Leveling God

Chapter 29

Ring!! Ring!!

William woke up when he heard the ringing sound. He sat up in his bed and looked at his alarm clock.

"The sound didn't came from the alarm clock" William murmured under his breath.

Ring!! Ring!!

He turned his head and saw his phone kept vibrating and ringing. He slowly stretched his hand and pick it up.

"Who?" William said through the phone in a tired voice.

"Ahh!! William, this is James, I just want you to know that there still no class today and I think it's because of the incident yesterday"

William remembered that he gives his contacts to James when he was training them in the west forest.

"I thought you don't have a phone" William said. He remembered that James said that he have no phone at that time.

"You're right, this is Alice phone, Alice is too shy to call you so I borrowed her phone and call you" James said on the other side.

"Ouch!!" James screamed in pain can be heard through the phone.

"We're here at the gate of the academy and the guard said that there's still no classes for today, I think it's because of the incident that happened yesterday"

"So what's you're plan for today?" James asked.

"Hunting monster" William replied.

"Ahh!! I saw that coming" James murmured to himself.

"Anyway meet us in the gate of the academy" James said before he hung up the phone.

William sighed before he stood up and went to wash his face.


William met up with Alice and James in the gate of the academy.

After that the three of them do their usual routine hunting the monster.

William looked at the blue sky then at his palm. He slowly opened it and an electric spark formed in his palm but immediately dissipated.

He felt a slight pain in his whole arm.

He tried to use a skill he didn't have in his skill list. This was the disadvantage of his system even if he know the structure of some skill, he couldn't use a skill unless he bought it in the system. That's why even if he knew thousands of skill and spell, he perfectly know how the spell work, he can't use those skills.

Every time he cast a skill or spell that he didn't bought in the system, the skill immediately dispersed in the air and he felt a numbling sensation in his body.

It feels like there's a force that enabling him from using a skill or spell he didn't bought in the system.

'What the purpose of this system?' He thought while looking at his palm.

He tried to cast a high level spell once more.

"Ahhh" William cried out in pain as he felt pain all over his body.

Alice and James heard his screamed and immediately rushed at his direction.

"William!!" Alice shouted worriedly.

"Oi!! William" James said to William who was holding his head with both of his hand.

William saw an image in his head. A little boy who was holding a little girl, the little girl was hugging her knees while crying and the boy hugging the girl protecting her from something.

'Isn't that me?' William thought when he saw the facial structure of the boy.

'And the little girl is my little sister Claire'


"Ahhh" William groan as he slowly opened his eye's.

'That dream, is it real or not' William thought as he remembered what he saw in his dream.

Suddenly, a fragrant smell travel to his nose as he suddenly felt a soft sensation in his chest.

He looked and saw that Alice was hugging him. He lifted up his hand and patted her back.

"Cough!! Cough!!" James coughed startling Alice.

Alice cheeks flushed red. She immediately push herself away from William. Her body just move on her own. She just want to find a hole and buried herself.

"Umm..umm.. sorry" Alice said in a tiny voice, she couldn't looked straight in to William.

"William what happened there?" James asked William.

"I don't know" William replied as he once more got in dazed. William was thinking about his dream. He didn't remember much about his childhood and didn't bother to know his parents, even in his past life he didn't know much about his parents. But now it seems something happened in the past.

He shooked his head and put the thought in the back of his mind. He turned his head to his the two. James was looking at him seriously while Alice was lowering her head.

"How long have I past out?" William asked as he saw in the window that the sky was getting dark.

"Seven hours" James answered his question.

"I'm okay now, by the way is this your house Alice?" William asked. He looked at the room, the room was spacious, have a beautiful design and luxurious decoration. He know that Alice is a noble, so this must be her house.

"Umm" Alice nodded her head meekly. She didn't recover from the previous incident as her cheeks was still red from embarrassment.

"Well, after you collapsed from the forest, Alice suggested that we should go to her house, so we went straight here and Alice immediately called a doctor to see your condition" James explained.

"Alice was panicking at that time, she was on the verge of crying, Hahaha!!" James added.

The three of them talked for a while.


After that James and William bid farewell to Alice.

"Bye, Alice" James said to Alice while waving his hands.

"See you tomorrow" William said to her then he turned around and left the mansion with James.

The guard opened the gate for William and James.

"Yes, see you tomorrow" Alice said in a voice that she could only hear.

Alice went straight to her room. She collapsed on her bed, her face was hot with a tinged of redness in her cheeks, her heart was thumping widely in her chest. She couldn't help but hug a pillow and roll herself around and around on the bed.

She felt so embarrassed when she hug him.

"Ahhh!! What did you do to me William" She cried out loudly.

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