Leveling up the World

301. Rest and Recovery

Returning to normal was a gradual process. Unlike Dallion’s previous experience, a simple nap wasn’t enough to get him fully functional. The sensation was rather like recovering from a cold—it required a lot of rest, relaxation, and liquids. The staff of the inn took turns checking in on him. For the most part, it was Veil and Jiroh, though. Aspan was needed in the kitchen full time and Gloria spent the afternoons doing theatre training. Apparently, she had reached the level at which she had been invited to join the opening act of a day performance. This was undoubtedly a big thing for her, even if it was clear it wouldn’t last. In less than a week, the countess would arrive. marking the start of the festival. A few weeks after that, Gloria and her brother were to return to Dherma.

The first two days Dallion spent most of his time in bed. During the third, he was feeling well enough to walk about and even return to playing music during lunch and dinner hours in the inn, very much to Hannah’s satisfaction.

The thought of leveling up or having a long talk with Aspan regarding the sword world crossed Dallion’s mind, but he reconsidered once every guardian and echo in his realm disapproved of the idea. All in all, the recovery went quite well, although he would have preferred if Euryale had visited. From what Dallion learned from Nil, both Eury and March had been called to the overseer regarding an unknown matter, after which they had been scarce. If Dallion was to venture a guess, it was probably related to awakened death cases as well as the ongoing copyette hunt. After all, Dallion hadn’t shared the secret with anyone, which means that as far as the city was concerned, there still was a dangerous copyette general on the loose.

On a slightly ominous note, the tournament bureaucrats had gotten wind of Dallion’s condition pretty fast and went through the trouble to send a messenger the very next day, wishing him the best and informing him not to worry about a thing. Faced with the prospect of Dallion losing his first match by default, a few rules had been bent and his match had been rescheduled to a few days later; being the favorite of the free tournament had its advantages. The trick was not to rely on that. There were creatures and people far more skilled and experienced than him, and if Dallion were to earn his place at the arena, he couldn’t rest on his laurels.

On the fourth day after the expedition, Dallion felt back to normal. The fatigue had gone completely, and he was absolutely certain that he was in the real world. Even so, several people—among which Hannah and Estezol—thought it wiser if he spent the day walking about the city, rather than getting back to his usual chores. Given that Dallion had been slacking on his “copyette search” lately, Dallion decided to hold off any awakening activity for a day.

The first place Dallion went after leaving the inn was to Eury’s workshop. It was barely a surprise to find the back locked and empty again. This time there was no note left inside, only piles of weapons and gear waiting to be repaired and modified in time for the festival. Leaving a note that he missed Eury, Dallion then left, locking the place behind him.

Next on the list were two of the three most crowded areas of the city: Performer’s Plaza, and the Tournament Arena. The plaza had changed considerably since the last time Dallion had been here. The crowds were still present, abundant on the ground as well as on the lines above, but there was a clear change in activities. Gone were the standard music and acrobat wannabes, now replaced entirely by professionals. As far as Dallion could tell, all performers were upper tier double digits, at least. Seers were also present in large numbers, doing feats that would put Gloria to shame.

They don’t play around, do they? Dallion thought.

People rarely do when money is involved, Nil replied. See the colors of their outfits? Those are linked to respective theatres and opera houses. The more people someone manages to impress, the greater chance that their performance would get paying customers.

That means Gloria must be here somewhere.

As much as he looked, though, Dallion was unable to see the blonde. What he did see, though, was that all of the top tier performers were relying heavily on combat splitting. And it wasn’t just a matter of them using it not to fall—such instances were non-existent—rather, they were aiming to get the greatest reaction from the crowd. Quite cutthroat, come to think of it. The entire plaza was in fact a battlefield, only it wasn’t weapons that people were using, it was skills… and music. It didn’t take long for Dallion to catch quite a few tunes attracting attention. The skill was by no means impressive, but it did the job, making people in the vicinity look in the performer’s direction.

Sneaky, Dallion said to himself.

Now, do you see why I dislike the festival? Nil grumbled.

Nil, you’ve already given me a hundred reasons why you dislike the festival. I think I got the general idea.

One cannot stress the fact enough.

And you’re telling me to relax and have a good time…

“Dal?” a voice said a short distance above him.

Dallion looked up to see none other than Hegel—the goth acrobat that had challenged Gloria to the equivalent of a dance off. She looked somewhat different from how Dallion remembered her. The woman’s entire outfit was long and wavy, made entirely of copper thread. Just looking at her made Dallion wince, remembering how uncomfortable he had felt when wearing silver fabrics. Despite that, a heartwarming smile remained on Hegel’s face, making it seem that she enjoyed performing in such conditions. Using his music skills, Dallion could sense that was true—the joy was very real—but so also was the extreme pressure that accompanied it.

“It’s been a while. What are you doing here?”

Dallion opened his mouth to reply, but before he could, he was shoved by another person in the crowd. That was one of the major problems while walking in the plaza—the moment someone stopped, they inadvertently got pushed by the people moving.

“Come up.” The woman waved to Dallion.

There was no point in refusing. With a single acrobatic jump, Dallion landed on the rope next to Hegel, and to the ovation of a few people, to his great surprise. Apparently, some thought this to be part of the act.

“You’ve learned a new set of skills,” Hegel said, impressed.

“And so have you, by the look of it. Congrats on passing the second gate.”

“Yeah, thanks. It was a bit of a risk, but I finally pulled it off.”

“And right on time for the festival. Is Gloria about? I’d have thought she’d be here to popularize her troop.”

“She’s at the lord mayor’s palace.”

“Wow.” Dallion managed only to say. He didn’t expect such a turn of events. “That’s pretty impressive.”

“The square,” Hegel clarified. “Not at the palace itself. Nobles are more impressed by the hair than any tricks any of us could do.”

There was a clear jab in her words, but also a degree of sadness.

“Oh?” Dallion subtly pressed on, using a touch of music in his voice.

“She’s… I mean…” Hegel’s voice changed into a whisper. As any awakened, she was aware what affect gossip could cause, especially since it could be heard from far away. “She’s been struggling to keep up. She puts in the effort and has the will, but there’s only so much you can achieve as a single digit.”

“Yeah…” Dallion sighed. For some reason, the Luors insisted on remaining at the current level even if they had amassed more than enough funds to pay for their exam. Dallion had long stopped asking the question, but his concerns remained. Now he saw he wasn’t the only one. “It’s been a busy period. They have a lot on their plate right now,” he lied.

“Even so, they can’t keep this up. Granted, the festival isn’t the best time for leveling up, but…” Hegel sighed. “Sorry, don’t know why I said that.”

“It’s okay.” Dallion, in contrast, knew full well he was the cause. That was the scary effect of music; he had finally learned how to use it subtly to nudge people in the direction he wanted. Combine that with combat splitting and it could become a scary tool. Thinking about it, it would be horrifying if politicians had that power… or maybe they already did? In this world, nobles were the equivalent, and their powers were the whole reason that got to such a position. “So, what have you been up to? Don’t tell me you’re dancing in front of nobles.”

“In copper?” Hegel laughed. “Just merchant representatives. Call it the second best. It’s a long-term audition. Once the festival is over, I might get invited to a troupe.”

“Good luck.”

“What about you? Did you learn to play that ring chord? My grandfather keeps asking me every week.”

“Actually, I have played a few times.” Not that it was easy. The instrument seemed to have a life of its own. Playing a simple melody was easily achievable. Using it as it was supposed to be used, though, required a combination of high perception, reaction, and combat splitting. Since one of these three elements was lacking, Dallion could only achieve mediocrity. “Still have a long way to go, though.”

“You should come by the shop sometime. My grandpa will be thrilled.”

And he won’t be the only one, the armadil shield said.

Not now, shield, Dallion sighed mentally.

I’m only stating a fact. It’s a fact of life—the higher your level, the more people will be attracted to you.

That’s a horrifying thought. You can’t just equate people to numbers. What about character and personality and—

That’s why I said the higher your level, the dryad guardian insisted on “your.” I know it’s not low self-esteem, you’ve already dealt with most of that flaw. It’s stubborn ignorance. Just because you have someone in you like doesn’t mean that others won’t try to steal you away.

Yeah, right. I’d have noticed that.

Music skills aren’t the answer to everything, or do you think that she’s just combat splitting to avoid falling off the rope?

Dallion didn’t reply. He had seen Hegel split a number of times, although he hadn’t gone through to check the instances she had ignored. Part of him felt flattered by the prospect, although another, far smaller part, felt guilty.

“Sure,” he replied. “The moment the festival’s over.”

Smooth, the shield laughed.

“I must focus on my tournament fights right now.”

“You’ll be in the arena fights?” Hegel asked, far more impressed than Dallion would have liked her to be. “That’s a big deal.”

“Preliminaries,” Dallion quickly added. “It’s still not sure I’ll make it to the tournament proper.” Dallion added a healthy degree of disinterest in his voice as he spoke.

“Ah.” The enthusiasm faded slightly.

“I was supposed to check on that now, but decided to pass by the plaza before that.” He continued with his music skill. “Catch up with you later?”

“Sure. I’ll be here all week,” Hegel replied, her interest returned to standard levels.

As much as he was relieved, Dallion also felt that he was starting to rely on his music skills too much. From what he had learned, that was never a good sign. In life—here as well as back on Earth—when someone relied on a single thing too much, things tended to go bad.

“I’ll see you soon then. Good luck with the audition.”

Hegel nodded, then jumped further up, getting back to her acrobatic act. The performance was quite good, though nothing Dallion couldn’t achieve and surpass with his present skills. Spending a few more moments thinking about the situation, Dallion then took out the kaleidervisto and looked about the crowd. He had to at least pretend that he was looking.

Thousands of echoes came into view as Dallion scanned through the crowd, so many that they were virtually invisible. Almost everyone had close to half a dozen echoes within their realm. Exceptions were few and far between.

Careful, dear boy, Nil reminded. Your fiancée isn’t here to save you should anything happen.

I know, Dallion replied. The overseer is, though.

Nothing out of the ordinary occurred as Dallion examined the crowd with the kaleidervisto. That was good. However, Dallion’s seer vision let him see something else: several familiars hiding among the echoes.

So, they are starting to come out, Dallion thought. If he made it to the actual tournament, it was quite possible, he’d have to face some of them. Things were going to become very interesting soon.

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