Leveling up the World

Chapter 710: Phoil's Request

Chapter 710: Phoil's Request

Most of the night was filled with sleeplessness. And in-between bouts of sleeplessness, thered be brief periods of nightmares, lucid to the point that it was impossible to tell whether they were real or not. In all instances, Dallion would witness the Learning Hall destroyed by waves of emerald shardflies. In some he tried to reason with them, in some he tried to fight, but the outcome was always the same. The creatures were like a tidal wave, sweeping over everything in their path. They knew no pause or mercy, slicing everything to bits until nothing remained.

No! Dallion rose up in his bed.

His face was covered with sweat. Everything in the room remained still and quiet. Ruby was on a wall, wings folded. Gem was nowhere to be seen, probably floating about in Dallions personal realm. Only rays of moonlight shone in from outside, adding color to the darkness.

Whys this happening? Dallion wondered.

It wasnt the most devastating event hed witnessed in his life, nor was it the most traumatic. Yet, for some reason, it had such a great impact that one would think it was the most devastating.

Unpleasant, isnt it? a boy around ten in dark clothes asked, standing a few steps away from Dallions bed.

Dallion was just about to ask what was going on when he noticed that he too was in his childs appearance.

Im still dreaming, Dallion said. Arent I?

The others clothes and hair turned green, glowing as brightly enough to illuminate the rest of the room.

Thats part of the curse. Something of a reminder to keep people from getting too comfortable.

I was getting too comfortable? Dallion thought.

Yes. The boys eyes glinted as he shot an angry glare Dalloins way. All the hardships youve experienced were while pursuing personal objectives. Did you ever consider what youve done to be cursed? Did you try to take any steps to rectify it?

It was difficult to deny that Dallion hadnt given the matter any consideration. To be honest, there were times when hed forgotten about it entirely.

Thats part of the problem, and the reason punishment is required. Youre amusing and youve done some good things, for which you were given a lot of leeway. Clearly, that was a mistake.

No one ever told me what

Some things youre supposed to figure out for yourself, the Green Moon interrupted. We could have warned you before and you still would have done it. Youd either claim that you had no choice or youd be able to handle the punishment, or maybe ask to make it up to us. Its all been done before by your and others. In the end nothing would change.

So, I get nightmares until I figure it out?

Dallion felt his hair stand on edge. What if it was more than nightmares? If an item got upset with a person, it would make its handling difficult; if an area was mad at someone, it would try to trip him every chance it got. However, what happened if the whole world was displeased?

Is this my final warning? he asked.

The Moon chuckled.

Of course not. Youve seen all the warnings youd get. Im here because of your current problem.

My current problem? Dallion blinked.

Just because youre cursed, doesnt mean you arent my favored. Im just here to say youve made a mess of things.

Thanks. I gathered

Not with us. Rather on a far more local level.

That was a surprise. Dallion went through everything important hed done since arriving here. Was getting the Moonstone a mistake? Or maybe he wasnt supposed to get involved with Raven? Or with Katka?

Did I cause the shardfly infestation? he asked.

Do you really want to know the answer to that? Ignorance can be bliss.

Ive already heard that once today.

The question remains.

I want to know. Dallion replied instantly.

Then the answer is yes.

Dallion felt the weight of a mountain on his shoulders. He was responsible for all this?


Thats not something I can tell you. Id like to, but there are rules in place and I cant go beyond them.

What about the Purple Moon? Can he tell me? Anger and desperation exploded in Dallions mind sweeping through him like a wave.

Definitely not. He still doesnt like you. Even if he did, theres no going around this one. Its only partially your fault.

I can get you some. Several of them!

Riiight? Dallion nodded.

I just need you to improve a sword I bring you to quicksilver then to something else.

Already there were warning flags. The something else aside, turning whole weapons into mercury, wasnt either particularly safe or simple. And that didnt even touch the big question: what did Phoil need such a weapon or? Weapons were discouraged. True, novices with influential parents could take advantage of an exception or two, but why would a child bring one to the Academy?

What artifacts?

Shapeshifting weapons, mirror shields

Disfocus rings?

There was a moment of silence.

Err, yeah. Disfocus items can be arranged.

Now Dallion was all but certain that an echo was talking.

What about magic items? Can you get me a few of the things we used in class back when we were rank one?

Err, sure? How many?

Ten. If he was going to ask, he was going to ask for a lot.

Sure. After you get it done.

Ill need to know what the something else is.


Because Ill be the one improving the weapon to that.

Fear and confusion sprouted within Phoil, filling his entire chest and head like clusters of grapes.

Why cant I tell you when you start?

Youre the one asking for a favor. I dont need the artifacts that much. Good luck trying to find someone else to improve your stuff.

Despite the echoes advising him, Phoil was a terrible poker player. Even without having music skills, Dallion could tell hed agree to the demand. It was beyond apparent that the boy had no choice; his face twisted, trying to cover up the fact, quickly giving up in a few seconds.

Fine. Its silver glass, he said with a pout.

Silver glass?

Its like quicksilver, but solid. Very rare, but its possible to make by improving quicksilver.

Heard of this, Nil? Dallion asked.

As a matter of fact, I have. It was a popular material for noble weapons a few centuries ago. Very shiny, quite durable, but utterly useless. The common rumor was that it could be used to kill mages, but thats rubbish.

It cant?

Dear boy, everything can be used to kill mages. Silver glass doesnt have any effect on spells, barriers, or even armor. It can kill a mage the same way a sharpened stick can.

Whats so special about it?

Did I mention that its shiny? Nil let out a dry laugh. Other than that, absolutely nothing. Its not even transparent.

When do you need it done? Dallion asked.

Ill need a few days to get the artifacts. Maybe a week. Ill tell you when everythings ready.

At least Phoils echoes meant business. It was nice for someone to have the payment ready in advance for a change.

Alright. You have a deal. Dallion nodded. Do you need a Moon vow?

No, just the improvement.

Dallion narrowed his eyes. Was Phoil playing dumb all of a sudden?

Alright, see you in a week, then. Dallion returned to the real world.

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