Chapter 8 - Way Too Young!

Kalix’s face stiffened even more at the word ‘wife.’

‘Even if you don’t like me, isn’t it too much to show it on your face right in front of me?’ Amber felt her heart growing even colder.

“As I heard that you are off to battle, I quickly came to see you on your way out.” Amber’s orange-colored eyes calmly sparkled as she spoke.

Kalix opened his mouth for the first time. “See me on my way out…” 

Even his voice is childlike. Though the tone and manner of speaking were similar to what she remembered in her previous life, the obvious immaturity in his voice was clear.

“There’s no need for that.”

But even young, Kalix was still Kalix. Though she had presumed that he wouldn’t be happy seeing her at their departure, Amber unconsciously narrowed her eyes.

If it were back then, she would have stepped aside after losing confidence at the cold tone of his voice, but Amber now was sick of bowing down before everyone around her.

“Whatever do you mean, Your Excellency?” With the elegant tone of high society, Amber spoke with her back straight and head held high.


In her previous life, Amber threw away her original accent and spoke in the unsophisticated manner of the Eastern land. The people around her would talk and whisper about how she must have wanted to show off and act high and mighty every time she spoke. 

“Is she showing off now that she married from a rich family?”

“You’re right. She probably thinks that she’s still part of the Viscount Liart line or something.”

Bella and her ladies-in-waiting were the ones that specifically targeted Amber with harassment.

Amber spent many nights with Jenia, struggling to change her accent to avoid hatred and vitriol. Thanks to the tremendous amount of effort she put in, even now, Amber could speak with a perfect Eastern accent.

However, she no longer felt the need to throw away her original accent.

‘They should be the ones getting used to whichever accent I use. I shouldn’t be the one who needs to adapt to theirs.’ She no longer wanted to cut down her confidence…

Amber stared directly at Kalix. In response, Kalix’s eyes were wide as he stared back in surprise at the uptight attitude against him.

“Surely you weren’t thinking of leaving the castle without even seeing the face of your new wife who just completed the wedding ceremony, Your Excellency.” Her question was direct enough to be even considered aggressive. The icy-cold husband would only listen to her if she went this far.

Strictly speaking result-wise, Amber’s plan was quite successful. But much more so than she wished.


“My wife, I… That was not my intention.” Kalix was actually flustered.

Amber’s eyes widened in surprise as she stared at the sight of Kalix unable to find the words to say to her.

‘He’s flustered from just that?’ She was surprised for a moment but soon regained her senses. ‘This person is Kalix Thales. Let’s not make any mistakes here. The man in front of me is Kalix Thales.’

When she thought about when she had first informed him of her pregnancy, the memory of his angry rejection at the thought of a son before storming out calmed her heart once again.

“Your Excellency,” Amber righted Kalix’s flustered wandering eyes and fixed them towards her again. “If it is not too rude, may I say one thing before you leave for battle? As the newly wedded wife of yours who just finished the ceremony.”

“Go ahead.”

Amber took a deep breath. “Please do not go.” 

“Don’t… go?” Kalix couldn’t even hide his surprise.

It was the same for the knights around Kalix as well. They stared at Amber with wide eyes as if they had just witnessed a mythical animal.

“But the monsters…”

“Does Your Excellency need to attend this subjugation?” Amber cut off Kalix’s words and asked.


“My wife, You might not know this but it’s very important for the people of the Eastern Lands,” Kalix answered with a stern expression.

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