Leveling up the World

Chapter 649: New Differences

The view was strange. Sitting on the top of the pyramid, Dallion stared at the horizon. The whole area was barren, even more so than the Fallen South. There were no plants, no animals, just rocky valleys and mountains. Maybe in the past it had been full of lush forests similar to the region east of Nerosal. Maybe in centuries it would become just that now that the void matter was gone.

That was the aetherbird’s final act before disappearing: it had effectively purified the area, evaporating any remnant of void matter—solid or otherwise. As a result, all that was left of the unusual modern day structures was sky and the occasional pane of glass. Someone could make a fortune by coming here. Sadly, that person wasn’t going to be Dallion.

Your friend from the Order sent you a message, Nil said, breaking the silence. Hannah got it for you. Apparently, it’s a few areas in which Star activity is suspected.

It was a little too late, but Dallion appreciated the gesture. At least there was someone in the Order with whom he was in good relations with.

“Anything else?” he asked.

Still nothing from Eury, although I do know that she’s left Linatol, the old echo continued. She took all her gear, and it’s not related to a hunt request.

“How do you know?”

I have my ways, dear boy.

Dallion would have liked to be with her about now. The last few months had made him a realist, though. The best he could hope for was that she’d gone to another province. Her relation to him, combined with the fact that she was a hunter, made her a target for either side. The way things were escalating between the countess and the archduke, more and more people were forced to pick sides. Everyone with links to both would be trusted by neither.

“Everything will change, won’t it?”

The sun was setting beneath the horizon, but that wasn’t what Dallion was looking at. Now that he had acquired the magic trait, even at such a lot level, made him see the world in a whole different light. Threads and puddles of color were all about, like awakening markers. The line that Aether had left was also present, slowly fading away like magical condensation trails.

It’ll take a while getting used to, definitely. Though nothing to worry about.

Nothing to worry about. As Nil had explained, the Academy had a very strict policy when it came to new mages. Anyone with the trait was quickly approached and brought to the Academy, far from everyone else. On a logical level, Dallion could appreciate it. Since the vast majority of mages emerged during awakening, having a child with the ability to destroy buildings wasn’t a terribly good idea. Taking them to a place where they could learn without harming themselves or others was a good thing overall, though not always for the people who were sent there. Dallion would have preferred a few weeks, or even days, to get a few things in order. He could have spent the time seeking out Eury, passing by his home village, or even made an attempt to secretly check on Gloria and Falkner. Instead, he was supposed to wait until the mage scouts reached him.

“You know what,” Dallion stood up. “I’m done waiting.”

That’s not a good idea, dear boy. Making a bad first impression is not how you want to start your days at the Academy.

“I won’t run.” Dallion looked straight up. All seven Moons had gathered. “Felygn!” he shouted. “How about a little help getting me out of here?”

Do you really think that will work? Nil asked with a sigh. You’ve already been visited by one Moon today.

“I don’t need him to visit. Just to send Dark over, since Aether didn’t bring me back to the known world.”

Almost on queue a flash of green lightning ran through the cloudless sky, like a tear in reality. For a fraction of a second, the rip widened in one spot, allowing a green dragon to emerge.

Dallion took a step back. This wasn’t his first time seeing a dragon. Dark, in particular, had spent quite some time with him, learning how to combat split properly. However, looking at a dragon through the eyes of magic was incomparable. The entire creature was glowing, created out of billions green threads of aether that encompassed his entire body. This was the difference between magic creatures and everything else. Normal creatures, even those with magical abilities, held the magic threads within them. Beings of pure magic, on the other hand, had the aether surround their physical bodies, making them seem at far larger. In this case, Dark was the size of his father.

“Is that how mages see dragons?”

Pretty much. We just know how to separate between the two, so the aura doesn’t dazzle us as much. For sure, it’s one of the things you’ll need to get used to.

“Just like everything else…” Dallion said beneath his breath.

Lux, stop trying to find me, Dallion said in his realm. Get back to where my clothes and Vihrogon are. I’ll come find you.

Are you sure, boss? The firebird chirped. I’m on the right path. I promise!

It’s fine. Spend some time with Nox.

Sure! Big bro Nox has become pretty cool! He takes up a whole room now!

That was a compliment only Lux could come up with. Thinking about it brought a faint smile to Dallion’s face. If nothing else, at least his familiars remained the same as before; two of his familiars. In a way Gleam was also alright wherever she was.

“How are you holding up, Ruby?” Dallion asked.

The shardfly on his shoulder flicked its wings twice.

“You don’t need to come with me. I can find you a nice spot in the wilderness.”

Is fine, the creature replied.

It too had become a familiar of sorts, only it was bound to the real world. That was a benefit in some aspects. Dallion only needed to constantly keep an eye on him to make sure nothing bad happened. It was an amusing notion. Back when he was still fighting to pass the second gate, shardflies—especially ruby ones—were seen as incredibly dangerous creatures. At Dallion’s current level, Ruby was the most fragile companion he had.

It took Dark less than a minute to reach Dallion. The dragon didn’t waste time showing off how much his combat splitting had improved. This time, Dallion let him. He still felt slightly exhausted after his fight.

“Evening, teacher,” Dark said in a highly polite fashion. His physical body had stopped about five feet from Dallion. His aura, on the other hand, was engulfing Dallion and a large part of the inverted pyramid. “What do you think?”

“You’ve grown a bit.”

“Oh, yeah. I meant about the Splitting. I can maintain an instance ten seconds now.”

“That’s more than me.” Dallion took a step forward, patting Dark on the side of the head. “You still need to work a bit on your frequency.”

“I know. That’s on the list. Felygn never has time to teach me anything cool. I asked to become his familiar, but he just laughed and said I’m fine as I am.”

A multitude of luminous threads around the dragon shifted color, displaying disappointment and determination.

Magic and music combine? Dallion asked.

Everything combines, dear boy. Didn’t you learn that, already?

I guess I’m a slow learner, Dallion lied.

“Why do you want to become his familiar?” he asked the dragon.

“Because it’s cool? The Purple Moon has one, so I think I could be a good Felygn familiar.”

Sometimes you can be so naïve, Dallion thought as he climbed onto the dragon’s back.

There was a lot more space now, making hanging on a bit of a challenge. Thankfully, Dark didn’t mind Dallion grabbing hold of his back scales.

“So, where to? Are we going to see Eury? I know where she is.”

That was one benefit living in the realm of a Moon: one had the ability to see the entire world. Part of Dallion would have liked that, although he knew that it would be better for everyone if he postponed that. He’d already said everything there was in the message he’d sent from Nerosal. Seeing him in his current state, after everything he’d done, wasn’t the best idea.

“No. I just want you to tame me to a spot in the forest, and then… I’ll tell you where to go afterwards.”

“Oh, ok.” More of the threads darkened with disappointment. The dragon attempted to split and try different conversation approaches with Dallion, but the moment he did, he got a tap on the back, causing the instances to fade away.

“Not right now, Dark,” Dallion said. “She’ll understand.”

“I know. I just thought it’ll be better for the both of you.” Dark stretched his wings, then shot into the air. The speed was impressive, even if it still didn’t match what Lux was capable of. From what Dallion gathered, it would be a few hours before he was back to the edge of Wetie province.

Normally, Dark would be quite chatty, given how long it had been since the two had seen each other. However, the dragon could sense that Dallion wasn’t in the mood for talking, so it remained silent as well.

The reunification with Lux was an entirely different matter. When Dallion got back to the spot, he’d buried his clothes and items, there was no stopping the firebird. Although Lux had been with Dallion when they had fought both the cultists and the Star himself, the familiar behaved as if they’d been miles apart. The entire time Dallion switched from what was left of the cultists’ clothes to his own, Lux kept on chirping, seeping compliments and asking questions. In the end it was Nox who had stepped in, growling at the firebird to cool it a little.

Once he was ready, and all his previous possessions were with him again, Dallion climbed on Dark’s back once more. This was going to be his final flight with the dragon, possibly for quite a while.

It was agreed that Dark would drop off Dallion several dozen miles from the mage village. Dragons and mages didn’t mix well, so having them keep their distance from one another was a preferable solution.

The farewell was very respectful. Dark all but bowed in a display of respect—no doubt something he had seen watching someone from the Moon’s realm—then turned around and flew off.

“Do you think he’s grown?” Dallion asked, watching the dragon disappear into the sky.

If you have to ask yourself, then the answer is yes. I ask myself the same thing when I look at you.

“Yeah.” As much as Dallion had progressed, he still felt he hadn’t grown as much as he wanted.

I know now’s not the best time, but let me give you a few pieces of advice. For starters, forget all problems you’ve had so far. The countess, the archduke, even the order can’t touch you now. The moment you walk into the mage village, you’ll be subject to a new set of rules.

“I gathered as much.”

However, there’s a catch. No one will be willing to give you a chance. You’ll have to put in a lot more effort than before to remain where you are, and twice as much to go forward. The academy also banishes people. Many will try to make you rogue. Don’t let them.

“I know. I’m entering a whole different world and—”

No, not a different world, just one superimposed over what already exists. Being a mage won’t take what you’ve achieved. You’ll still be a hunter, but can even explore items if you wish. The difference is that no one outside the academy can force you. You’re spinning two plates from here on. The truth to surviving and getting what you want is not to let any of them drop.

“Thanks, Nil, but I’d like to follow my own advice for a while.” Dallion went through the forest. He had no idea what changes the magic trait would bring, but he wasn’t going to let stop him achieve what he had set his mind on. The fight with the Star had shown him there was a lot more to this world that was hidden. Now that the Star was gone, and he had obtained all seven traits, he was going to find a way to look beneath the surface. And he planned to do so with Euryale by his side.

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