.

Seo Kyu-tae nodded.

“That's it. I think you should feel very sorry for yourself. that you proposed this raid. ”

Sejin said with a look like he was going to cry soon. However, the constitution of profit shook its head.

“I'm looking forward to being able to perform. I was getting bored because I thought I was taking kindergarten exams. ”

Profit Constitution said.

“That's what I'm after. Mickey, too, but I wanted Clan A to work together to fix this. The Colony scouts are keeping us on edge. We need a chance to lose. You can't just play a stupid game because you want to be meaningless. I've had a hard time catching this game. ”

Seo Kyu-tae said willingly. Everyone was able to laugh for a while.

“How have American hunters responded so far? ”

The Thai asked.

“If the Black Circle tried to attack, they would run away and attack each individual until the Black Circle flew away. So we just continued with a completely meaningless attack. ”

“We need to find a way to tie the Black Circle's feet while it's still attached to Wards. ”

Ji-Woo said.

“That would be the ideal way. ”

“What about the Black Circle that flew away from Wars? Suck up the Hunters... the Black Circle they ate. ”

Michael hesitated as if saying it was a sin.

“I don't know if I should say thank God. ”

Seogyu said so, and found the data screen to help the clan members understand.

“Here. You see these black things on the floor? This is the Black Circle. ”

“Dead or dead? ”

Michael asked.

“Yes, I don't know why. After a few minutes, they die. It's a good thing. ”

“I don't think I can make it because I'm full. ”

Jung said.

Sejin plugs my ears to say terrible things, but the executive shakes his head.

“Look at the size. Six times bigger than when I flew in from Ward. He ate more than he could handle on his own digestive system. If you eat like this, your stomach will burst and you'll die. Even if my stomach doesn't explode and die, I think it would be easy to die if I was attacked while my movements were slow. ”

Jung said.

“If you want to catch the Black Circle, do you have to feed it and feed it? ”

I bought the clan members' roots when Profit Constitution spoke. Sejin cries out, especially thinking that the food he speaks of is the other hunters.

“That way, it won't work because that's where the other Black Circlers will grow under Ward's head while the Black Circles die." ”

Seo Kyu-tae said.

“The Black Circle lives there because it's qualified for nutrition, right? Well, why don't we just target the object first? ”

Leonid stands up and looks at the screen and says,

“I think it would be best if I could. We attack that area while avoiding the Black Circle attack. But the Black Circle won't stand for it. At that time, we will run with our determination to protect our species, not to feed them. ”

Seo Kyu-tae said.

About that time, a deep sigh burst out of everyone's mouth.

“I'm sorry I dragged you into this for something personal. ”

As Seo Kyu-tae said, Profit Constitution smiled.

“Love is a luxury that can only be enjoyed after all enemies are gone. Until then, the person you love is just a hostage who destroys your courage and clouds your judgment. Olson Scott card. ”

Profit Constitution said.

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