Leveling up the World

Chapter 700: Purple Crystal Obelisk

It turned out that Dallion was lucky, at least when it came to the direction. Using combat splitting, he gave Lux instructions to fly in dozens of directions, then return in precisely two seconds. Since the firebird didn’t have anyone to worry about, it managed to do just that and told Dallion of a series of obelisks further ahead. From what Dallion understood, there was a whole cluster of them—four, at the very least.

After over an hour of cautious flying, the obelisks became visible to the naked eye—Dallion’s, at least. At that point, things got really interesting.

Stop, he told the aetherfish.

“There’s six of them,” he said. “About a hundred feet apart.”

The way they were in position each protected the “brain” of the rest, making a quick win impossible. Trying to talk the creatures out of it was also impossible. Unlike the jellyfish, they were here for an exact purpose and that was to stop any novices aiming to pass the challenge.

“What’s beyond that?” Raven asked.

“I’ve no idea. Splitting doesn’t let me get that far.”

That was a lie. Lux had tried flying through or above the cluster, but each time, the obelisks had reacted. Either they would break up into swarms of insects, or cast a lighting blast at him from the ground. The result was the same.

“We’ll have to fight our way through.”

“That’s the plan?” Phoil scoffed. “We barely survived one of those things. There’s no way we can fight six.”

It’s not like you did anything, Dallion grumbled mentally.

Unfortunately, the large boy was right. With such a number difference, the swarms could defeat them using brute force alone. Technically, Dallion’s use of spark was a cheat. Ordinary novices weren’t supposed to have that. It was also highly questionable that ordinary novices would have access to some of the complex spells that the echoes had taught the group.

“Can’t you use your shardfly spell?” Cheska turned to Dallion. “There’s four of us. If we throw enough at them, we’ll win.”

“That was used for distraction,” Dallion said. “Besides, they’ve seen it before, so will have a counter. They’ve also seen your chain spell.” He added with a note of disapproval.

All eyes fell on Raven.

“We could use the cards,” Iksa suggested. “Just like we planned. We don’t have to fight—”

“No,” the black-haired said firmly. “This might be the final realm.”

“You said that the number of obelisks didn’t matter.” Dallion crossed his arms.

“It’s not the number, but the layers. We defeated one, then we came across a cluster of others. If this is the final realm of the trial, the final one will be after. If we reach it, then the trial will be over.”

“That’s not how the mage described it.”

“The heart is not the end of the realm. It leads to the place we must go. All fighting will be done here. The last part is a riddle.”

A combination of riddles and combat. It sounded logical, and yet Dallion felt that Raven was hiding something. Worse, he feared that the echoes were hiding things from Rave, only telling him what he needed to know bit by bit. The boy was probably aware of the general outline, if even that. All specifics were spoon-fed to him as the group went on.

“There’s an easy way to confirm it,” Dallion said after a while. “You said there must be one pain obelisk beyond this, right? Describe it to me.”

“If all of us can’t manage to get through the pillars, why do you think you can?” Raved stared at him.

“There’s a way I can manage. It’s not pleasant and it might now work, but I’m willing to try.”

“You’re hiding things.”

“Of course I am.” Dallion smiled. “So are you.”

Getting into arguments isn’t the way to win anyone over, dear boy, Nil said.

It’s too late for that, Dallion replied. This way, at least I might get some actual information.

What did I tell you about making enemies?

Results are all that matter. If we get the Moonstones, all we be forgiven. If we don’t, I’ll be blamed even if I’ve been nice all the time.

Dallion summoned his armadil shield.

“You’ll try rushing through with that?” Cheska blinked.

“That’s the beauty of combat splitting,” Dallion replied. “If I fail, no one will ever find out. So, Raven, what will it be?”

“We’ll trust you on this.” The black-haired nodded. “The key one should be taller, made entirely of purple crystal… just like the magic cubes. If that’s there, you’ll know it’s the right one.”

“Okay.” Dallion looked into the distance. “If it’s not there, I’ll come back and then we’ll decide what to do. If it’s there, I’ll rely on you to fight your way to me.”

No one objected. Ironically, Dallion would have preferred if someone had. Asking the aetherfish to move closer to the ground, Dallion jumped off. The rest of the group soon followed, leaving the aether creature rather disappointed. Despite the fight it had witnessed, it was still very eager to see what Dallion would do. In the end, it agreed to remain a safe distance away and let Dallion proceed with his plan.

You could use the help, the admadil shield said. Those creatures are sturdier than you think.

“Cocoon me,” Dallion ignored the guardian.

The shield extended, forming a metal sphere. Before it was complete, Lux flew out, wrapping the outside in flames. From then on the plan was simple: the firebird would propel the ball between the obelisks and towards the central pillar, if it existed. It was all a matter of speed. Dallion doubted that the shield could withstand the swarm’s magic attacks, even with Lux’s help. He was relying on passing through before the swarm could emerge.

“Ready?” he prepared mentally. Then split into ten instances. In nine of them, he added “Go.”

The acceleration was immense, pressing Dallion against the inside of the shield. There was a time when such an action might have cracked a few ribs, or worse. With the current value of his body trait, it was little more than an inconvenience.

“How is it?” he asked after a few seconds. “Did we stir them up?”

Oh, we stirred them up, alright; the shield replied. I think you should take a look.

“Show me.” Dallion stretched the length of his combat splitting for as much as he could.

The sphere cracked open. As anyone would put it there was good news and bad news. The good news was that the crystal obelisk that Raven had described was there, a few miles ahead. The not so good news was that there was a shoal of quite large and carnivorous looking fish swimming around it. Given the capabilities of the scarabisks, Dallion had no doubt that these would be a lot tougher.

However, the surprises didn’t end there. Turning around, Dallion saw a wall of dusk in the distance. Looking closely, it became clear that it wasn’t dusk, but thousands upon thousands of scarabisks. Passing by the obelisks had disturbed them, but unlike before, they’d closed off the area instead of fighting outright.

There was only a moment left for Dallion to make a decision: did he choose an instance that had gone within the circle of insects, or remain outside and share what he had seen. The ego within him decided to remain. A moment later, all other instances were gone.

Brave choice, the shield said. You won’t face the rock scarabs, but a bunch of killer whales instead.

“It’s all part of the trial.” The guard obelisks had let him in, so there had to be a way to be able to get past the fish.

Other than a dragon, the only creature of similar size Dallion had seen was the vine whale back in the sword world item. These were going to be a lot more difficult to handle. Still, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

While he stood, the firebird leaped off the surface of the shield back on Dallion.

“What do you think, Lux?” Dallion asked. “Should I have a chat with them?”

Good idea, boss! The firebird chirped in response.

“Good thing you’re around.” Dallion smiled. Going with such an approach was a terrible idea, though one he couldn’t ignore. At the very least, he’d get an idea how the creatures would react.

Splitting, an instance of Dallion flew straight at the whales. The more he approached, the more impressed he was with their size. If left alone in the wilderness, such a creature could crush small towns. Even cities would have a hard time fighting them all off.

Three quarters of the distance there, one of the creatures saw him. With a single brisk action, it turned to face Dallion. Cracks spread throughout the entire ground surrounding the obelisk. This wasn’t an instance of reality, but the real thing occurring in all of Dallion’s instances. Purple earth and rock collapsed, and as it did, dozens more whales emerged from the surface. Several rushed towards Dallion’s instances, as if they were bait on the end of a fisherman’s hook.


Crap! Dallion quickly collapsed, all instanced but the furthest away. He had definitely not expected this.

Half a hundred monsters were rising to the sky, filling up the space all the way to the wall of insects. If Dallion had to guess, he’d say that there were several more clusters encircling the crystal obelisk.

“Avoid anything big!” Dallion ordered, summoning his harpsisword. “And don’t go towards the insects!”

A spark infused like attack flew in the direction of the nearest whale. The only thing it did upon striking it was push the monstrous creature a few dozen feet back without even leaving a mark. At first Dallion couldn’t understand why. When focusing his layer vision on a whale, he saw that the scales weren’t in fact scales, but thousands of small magic barriers, covering the creature in a suit of impenetrable armor.

Illusions, Ruby said, flicking his wings.


I don’t know. Everywhere.

“Astreza, Berannah, Centor, Dararr, Emion, Felygn, Galatea,” Dallion recited the names of the Moons. His adrenalin had spiked, but the experience gained as a hunter had taught him that he needed to remain calm. No matter the threat, worrying wasn’t going to help.

Two whales clashed less than twenty feet from him. Each of the monsters had the intention of eating him, and each wasn’t willing to let the other have its way. Dallion took advantage of that to have lux fly him past them to one of the relatively safe spots in the area.

For all intents and purposes, it was as if he were in an aquarium full of piranhas. From this moment on, nothing was safe. Then again, that also meant that he could freely go to the obelisk itself without worrying what would happen. Just as he was about to, a stream of miniature jellyfish emerged a short distance away, making its way towards Dallion. The way the creatures moved was peculiar: instead of flying through the air, as everything else apparently did, they teleported in short doubts, disappearing and reappearing dozens of feet away.

Just great, Dallion thought.

There was only one entity whose being was filled with curiosity to such an extent… even if that entity had somehow become a group of thumb-sized jellyfish.

“Lux, get me to the tip of the obelisk!” Dallion did a point attack, pushing back a whale that had gotten dangerously close.

This time, the whale didn’t let the attack go unpunished. Dozens of its scales flickered, Magic symbols appeared within them, combining in one single spell. Looking closer, Dallion was able to discern its nature. The spell was, in fact, a simple one, repeated over and over; the main symbols were summon, force, and water.

“Shield, cocoon both of us!”

Barely had Dallion managed to say so when a tsunami was brought into existence, crashing onto him.

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