In the western residence of the imperial ground, a slender woman modestly dressed in white raised from her seat.

Her clothes were without spectacular designs, looking plainer than a eunuch's, but her identity was unique. The simplicity of her clothes failed to hide it, and the grace with which she carried herself emphasized it.

A piece of plain cloth covered her eyes. She took off her blindfold, and a stunning view was revealed.

The maids gasped as the sight of her fell into their eyes. This wasn't the first time they saw her, but they felt like they would never stop feeling amazed by how perfect she looked.

Her facial features were delicate, as if meticulously crafted by the gods themselves. Her black eyes were neither too big nor too average, but what made them stand out from the countless pair of eyes in this world was that they were like an ancient well with infinite depth. A look in her eyes might very well push a person down the spiral of endless despair and joy. In contrast, her eyelashes were precisely feminine, as beautiful as the wing of a butterfly. Her lips were small, plump, and rosy, as lustrous as her creamy-smooth skin that was white like her clothes and luminous. When all these features came together on the same face, the peak of beauty was defined.

"If you have seen enough, help me dress up," she said, and the maids snapped out of their daze. It was known that she didn't like to look extravagant even though all the resources of the world were at the tip of her fingers. With one word, she could obtain anything she liked, but she liked to live modestly. The heavy pieces of jewelry and gold that signified status and wealth were what she hated wearing. They were too heavy for her taste. So a jade hairpin was stuck in her finely brushed and casually styled hair, and it was only done so because it signified her status as the Queen of the Empire!

The maids draped a fur coat over her shoulder. Its color was white, and it shone like the moon in the sky at night.

If Roy were here, he would be surprised to see it because it was made from the fur of the Luna he slayed!

A group of maids walked behind her with their eyes glued to her back. They didn't look away from her, not even for a moment, as if she was a delicate piece of glass that would break if they failed to help her in time.

"Your Imperial Majesty, are you off to see his Imperial Highness?" asked the head of the maids.

"No," she replied. "It isn't him I want to see."

"If it's not something important, I request your imperial majesty to re-wear the blindfold soaked in medicinal water. Your eyes are yet to heal."

The head maid was young. She was only in her twenties, and she had a rather special identity. She was a healer and not a normal one. The emperor himself treated her politely.

"I know."

The Queen recalled how she had injured her eyes.

She had used her powers to foil the enemy's plan.

Thus, the chaos-causing flute didn't land in the devil's hands, but she refused to tell who got it when she was questioned in court.

The officials admonished her.

The Emperor seemed both happy and annoyed with her. He grounded her to the imperial grounds and, at the same time, invited the future head of the medicine valley to heal her eyes, rewarding and punishing her at the same time.

She could see the state of the small and fragmented world surrounding the Far West continent and could also see all except for the forbidden places in the Great Forest, including the empire, clearly, but it came with a heavy price.

She was blinded the last time she used it.

It's only recently that some sight returned to her.

"You are the divine healer, and you know my condition better than me. I should heed your advice, but the uncertainty of the situation is like a threat keeping me awake at night. "I can't afford to miss this chance. I want to know who the huge boon has been handed out to," she added.

The maids were used to hearing her say weird stuff. She would, after all, do it from time to time. It was not something unique, but it was rare. They wondered who she was talking about with the head maid. She hadn't left the palace for a month, and no one except for the emperor had come to meet her either. Besides, can she really see the person she was looking for from inside the western palace?

Only the head maid understood her.

"Please don't overdo or I won't have a way to your sight." The head maid said to her almost beggingly.

"I know when to stop."


She looked north.

Her gaze seemed to travel thousands of miles and rested on a peculiar sight.

A woman that looked to be in her twenties and looked undoubtedly gorgeous was receiving the favor of the world.

The soul of the Far West Major West, the Queen's source of power as well as her power, was helping the gorgeous woman form a nascent golden nucleus.

‘No one has been lucky enough to receive such favors in the past hundreds of years. What makes her so special?' The incarnation of the soul of the world was human and had a very humane nature. She had all the emotions that a human should have, and her curiosity was eating her up from the inside.

She used her power to get a better understanding of the situation.

"Oh, so that's what is going on," she mumbled and revealed a small smile.

"Did something interesting catch your eye, Your Imperial Majesty?" asked the head maid as she helped her sit down and put the blindfold back on her eyes.

The queen, whose hands were grasped by the head maid, nodded unhurriedly and signaled the rest of the maids to go out.

What she found out was interesting indeed.

"A person who was not supposed to get any stronger might become a Realm Lord in the future. You tell me, is it not an interesting find?" The Queen asked the head maid.

As she said, Delilah was never meant to surpass the weapon master stage. Her fate was sealed when she used the chipped and damaged awakening stone to awaken. Her talent wasn't bad, but because she used a damaged good to awaken a class, she could only form an iron-level nascent energy nucleus. Someone with such a nucleus could never advance to the third stage. However, she was miraculously blessed, and her iron-level nascent energy nucleus was dramatically raised to gold level!

"With the nascent golden core, it won't take long before she completes the class advancement quest and become an aura master. I wonder what change it will bring. Would it be for the better of the empire or the worst?"

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