Amber frowned. As though even the title of madam was too good for her, Grace had called her “Miss Amber.”

In these circumstances, someone in Amber’s service would be responsible for stepping out and warning her of her rudeness, but Jenia simply stood there and shivered in fear, unable to criticize or confront Grace’s rudeness.

It was a natural result. Jenia was a commoner while Grace came from nobility. Furthermore, Grace oversaw the laundry area and had once violently punished Jenia herself.

Though Amber had taken Jenia under her wing, the pain and trauma that had been etched into her body weren’t things that could be so easily erased. Honestly, that Jenia hadn’t run away at the sight of Grace already showed much more courage than Amber expected.

‘Still, it’s uncomfortable,’ Amber thought as she stared at Grace. ‘I’ll have to find a lady-in-waiting as soon as possible.’

As Amber went through the list of esteemed noble daughters she could choose as a lady-in-waiting, Grace opened her mouth. “Mistress is calling for you.”

“You mean Miss Bella?” Amber smiled as she returned the slight she had received right back. Grace’s face turned as red as tomatoes as her fury grew.

“You must call her Mistress, or the Esteemed Mother of the Duke!”Grace spoke as if she were reprimanding Amber.

Amber shrugged her shoulders. “Since you called me by name, I thought you were expressing friendliness. I shall be careful from now on.”

Grace was unable to respond as Amber pointed her out as the one who was rude first.

“Yes, so the ‘Esteemed Mother of the Duke’ is calling for me, I see. I shall see her now, so could you guide me to her right away?” Amber spoke with a thin smile on her lips.

Though she found it annoying to deal with Bella’s groups, it wasn’t that difficult. She simply needed to take care of things herself until she found a lady-in-waiting.

“…Please follow me then,” Grace spoke through clenched teeth. Though her face was still red with rage, she didn’t dare act any ruder at the realization that she couldn’t crush Amber’s presence alone.

Amber followed Grace. THough she was worried about the work she had to do back in the study, she couldn’t disobey Bella just yet as she was still the clearly superior power in the castle.

Even Jenia, who had been keeping an eye on the situation while shivering in fear, carefully walked besides Amber.

It was at that moment.

Grace suddenly turned around and gestured with her chin towards Jenia. “You stay there.”

Grace’s voice was so cold and sharp that Jenia couldn’t help but shrink in front of her.

“B-but…” Jenia spoke with the volume of a mouse.

“The mistress has ordered that only the madam is to be called before her. You dare to follow in together?” Grace sneered at Jenia as she rebuked her.

“It’s fine, just wait here.” Amber quickly stepped in before Grace could bully Jenia any further.

Jenia dropped her head low with her shoulders withdrawn.

“Jenia, you’ve already…” Before Amber could finish her sentence with ‘helped me greatly’, Jenia lifted her head.

“In this moment where the mistress has no lady-in-waiting, I am the foremost maid that serves you. As that is the case, I shall follow and serve the mistress till the very end. This is my profession, after all.”

Though Jenia’s face was still filled with fear towards Grace, she showed a firm determination that would not yield. “I have no doubt that the madam will severely harass you upon arrival. I cannot let you go along, Mistress!” Jenia came close to Amber and added with a small voice.

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