Leveling up the World

Chapter 633: A Talk with a Coin

Someone’s approaching.

Someone’s approaching.

Dozens of trees whispered. Most of the time, it was local hunters and villagers going about their daily business. Occasionally, though, there would be a person wearing blocker items. Unfortunately for them, there were ways plants could tell what was wrong even if they weren’t able to see them.

Dallion drew his harpsisword. He didn’t like the concentration of powers in the area. Other than the new villages, both the Order and the Academy had established a presence. The temple site at which Dallion had been attacked was all but complete and guarded by a regiment of battle clerics. The mage village was considerably further away and keeping to itself from what Dallion could determine. Unfortunately, there was reliable evidence of cultists in the area. The signs were there as long as one knew how to look. The Star cults had mastered the ability to hide in plain sight. There were even rumors they had a presence within the Order itself. The claim was vehemently denied, but Dallion had seen more than a bit of suspicious activity when it came to clerics. Thanks to the aetherbird, the hidden trails had been made clear; good thing its hatred for the Star surpassed everything else.

I’ve heard no new news from Nerosal, Nil said.

Despite Dallion’s desire to gain another level, he had failed to go through with it. He still felt bad about it. The worst part was that he was expressing doubt that he’d made the wrong choice. In the past, this wouldn’t have even joked about sacrificing someone close to boost his level.

“They aren’t using the road,” Dallion whispered. To a degree, that excluded the countess’ army. Soldiers were organized, relying on numbers to take out an enemy. That’s why they were rarely sent to hunt down individuals. Hunters and mercenaries got paid for that.

Do you think it’s the gorgons?


The duo had proven they could be good. They wouldn’t be so clumsy as to repeat previous mistakes. Also, he suspected that the Archduke would have other issues. That is, unless he had found out that Dallion had obtained the spellcraft skill gem. The Star had an interest in stirring the pot until he fully healed, and so did the aetherbird.

The plant whispers increased. The intruders—three of them, as far as the trees could tell—were stealthily approaching, heading in the direction of the Order’s temple. They were running along branches, remaining hidden from animals, though not from the trees themselves.

“Lux, go for it,” Dallion ordered.

The dartblade flew up on its own along with a single bolt. After ten seconds of being directed by Dallion, Lux fired the bolt. It split the air, flying through leaves and branches. A split second later, Dallion felt combat splitting.

Got you! He thought.

The people were skilled enough to hear the sound of the bolt being fired. In similar circumstances, it was normal to use a few dead-end instances in order to pinpoint the attacker. Seizing on this Dallion forced the split the way he wanted it, choosing the instances in which they fell off the tree to become reality. Confusion rang from each of the trio like alarm bells. Even so, they were skilled enough not to let such a mishap bring them to their death. Two of them drew weapons, sticking them in the bark of the massive trees so as to slow their descent. One optimistically tried to combat split again. This time there was no mercy. Dallion darted forward, forcing the most appropriate instance for him. The harpsissword cut through a quarter of a tree stump—causing the tree grunt in pain—then sliced through the person.

There was a moment of concern, during which Dallion considered what might happen if this turned out to be a cleric. Fortunately, it wasn’t. The emanation of void that Dallion felt once the harpsisword severed the person’s flesh made it clear that he had made the right move.

“Cultists,” Dallion spat the word, as he leapt off the tree in a different direction, leaving the body to drop to the ground. He was going to deal with it later. The remaining two were a more immediate threat.

Spotting him, the other cultists changed their strategy. One took Dallion head on, while the other fled, potentially in an attempt to circle round and attack from behind.

Two simultaneous point attacks flew at each other. Dallion’s proved to be stronger and also combined with a spark attack. The shock was so great it made the attacker freeze up mid-flight. The cloak and part of the clothes had been torn off revealing the face of the cultist. She had the appearance of a middle-aged woman, the kind that one didn’t even notice in a city. In all likelihood at one point she probably was that, before the Star had convinced her to join his cult.

The last of the group wasn’t so easy to finish off. Aware that he couldn’t win in a direct confrontation, he focused on getting as far away as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, it was already too late. Branches snapped beneath his feet, while a cloud of insects filled the area, attacking him mercilessly.

Caught completely off guard, the cultist made a desperate attempt to escape the situation by combat splitting. That proved to be his final mistake. Once again, Dallion forced the most desired outcome, coming in for the lethal blow. Vibrating, the harpsisword sliced through the man’s armor, dealing a lethal wound. It was child’s play for Dallion to finish him off from here, but he didn't. Instead, he grabbed the man, landing on a thick branch.

“Where’s the Star?” he asked, killing his words with kindness and empathy. “I don’t need you, just the Star.”

“I…” the man hesitated. Dallion could almost see what was going through his mind. If he dared share the Star’s secret, he would likely die. Then again, if he didn’t, it was certain he would.

“The wound’s deep, but I can still fix it. I have a healing companion.”

The man’s eyes widened in hope. His lips moved in an attempt to form words, but no sooner had he done so than black spikes emerged from his body, effectively killing him on the spot.

That was uncalled for, dear boy, Nil said with concern. There’s no way you could have saved him. Lux would only have made things worse.

“He didn’t know that,” Dallion replied. “Lux, check the two. If they’re alive, finish them off.”

The dartblade flew through the forest, as it was told. Meanwhile Dallion had a chat with the item guardians of the dead cultist. It was alarming to see that the Star had taken the lessons of before to heart. The clothes and most of the other items were completely guardianless. However, there were a few trinkets that had remained forgotten. In this case, a pouch of coins. Money was one of the items people often forgot about since in their mind they didn’t consider it a proper item. The truth was that money tended to survive more than almost anything else, and its guardians were extremely gossipy. After spending a few minutes in useless conversations, Dallion finally hit the jackpot: a silver coin that the cultist had carried with him since childhood—his lucky silver coin.

Didn’t think he’d die like this, the coin guardian said. Though it’s not like he was alive since joining.

“You’re jaded,” Dallion noted.

Kid, I’ve been with him for over thirty years. I’ve seen all sorts of crap. I was with him pretty much everywhere, including when he went to brothels. That’s how they got him: not food or riches, but with the promise that all the brothels would be his.

“Any promise that would get you in?”

And power, of course. That’s the real temptation: the power to become a noble even without being awakened. I tried to tell him several times, but he never listened. I’d drop out of his pouch, roll into corners, once I even let myself get seen by a pickpocket just to distract him from his thoughts. Didn’t work.

“Tell me how to find the Star and I’ll make sure it’s worth it.”

Kid, don’t waste your breath. I’ve heard enough about you to know what you’re capable of. Five different cults are talking about it. You’ve caused a mighty stir. Some say you’ll conquer the world, some that you’ll join the Star. Lately, there’s even talk that you’ll replace the Star and lead the cults to the great future they were promised ages ago.

“Should I be flattered?”

Your choice. Thing is, I’ve no idea how to get there. I know the shrine is somewhere around here. There were trees all around, but not real trees.

It would have been too easy if they were real trees. The first thing Dallion had done was to ask among the trees of the eastern forests whether they were aware of the Star’s presence, or any strange villages. Leaves had rustled throughout vast areas of the forest as the trees whispered to one another, but the answer was the same. They had felt similar people come and go, but none knew of a town or village that didn’t belong there.

“Tell me something.”

It’s made of stone and has buildings, the coin guardian replied. And it was entirely covered in void. I can’t stand the place. No idea how some of the others could. Probably they’d seen nothing else. I’ve been in beggar pits livelier than that place. There’s a shrine, or maybe a temple. My owner wasn’t allowed to approach beyond the first steps. Only those who have done something significant can go further, the actual smart types. The brainless rabble is just to do the risky jobs.

That made sense. Smart ones, like the countess, wouldn’t be allowed to be enslaved by the void. They’d prefer to be partners at most. That suggested that it wasn’t going to be a simple matter of facing the Star; Dallion would have to fight his way to him, often facing enemies with the strength of nobles. This wasn’t something he had planned for.

“Now, do you see why I needed the extra level?” Dallion’s tone was as cold as ice.

It would have made no difference. Nil stood his ground. Besides, there’s no guarantee the Star actually hides in a sect temple. It’s like saying that the Moons live in the Order’s citadels.

“Is the Star there?” Dallion asked the silver coin.

Not all the time, but often enough. He likes to give orders in person. It’s a good thing he can’t talk to items.

If the Star spent most of his time there it would explain why most of his activity was related to the area, the southern part of the Wetie province, in particular. It was close enough to the fallen south without being there. The Star could easily hop there to think of the past, or he could get back to increasing his influence in Nerosal. There was no telling how long his plans had been in motion… decades at least, probably more. It also explained why the city guards were so bad at finding cultists in Nerosal. As long as the deal with the countess was in effect, the Star could do pretty much whatever he liked. Given he was a patient creature, it wouldn’t come as a surprise if the Star waited until the next generation of Priscords took the title, before continuing further north. Nerosal was merely the first step.

“Thanks, coin. I’ll improve you and drop you off on the path. With you better luck with the next person that finds you.”

Thanks. That’s kind of you. If it’s not a merchant, I’ll just end up seeing the same story.

“Unlike silver, gold always makes it to a merchant sooner or later.”

Dallion entered the coin’s realm and improved it a dozen times until it became gold. Sadly, none of his own skills were boosted in the process. He had already reached the limit of the levels he could improve.

Someone’s approaching, the trees whispered again.

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