Level Up Legend

Chapter 164

Chapter 164

level up legend

– Volume 7 Episode 13

Chapter 13

“I may be a little late.”

“Yes? … … Ah!”

Hipson speaks as if he has made a big decision.

He did not accept my decision.

As a person who is not harsh, he cannot follow my decision.

He was like that from the beginning.

He was like a merchant, but not like a merchant. He tried to take care of the door, but he resigned because it was really important.

If he has a bond, he is drawn to it and cannot make a deal.

The merchant is right!

Confidence is a necessary thing for a successful merchant, but it is also the right thing to prevent a merchant from being able to thrive.

Hipson had that.

He was a person who knew how to show affection towards a different dimension human being, the Hunter.

So he can’t be together.

‘They say that my choice is to prevent a greater sacrifice.’

He is the one who reaches out his hand to those who are dying right in front of his eyes.

He fell in love with everyone who had Kalon. No, it really doesn’t matter if it’s not all of them.

While in the Alliance, Kalon itself might have become more precious.

So he can’t agree with me.

I don’t like the job of the joint venture, but at the same time, I also can’t like the job I’m going to do.

So he can’t be with me. Even if he didn’t like it, he chose to remain with the League.


“… … Huh.”

As if this situation was funny, Essie, who was smiling brightly, was an unusual case.

If she passed from her joint life, she could have lost her power.

Just as Hipson gains more of her power as he rises to the top of the League, so does she.

She might lose her strength, but the fact that she came was a nonsensical story.

what is a person

No matter what non-human being, he suffers when he loses what he had.

It wouldn’t matter if it wasn’t there in the first place. But when you lose what you have, it becomes more painful than you can imagine.

Although there is a federation, in essence, it is this world where the rule of self-existence works.

That you might lose your power in such a world.


decline in the value of existence.

Still, she chose to be with me. The fact that she made a choice even though there were only a few ties.

‘I don’t like what the Federation is doing.’

On the contrary, I liked it. I mean, I changed her mind.

I don’t know where she changed her mind. The important thing is that she chose me.


‘That’s the power… … .’

Even the lost power can be recreated by me.

It’s easy to take advantage of her distortions and give her strength by mimicking the manners of her confederation a little. Her missing information should be filled with what she asks for.

Again, Hipson was worried.

I asked her, involuntarily, keeping the impression of her grimacing.

“Can’t you think again?”As much as he was attached to me, I was also attached to him.

I know that both of the commissions he has done are those that put me in danger.

But those quests became the support for me to come this far. He now knows that he didn’t send it because he wanted it.

So I wanted to do it together.


However, he only shoves his whale, firmly conveying his will. just.

“Didn’t I tell you I was going to be late? I’ll go slow. you know The road to the Federation is long.”

“… … under”


He says he will move very late, and he smiles slyly.

That means. Unless I was an idiot, I couldn’t have known.

He doesn’t come to me instead.

‘Like an idiot.’

Despite having to inform the Federation, he was saying that he would move slowly.

In exchange for the affection he has for me, he gives me time.

He’s the one who has to go back to the League and deliver the news.

As much as he moves slowly, it opens up time for me. That time will be as precious as gold to me.

In getting Carlson.

Due to his own beliefs, Hipson is neither attached to me nor attached to life-sustaining.

For him, this is the best. his best.

I have no choice but to respect that best.

“under… … .”

He just sighed and nodded his head.

You can detain him if you wish, or keep him forever, but you won’t.

It’s like I’m stuck.

‘I also.’

Maybe I was too attached to him and fishy. That’s stupid.

like i’m crazy He opened his mouth again as if resisting the cigar that was running out.

“If you see it on the battlefield, that is.”

“👀. Is it already a battlefield story? I hate stories like that.”

He is a hipson who smiles like a bad boy as if not to be burdened. middle-age. Maybe older than that, but he has a childish personality.

He may be affectionate because he is like a child.

“Listen seriously.”

“When were you not serious?”

“… … A little.”


I am also dyed with that childishness. even.

“I will save you once. One time.”

make stupid promises

A promise to save you once. He spit out lines that didn’t suit a child who was obsessed with romance.

this is my best

Even if he is hostile to me, if it is because of his beliefs, not because of the League, I will.

‘A number of times.’

It’s stupid, but it might save him.

Even if the League used him and attacked me, it was. No matter how many times you block me, I will save you. even if that would be a weakness.

No, not even a weakness.

‘You just have to get stronger.’

Even if you can’t catch him now, you could catch him on the battlefield.

even though that’s my truth.


he burst out laughing.

“Pu ha ha ha ha!”

“… … ”

Very cool. There seems to be no more interesting story than this.

He smiles for a while and then stops. Only then did he return to his original self.

“See you then. Don’t worry, I won’t be resentful.”

“Yes. See you then.”

slowly get up

He looked a bit lonely as he turned his back to himself only after standing completely and staring at me for a long time.

that day.

I gained Essie, I lost Hipson. No, would it be appropriate to say I missed it?

* * *

He said that he would move slowly, and he left immediately. It will take a long time for him to arrive, but it seemed that he could not be here anymore.

Those who leave will leave. Those who move will move.

I chose to move.

“Are you here?”


Jang Ho-seong. He moved as if he was anticipating the present.

He captured the free people in Kalon, gathered them and ruled them. under my name.


“I am satisfied. More than ever.”

“I will.”


can’t help but be satisfied It gave me the right without any obligations. It’s the right to live here.

It also created strength.

I can’t get strong as quickly as my comrades, vassals, or knights.

However, they taught me how to develop strength, which they could learn, for free. In the name of creating a vigilante group here.

The magic of Kalon is a place that runs wilder than the magic of any other place.

The Kalonians who were born in such a place.

“It’s fast. As if I had been waiting for this moment.”

“It has to be.”

“Yes. If dwarves are gifted with making talent, then the people here.”

“Because you have the talent to be strong.”

get stronger quickly

I just wasn’t given a chance. They were the ones with the foundation to become strong whenever given the opportunity.

The innate foundation of talent from the beginning!

I made it so that I can build that foundation, but if I don’t become strong, that’s even weirder.

Using that foundation, they were moving.

“Some have even reached the level of an intermediate hunter.”

“That’s good.”

“They are moving and handling the dungeon. Some are paying off. And the ingredients.”

“Will the dwarves use it?”

“Yes. Of course, you are paying for it.”

“It’s a virtuous cycle.”

Catch monsters that are created with stronger power.Use him to build society. It also gives some to us who made freedom.

It is a natural virtuous cycle. It’s not bad.

A good form was created just by giving strength to those with talent.

‘I don’t know how long it will be protected.’

It is up to me to keep it forever.

“Yes. If Kalon himself had moved that far, he might have been a pretty strong dimension.”


Even with these people, Kalon was still stuck in a fist-fighting way.

The strong have everything, and only the strong have the opportunity to become strong.

‘It’s a crooked zone of strength.’

It could not be stagnant, leading to a rotten place.

Calont is also known as the center of Kalon. It was the same with countless territories and countries.

So, as soon as this place was created, I ran to it. He risked his life to run and is satisfied with his life here.

I have no intention of saving them all.

‘It’s just grandiose.’

it’s salvation For a greedy person like me, that doesn’t suit me.

I have no intention of instilling new fantasies.

I’m just moving on to do my job. I’m just moving to break the situation where I got caught up in the god’s play without realizing it.


I’m just moving with my heart.

It was just a coincidence that they came under me. And maybe.

‘… … no.’

I thought it was fate, but I shook my head and put it away.

It’s fate that they came under me.

If so, isn’t it that it may be fate that I move like this in the end?

If you interpret it that way.

Gathering people, making potions, doing business, and creating my estate on Kalon and on Earth are all fate.

‘It’s fate.’

Are there any other funny stories?

Isn’t it mainly God who decides fate? I am moving to break the will of God. If the given fate is like this, it won’t follow.


I just make my own way.

“Looks like everything is ready. A lot more than I thought.”

“It’s coming in endlessly.”


Right now, Jung Ho-seong and I are standing and looking at the top of the fortress wall.

Looking down from above the iron wall and outside.

– Grum.

-… … name.

Countless bays were filled with heteromorphic beings.

All of them are my limbs, and they are the strange beings created by Jang Ho-seong.

Using the seeds of the Chapter of the Dead, Malpath, he created a whole new power.

Undead and non-undead were mixed. those who lead them.


It was all a race behind the scenes.

All the races of this type, who learned of his gentleman’s arrival, looked down at this side and bowed down.

The sight of tens of thousands of beings bowing their heads to me in an instant was another spectacular sight.

At the end of this spectacular, I opened my mouth.

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