“What did you do with the wedding dress I wore yesterday?” Amber asked Jenia as Luna fastened the band.

“We had it cleaned and stored separately. You have no idea how glad we were that we’re so used to doing laundry.”

As the wedding dress was made of sensitive material, it was impossible to clean it like regular clothing. Dirt stains had to be removed by hand with great difficulty..

“If you wish, I can replace the hem of the skirt and bring it back out?”

“No, it’s fine. I won’t need that dress ever again, after all.” Though it cost her father hundreds of thousands of stals to manufacture the dress, for Amber it held no meaning.

Even in her previous life, she wore it only once, and never again.

“Ah, perhaps I can remove some of the fabric or jewelry and use them to decorate a hat or something instead. You girls can take from it if you wish.”

Jenia and Luna were shocked at Amber’s practical words. “You want to disassemble it? It’s still a wedding dress…”

“It’s not like I’ll be wearing that dress and getting married again, right?” Amber didn’t look fazed as she spoke. However, there was something else she was curious about. “Did any of you have any confrontations with the other maids when you collected the dress?”

“The butler personally accompanied us so no one bothered us, but…” Jenia became quiet towards the end of her sentence.

“But you received glares from the others. I see.”

As Luna finished fastening the band, Amber had the two maids stand in front of her.

Jenia and Luna kept fidgeting and glancing at each other under Amber’s gaze.

Though it could be a plus to say that the two weren’t snitches, it could also be said that they were too kind to say anything despite experiencing injustice.

Amber didn’t press them to speak of their complaints, not did she excessively comfort them as they stood there.

Amazingly, the two maids received courage from Amber’s silence.

It was Jenia who first spoke up. “We were removing the dirt stains when some of the maids directly under Miss Grace came to us. They provoked us for a bit before they left. But I swear that they only provoked us a little, and we didn’t get hurt since Mr. Heinreich was there to protect us.”

Amber was surprised to hear that Heinreich had personally protected the maids.

His every action was reported to Bella, without a single detail missed. He could soon become Bella’s enemy for protecting the maids.

‘I didn’t think he would go that far to help me out.’ What had made Heinreich go that far? She thought about it, but couldn’t figure it out on her own.

Amber turned towards Luna. “I also wish to hear what happened to you, Luna.”

Though Luna could have added to Jenia’s story, she kept quiet the entire time. Seeing her reaction, Amber assumed that Luna experienced something Jenia didn’t mention.

“I… I…” It seemed like her assumption was right. Luna was visibly flustered.

Amber once again gave a calm smile and silently waited for Luna. Luna stared at Amber’s smile, mesmerized, and started to speak calmly. “Several maids that used to be friends with me came last night. They… repeatedly why I decided to work for you.”

“And did you answer honestly?”

Luna blushed. “I-I couldn’t do anything but to say the truth. They simply couldn’t understand when I said that it was because I had come to respect you…”

Luna was scared and stuttered, thinking that she would be reprimanded by Amber for speaking about the special treatment she received to the other maids.

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