Level up from class F

Part 13 King of the Beast

But now I can't stop thinking that the warnings I heard at the Colony's pond were more dangerous than that. If the monsters are after the demons. That's why I thought that if a first-class swamp grows in Korea and a colony of first-class swamps is created aiming for a demonstration, there might be more urgent risks than a monster's chakra crashing.

It was difficult to discuss the matter with the executive. Appointments were not very reasonable when it came to demonstration.

Erase decided to push on as she thought. It was not necessarily an arbitrary decision. Before making my decision, I called the Western Economic and Profit Constitution to let them know what I was thinking and focused on their opinions.

The two of them also said that we should focus on which risks are more urgent. And even if Shi Hyun's monster chakra explodes, it is also said that he has dragon water, so he can control it. It was not that much of a grudge for the dragon, but now it was concluded that he should focus on rapidly growing his seizure, and Ji-Woo was only aiming for an opportunity to announce the decision.

The others didn't have to care. It was all the appointments needed to accept, but I thought I had a good chance. A strange person named Ha Garden appeared, and he didn't want to be angry with eraser in front of the Ha Garden, and there was an absolute supporter of Kang Hyun, so I just thought I'd announce this truth.

I accepted the appointment as if I had no choice. I did not realize that now is not the time to prepare for the next ten years, but rather to put out the fire on my clothes.

“Earning XP and upgrading.... ”

As if HyoJae didn't understand easily, Kang Hyun looked at HyoJae and laughed.

“I'm going to take you guys on a raid, and I'm going to give you some experience. As long as you don't die and survive the process, you'll all be Class A hunters in at least six months. ”

Kang Hyun gives his word, and the new hunters can't keep their mouths shut. Whether people felt the need to keep their mouths shut while they were living, they didn't even think to keep their mouths shut for a while.

* * *

No one thought the process of the Hyundai Hunter Academy would end so abruptly.

Seo Mun-heol was in a hurry. After hearing that his disciple was leaving the academy, Seo Moon Yeong taught him a private lesson for three days.

Seo Moon Fever taught Moon Young about all kinds of poisons and monsters that use poisons, and poured out all the mechanisms, theories and hypotheses he understood on him. Seo Moon Fever told me about not only the venomous monsters, but also the blood-sucking monsters and the extinguishing monsters in vitro. Mu-young did not understand why Professor Seo Mun-sul told us about those things, but Seo Mun-sul said that he thought that he would eventually do all of them together.

If I had more time, I would have casually watched Muyoung grow, but Professor Seo understood that there was no time for that now.

“This is a monstrosity called the Asu, and it's small, and it's four meters, 50 centimeters, eight meters, individuals have been found. So far, there's only been one individual in the swamp, but from now on, what I'm trying to tell you is that when multiple individuals come out of the colony at once, it's difficult to target. Hunters panic when they meet them for the first time. Once the colony happens, a lot of hunters will die. More than half of all hunters could die. ”

Professor Seo Mun-sul said. When Mu-young heard that, she became distracted. Suddenly, the fate of humanity was erased from his shoulders. What Mu-Young wanted was to live gracefully with adequate respect and awe in a respectable position. He was not interested in taking responsibility for the comfort of mankind.

The job that people knew about was the Hunter, the monsters made him shine, and the hottest icon of his time was Clan A, so he was interested in the Hunter and grew up dreaming about it. He didn't feel like he had to take responsibility for other people's lives. But now, Professor Seo Mun-sul was talking as if he were no other than Moon-sung. That was a tiring situation.

“I'm not leaving very much. If there's anything you don't know, I'll come and ask you. If there's anything else going on in here, I think my head's gonna explode and die before I even get to Raid. ”

Mu-young could no longer withstand the excessive stress and told the fever. The fever gave way to the fever, as if it had delayed the idea of really doing so.

While Mu-young was raising heat on the toxicology master, the effects also erupted. After being teased by Armadillo, Hyojae also thought that he should not learn from people with skills in that direction.

Although Mu-young had a professor, there was no one to teach Hyo-jae like that. No, I didn't think so. Hyo-jae realized through his grandmother that it was his mistake.

“Your father was the best of the three, but now that time has passed, your eldest and youngest father have improved somewhat. Go to your eldest father.”

Hyo-jae, who whined about ruining Raid, said Hyo-jae's grandmother when she complained that no one would teach her skills.

“My eldest father? But... ”

HyoJae did not get along well with his older father. I didn't think we had ever been good together. However, when Hyo-jae tried to say that, Grandma looked at Hyo-jae horribly.

“If that's what your ego tells you you don't want to do, I want you to say it first. I want to prepare my heart before I disappoint my grandson. ”

“Grandma……. ”

“Why? Do you feel uncomfortable? Don't you think your eldest father would be uncomfortable if you were uncomfortable? If you don't like him, why don't you make him uncomfortable? I'd torture you like that. ”

“My eldest father is my grandmother's son. ”

“So what? Because he's my son? Cut the crap. The person who can help you most right now is your eldest father, so go after him and learn. I'd be very disappointed in who you are if I were, Moohyun or Shihyun. If he says something as plausible as he would do anything for his friends, but he realizes he doesn't want to see someone he's uncomfortable with and throws away his chance to learn. ”

“Grandma……. ”

I didn't have much choice. HyoJae followed her grandmother's specialty.

Grandma was right. HyoJae's older father was more uncomfortable with HyoJae than he was uncomfortable with his older father. Hyo-jae didn't really know why his older father hated him so much. HyoJae's eldest father shouted at HyoJae as if he hated it so much. He asked me where I came from and told me to get out of here. However, HyoJae survived the thought that he couldn't help Sihyun or other colleagues unless he learned from his older father there.

If it weren't for Armadillo, the swamp of Armadillo was decisive. Moreover, Hyo-jae had nowhere to back off, overlapping with the fact that his arm was nearly cut off by a monster.

HyoJae's eldest father almost fainted because the appearance of HyoJae entering his house was so similar to his dead brother Kyouk. He was relieved that he could now forget the tragedy of a man who was born with a destiny to fight to the death in the same realm as he could never keep up. But I thought it might not be, and I heard it as I saw the effect of opening the door.

Min Jae-wook, HyoJae's eldest father, was like that. He was a hunter, a dealer specialized in psychological assaults. Min Jae-wook was the best in that area until he became a hunter. However, after becoming a hunter, I had to silently watch that all the sacrifices that were made to Min Jae-wook were transferred to Kyung-wook.

Her abilities did not stop at disabling the psychological attacks used by monsters. I used that attack on monsters. Believing that he was paralyzed by a mild attack, he created immobile monsters. Some monsters fainted for a few minutes without breathing because they were afraid they might not be able to breathe.

You could have another map in front of the mild monster's eyes. The noises that were not heard in the hunters' ears could only be heard by monsters. It could have blinded the monster by controlling its spirit, or it could have made it appear that there were numerous vampire monsters attached to its body, allowing it to attack me on its own.

Attacks created by manipulating the psychology of hallucinations, hallucinations, and monsters.

Jaewook himself wanted to try it. But I couldn't do it. He decided to end his life as a hunter, thinking that his ability seemed to be a favor to only one person on earth. Serious retirement considerations. It was around that time that he died in a terrible accident. When I heard that Kyungwook was dead, I ran to the swamp, not the mortuary where Kyungwook was lying. If Kyungwook died, he could not stop thinking that the power that was given to Kyungwook would be given to him.

And Jaewook realized that. the fact that it really happened.

I could never reach a level that was mild, but I got people's attention again in a world that was mild.

His brother Chan Wook silently watched as his big brother filled the void. It was uncomfortable to see a bunny reign on a goal without a tiger, and a sudden rise in the world where Kyungwook disappeared. But what was most disturbing was the fact that catching up with him was also overwhelming. I was able to do what others couldn't, but I was no longer strong enough. However, there are those who would comfort you by saying that you can't do what others can, but I couldn't comfort myself by saying that.

I also understood the premise used by such comforters, the many meanings contained in the word 'still'. Chan Wook had hardly ever been properly evaluated as his own value without saying 'still'. Chan Wook always had a wall he couldn't cross. During the mild pain, the wall seemed to have been piled up to the end of the sky without a crack. And after Kyungwook died, it was the wall of Chan-wook Jae-wook.

Because of the difference in skills between the two, Hyo-jae had to come to Jae-wook, the eldest father.

I thought I saw a slight scowl in front of my eyes. Hyo-jae was the face of my father. But it was as cold as it looked. I had never seen it like that.

He knew his talents. When I was a child, I was happy to let my brother know what I had found. I thought you'd like it too. Then the words became more and more silent between brothers. When I realized that I wasn't relieved of myself, I couldn't reach him anymore.

I often thought about what he said. It was when you asked me how to do those things because you hated them and were coveted by the talents that they had.

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