Leveling up the World

Chapter 733: Shardfly Master

Chapter 733: Shardfly Master

Shardflies, like all creatures of the wilderness, were capable of a great many thingsmore than people could imagine, more than the creatures themselves knew. In his current state, Dallion was able to get a glimpse of all of them. Earth knowledge combined with magic and zoology, allowing him to command them to gather onto him, creating an almost impregnable living armor. There was no longer any need to cast spells to cast barriers or flythe shardflies did that for him as Dallion issued commands as effortlessly as moving his own body.

The fury puppet fighting him kept on casting spell after spell in an attempt to find some weakness of Dallions to exploit, but each of them was countered. Yet, with each passing second, the intensity of the attacks decreased. Apart from being the perfect emerald shield as well as his personal tornado of razor blades, the shardflies were also conductive to magic.

It had taken moments for Dallion to figure that outsomething so simple that it should have been obvious months ago. All was just another reason why mages craved Moonstones so much. One could only imagine what could be achieved using them as a power source of magic. Part of Dallion wished hed left a fragment to try, but even if given a chance, he wouldnt deprive himself from the current sensation. It was more than confidence, more than euphoria. Right now, he felt as if someone had removed the barriers of the impossible, creating a world of endless possibilities. With a bit of effort, he could probably create his own awakening shrine, not that it was going to be of much use to him. The principle was clear. All he needed were the raw materials which could be obtained in bulk from the Glass Mounts. For the moment, though, he had to deal with the annoying fly that was trying to keep him as well as its puppet.

Magic spread from his fingers, moving through the layers of shardflies covering his body. When there were no more, it shot out like a dryad vine, hitting one of the insects in the air, before jumping to the next. Threads of magic extended in all directions. Shardflies moved about, forming symbols in the air itself, composing multiple five-circle spells without issue. Dallion would have done a lot more, but five-level spells were all he knew. Nil was rightunlimited power given to a novice was a bit of a waste. Then again, Dallion had other skills to take advantage of.

Whats the plan? he asked using his music skills. The connection was almost instant, no longer affected by Palags defenses.Finnd new chapters at wuxiahere.com

You know the plan, the fury replied. No sooner had he done so, than his fingers moved, casting a new spell to cancel the music suggestion.

Cheeky, Dallion thought.

Fighting echo-controlled opponents presented an interesting problem. Apart from being physically safe, Argus had also created an information filter of sorts. Palag only knew what he had been told, and if mages were any indication, that was far from the final plan. Still, there would be a few morsels available.

Dallion split into three hundred instances.

Are you a cultist?

Nine times out of ten, Palag replied no. In the remaining cases, though, he said yes.

Youve been keeping secrets, Dallion thought.

That was as gutsy as it was unusual. It was easy to use blocker items to stop the influence of echoes. Putting one on, while under the control of a symbiotic echo, was another matter. Echoes never slept, they were never distracted. The echo must have known about the blocker item the moment the fury thought about it. Or was the mage a Star-cultist as well?

Do you want the Star to rise again? Dallion asked.

In the various instances, the fury responded in different fashion. In twenty-one, the answer was identical.

A new Star will rise. Palag broke free from the echos influence. His voice was the same as it was before. That Star

Thick purple threads shot out from his body, wrapping him up like a cocoon. Instead of providing protection, however, they tightened more and more, leading to an audible crunch. Argus hadnt been lying when hed warned Palag not to do anything he would disapprove of.

Dallion was tempted to choose one of those instances to become reality. It would mean an end to the fight. Besides, there was a question that the fury deserved it. He was a Star cultist, and as such would do everything in his power to bring a new abomination to the world. Yet the memory fragment remained fresh in Dallions mind. Palag had been a child once, going through things that would twist anyone. Killing him might well turn out to be the only option, but right now he didnt want to be the one doing it.

A lot more experience is needed to create echoes in the real world, Nil said.

Dallion could sense that the echo was no less astonished than him, but also marginally terrified. More than likely there was an intricate spell that made that possible, though not one a Novice would know. However, Dallion didnt need full echoes for what he was thinking. All he needed were a thousand mouths or, more specifically, a thousand sources of sound. Those he had in abundance.

The massive swarm of shardflies spread out again, forming a giant sphere around Palag. Hundreds of feet separated the creatures from the fury.

Palag suspected something, so he cast a new spellthe same one Raven had done within the Moons Realm. Bolts of lightning shot out from him, draining the magic from everything they touched. Shardflies fell to the ground by the thousands, creating massive holes in the living sphere, yet it was already too late.

Hundreds of spells were cast simultaneously. Initially, there didnt seem to be any change. That was, until a single command was issued, coming from thousands of places all at once.

Submit! Dallion said through his proxies, using all his music skills.

The command was like a shockwave, causing the furys mind to freeze up. In that single moment, not even the mage echo could issue him any orders. Palag froze in place, remaining motionless mid-air. The air currents keeping him in the air disappeared, sending him falling down.

Cocoon him, Dallion ordered.

Thousands of shardflies broke off from the swarm, flocking onto the fury. Before he hit the ground, they had already covered him completely, restricting all movement. Inches from the ground, there were enough of them to lift him back up, safely away from any potential aether golems.

Let him breathe, but restrict his mouth and fingers, Dallion said.

Why? He brought our nests here to be destroyed.

Not him, but the one controlling him, Dallion clarified. Dig out the chameleon as well. As long as you keep those two incapacitated and far from any golems, you should be fine.

The shardflies werent exceedingly pleased, but they followed Dallions constructions. Everything else aside, they could feel the power emanating from him, and as most creatures of the wilderness, they knew when they were facing a fight, they couldnt win.

Nil, which way to the archmage? he asked.

Are you absolutely certain about this? The echo persisted. Ill tell you if thats what you want, but this is your chance to just walk away. No one will go after you, if you do. Argus and others might be there. Hes seen what youre capable of, so it wont be as easy facing him as it was dealing with his apprentice.

Thats what Im counting on. Im ending this right now and it wont even take me a minute.

Lets hope you have that long Nil said beneath his breath. Very well. Face north and cast the anti-illusion spell I taught you. A new cluster of buildings should appear. Thats where the archmage lives now.

An illusion? Made sense that someone living in a nest of deceit and paranoia would resort to such measures. Using his shardflies, Dallion cast the spell. Not too far away, a cluster of square-shape buildings formed. This was where Dallion had to go.

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