Level Up Legend

Chapter 142

Chapter 142

level up legend

– Volume 6 Episode 16

Chapter 16.

‘It got worse.’

Kalon’s magical power is unstable. It’s different from the Earth, which is stable even if it’s newly filled with magical power.

Unstable magic created chaos and created Kalon’s own unique method. Nevertheless.

‘It’s a matter of the level of politics. It’s like the Middle Ages… … .’

Maybe it was because he was in a situation where his power was at his best, so he did not develop politically. I could say no.

There is no peaceful situation, and in Kalon, where there is always a war, the power is the best.

It was natural to gather around the strong.

It is a miracle that a transcendent strong man appeared from time to time to create an empire and then a kingdom.

If even such people had not appeared, the country itself would not have been established.

‘Because there are still occasional city-states.’

For the Kalonites, Kalon’s method was completely fixed. Even after the alliance came in, there was no progress, so I didn’t say anything.

Even after such a long time, Kalon’s magical power was noticeably more unstable than before.

“Hmm… … how… … .”

I thought it was strange and moved with my back against the gate I had just passed through.


“You came quickly.”

“Long time no see.”

Joo Man and Jang Ho Sung appeared at the same time as if competing.

Juman is here and must have found a way to get stronger.

The flow of magic has become deeper than before. Confused magic must have helped him, who moved his magic in a different way than me.

Jang Ho-seong, who moves back and forth between dimensions, was gradually changing his appearance into a costume suitable for Kalon here.

They are different, but both are reliable to me.

“Come. It’s time to move slowly.”

Reliable people are always welcome. sometimes not though.

* * *


The magic society that Mald and Emilan belonged to was in turmoil. The start of the problem is the magic tool that Hyeongjun Lee gave.

The true nature of the magic tool given as a gift was a magic activation item.


It would have been more convenient if it was simply amplification.

They also had items that boosted their magical power. Even if you don’t have it, if you look for equipment spread across the Federation, there are plenty of them.

But activation is different.

“What kind of wizard would react?”

“Yes… … Easy. Does it make sense? The flow of magic varies from person to person. Still, please activate them all.”

“her… … .”

The pattern of magic is different for each wizard.

Even if they are wizards of the same school, each individual is different. The only thing the same school looks like is similar. If you dig into it properly, there is definitely a difference.

Whether you know this pattern or not can raise the level of a wizard.

By reading your own magic patterns, you can use magic more easily and efficiently.So the magic will be activated soon.

“… … I’m going crazy.”

“Everyone is complaining about where they heard it. riot!”

This is an opportunity for a wizard to raise the level of magic!

In Panz’s school, it was overflowing with magic tools that could have been hit by their feet, but to them, it was a treasure like never before.


“A copy?”

“It’s impossible even with a hot plate. The way is different. With us… … .”

“under. Did it really come out of the ground? How is it completely different? Another dimension deal? No, even in different dimensions, the magic would be similar.”

“… … I don’t know.”

No matter how much I analyze, I can’t follow Lee’s method.

If I could just follow the magic circle’s driving method, the story would have been easier. I must have copied it somehow.

You will be able to appease the wizards of Mist who are upset by hearing the rumors. Even if you give me a hotplate!

However, even that deterioration plate cannot be made.

“… … To take it by force.”

“Don’t say nonsense! If you’re going to do that, I’d rather go. No! that!”

“under… … .”

I can’t even take it by force. Even Lee Hyeong-jun’s known power surpasses Mist.

“Even if we join forces with other places?”

“… … No. it.”

Those who explore the mystery of the Holy See. crucifixion. A traditional druid who claims to be a descendant of Merlin. Would it be possible if all of them went out?

I thought it was possible rationally, but Mald said it wasn’t the case.

He was also known for his talent in Mist, and he believed in his senses.

His senses as a wizard say that no matter how hard he tries, he can’t surpass Lee Hyeong-jun, whether in Europe or the East.

It’s a gift right in front of you, and you can’t even follow the magic activation tool that was easily available.

If such a tool had existed, Mist’s magic level would have been higher than ever before.

“I’m going crazy… … .”

“… … It affects you.”

The other wizards of Mist are clamoring for the release of this activation tool.

It is clear that he was stimulated by seeing Emily who has grown up recently.

There were also those who objected to the organization not to monopolize it.

Unlike the orthodox school, Mist’s motto was to share all knowledge. There was no justification for telling me not to monopolize it.

“Huh… … .”

However, I did not come up with an answer by simply giving out one thing.

There are many people to write, but there is only one tool.

“What is it?”

“… … .”

Even as Mald and his teacher Maiden were struggling, things got bigger and bigger.

* * *


“Come on and find out!”

Rumors, which are horses without feet, have flowed stories about magic activation tools to all those involved in magic in Europe.

Because they learned magic, no, they knew the utility of magic properly, so the magic activation tool was a treasure to them!

The one and only treasure! Regardless of the source, he was frantically moving to get it.

Among the radicals, there were those who had to attack Mist and take it away.

The reason was that if left as it is, the Mist could become the most powerful of the Magic School.

Lee Hyeong-jun’s panz can’t be touched, so he’s attacking the arrogant Mist, but he was a seemingly plausible cause.

They are not without ups and downs, but they have a level that is arrogant to each other.

The orthodox school is a bit more advanced, but even that, if you use the magic activation tool, Mist might catch up.

It was understandable that everyone was trying to get even by attacking a decent Mist.

When you reach a higher level as a mage, you can gain unprecedented strength!

The power is to explore and know the secrets of the world as a wizard! That was a story that would raise the level of ‘existence’!

Everyone was preparing to attack Mist or even negotiate.


“It’s true?”

“… … came out?”

Just broke the job at the Panz shop!

* * *

It’s no secret that Panz has a magic school.

The power hidden within it is just the real secret. Existence itself was not hidden. Lee Hyung-jun’s method of hiding the truth in public worked well.

However, not all eyes were lost.

It’s magic!

Things like flying in the sky, wielding a staff, and blowing fire have long been something of interest to people.

It smelled and people came looking for it.

Those with the greatest talent.

“Are you going to school? Opportunities will be different.”

“… … thank you!”

I accepted the proposal of Neopjuk Panz and entered the school.


The magic that unfolded right before their eyes made talented people walk into school on their own.

It was not felt by others, but it was clearly felt by those with talent.

The flames burning in front of his eyes were something different from this ability.

‘It must be real magic.’

Their talent was speaking. That’s magic. If you learn that magic, you can become stronger in a different way than ordinary people with special abilities.

Instinct says, can you refuse? Most of them walked into school.

They were stepping into the swamp of Lee Hyung-jun on their own.

A level of magic deeper than anywhere else. They could not escape just by learning the secret hidden within.

As time passes and the depth of the magic deepens, the more difficult it will be to leave school.

Even to know the secrets of the world!

Absorbed all those people. This was done in secret. Very quiet.

Instead, there was something else that loudly raved about.

Those with low talent have no choice but to focus on the new things introduced by Panz.

hot plate.

Compared to what you learn in school, the level is infinitely low. But for those who don’t know that.”Five… … Are you active?”

“… … a magic book? Buy it once. It’s Panz.”

“You have to have talent? uh? Still, the test is free.”

Great things have been revealed.

Equipment for hunters, titans, and training tools for awakening. What followed was equipment for wizards!

He didn’t know what a wizard was or what kind of existence he was.

Panz’s advertisement that if you have talent, you can have power in a different way than that of people with talent, worked effectively!

He attracted people through his interest in Panz.


“Five… … .”

Even if the talent is low, a talent for magic is a talent. Those who could actually use magic appeared.

hot plate.

Even if it was a magic book, it was made by binding things with low power, but that was enough.

There were those who bought it out of pure curiosity.

“It’s here!”

“Buy them all! hurry!”

Those who emerged from the school knew its value and rushed to it.

“There are purchase restrictions.”


“Aren’t you already learning magic? Coveting something from another school… … Wouldn’t that be the magician’s way?”


“Still, there are a few possible, so check it out!”

However, not all of them could be purchased.

Those who were already learning magic could not avoid the eyes of the races behind Jang Ho-seong.

They have restrictions.

You can’t buy all of them, you can only get some.

Trying to save them through others was to no avail. Because the restrictions were also placed on the item itself!

There are items that will increase the level of magic in front of you, but you cannot purchase them.

can’t have it!

I don’t know if I’d rather not have seen it, but a wizard boom was already taking place everywhere.

Just by looking at the internet videos, videos of people using novice magic took the top spot.

That’s what drove real wizards crazy.

“… … How can I save them all?”

“What do you mean?”

“How can I get this? under… … crazy.”

He dyed them with impatience that he might fall behind.

‘It’s going to go back the way you want it.’

Lee Hyeong-jun started to return to the situation he wanted from the beginning.

A present given to Mist. Just by releasing the rumors related to him, some wizards started going crazy.

It fell into a swamp. A swamp you can’t get out of.

Since the mist came, Lee Hyung-jun threw a fishing rod, and the wizards bit the bait. And all those who took the bait.

“Hmm… … .”

They were just rolling their eyes, waiting for the mouths of the races behind the store to open. And in the meantime, Hyungjun Lee.

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