Leveling up the World

Chapter 759: Living Hurricane

Chapter 759: Living Hurricane

This is somewhat nostalgic, the armadil shield said.

Walking through copyette ruins? Dallions opinion differed. Hardly.

You patched up things with Eury here, I remember.

The comment made Dallion slow his pace. That was indeed true. The first time their relationship had been on the rocks, searching the ruins had helped patch things up. It also helped that the entire city was under threat of destruction.

Theres nothing to patch up, he said adamantly.

Right. Its the world thats keeping you apart.

Reaching the staircase to the city above, Dallion hastened his pace. Half a dozen cleric guards stood at the higher levels, making sure no one without permission went up or down. Aware of the mages authority, they quickly stepped back, letting him pass. Some of them mumbled the obligatory initiatea title Dallion cared little about.

A second half dozen was placed in the arena corridor, just beyond the stairwell. Feeling in a good mood after his magic level up, Dallion was about to let them know that he was done, when he spotted something that made him stop. At the end of the corridor, surrounded by his ever-present fury bodyguards, stood the general.

Damn it! Dallion said to himself. He had hoped that hed manage to leave the city without having to talk to the snobbish snake. If there was someone he wanted to avoid at all costs, that was it.

What a pleasant surprise to find you here, Dal, the general said with his superior smile. Dallions rank in society might have increased since the last time the two had spoken, but it didnt matter. He still had a debt to pay, and if there was one thing the general was good at, it was collecting. Or should I say mage Dallion?

Nice to see you too, General. Dallion remained calm. I was considering seeing you, he lied.Gét latest novel chapters on nov(e)lbj/n(.)c/om

For a moment, he considered whether to blow him off completely. Being a mage, he had the authority to do so. Sadly, in the short turn, that would create more trouble than it was worth.

Delightful. Id invite you to my usual room, but its being redecorated. The general tapped his chin with a finger. I decided to go with something a lot more imperial in mind.

I see.

On the other hand, the arena field is empty right now. Maybe we could have a brief talk there?

It was made to look like an amicable invitation, but there wasnt a person in the corridor who couldnt tell it was a threat.

The countess was moved out of the city, and yet this squirmy toad remains behind? Dallion grumbled internally. Worse than a cockroach.

Leaving his furies behind, the general went along the halls and corridors to the arena field. Despite it and the stands being meticulously well kept, a sense of emptiness emanated from everywhere. There were times when it was filled with dozens of challengers and enough crowds to fill a medium-sized town. Dallion had seen it from both sides of the fence: he had taken part in the tournament as well as observed it from afar.

Feels strange, doesnt it? The general looked around. If there was one thing about the countess that everyone will miss, its the Nerosal Festival. That was an event to remember. Even the northern provinces were envious, even if theyd never admit it. Tell me, is the Academy still holding its tournament?


Ah, a shame. I was told that they, too, were rather magnificent. Ive seen echo recreations, of course, but it could never beat the real thing.

Dallion remained silent, patiently waiting.

In a way, you can say that everything started here, the general continued. If a member of the imperial family hadnt died that day, none of the following calamities would have taken place.

Doubtful. Dallion tried his best not to smirk. Another excuse would have turned up.

Oh, thats definitely true. With the toys Adzorg had been playing, it was inevitable that something would follow. Who knows, if he had been just a bit luckier, the city might have been destroyed well before the Star had the chance to drag it into the wilderness. Makes you think, doesnt it?

What do you want? Dallion pressed. I dont have time for your usual performance.

I told you to avoid the arena, the armadil shield said.

Not now, shield. Dallion hissed, then cast a flight spell. Even with all the positives he had achieved in the last hour, the conversation with the general left a bitter aftertaste in his mouth. How could someone be so arrogant to gamble with the fate of cities? He had practice, that was for certain, constantly relying on someone else taking one for the team and dealing with the consequences of his actions.

The flight to the Gremlins Timepiece lasted less than a minute. As he approached, Dallion instantly spotted several air currents coming from the inn. Living under the countess had taught Diroh to be careful. That was good.

No longer bothering to remain incognito, Dallion flew directly to the inn door and stepped inside. He expected a crowd to start forming, but the place was remarkably empty. The only people present were Hannah and Diroh. Even Pan had remained in the kitchen, preferring not to get involved.

Take everything you want to bring along, Dallion said unceremoniously. Were leaving.

The fury stood up to protest, when Hannah gave her a sign not to.

Go, Di, she said in a calm voice. Only the things youll miss.

Youre letting him take me? Why? I thought

Just do it, Di. He might be a jackass, but hes rightpeople have already noticed and until we get a strong lord mayor, youll be safer with Dal than with someone else.

A bouquet of emotions emanated from Diroh. There was a lot of disapproval, anger, and rebellion, of course, but also a bit of eagerness and joy as well subtly hidden. Walking deliberately slowly, she made her way to her room. Dallion and Hannah kept looking at each other, not saying a word the entire time the fury was there. Once gone, the innkeeper drew a dagger from beneath the counter and slashed all the air-currents Diroh had forgotten behind.

If something happens to her the woman began.

I wont be alive to defend myself if it does, Dallion finished for her. Besides, shes learned a trick or two.

She only had a year. You had five.

Had it been five already? Dallion had lost track.

Ill make her my apprentice, he said. Once she has the title, no one will be able to harm her.

Other than all the mages that joined the other sides. Hannah returned the dagger to its place. Do you have enough authority? Shes not a full mage.

Shes close enough. Besides, Im owed a few favors. Shell become my apprentice, and with a bit of help from the Academy, a lot more.

For several long seconds, Hannah kept on glaring straight into his eyes, then shook her head.

I never thought you'd turn into this.

Thats not true. You knew it from the moment you saw me. Dallion glanced briefly at the kitchen door. I bet you knew how all of us would turn out. Is that part of your curse?

Heh. The woman grabbed a bottle from the nearby shelf, then poured herself a glass. My curse. She gulped it down in one go. They say that every awakened who lives in Nerosal but isnt born there has a curse. Mine was to help people I knew would move on. Eury, Jiroh, you

You still have Pan.

Only because his curse is even worse than mine. I didnt expect you to chase after Captain Adzorg like a pup of the Academy, but I knew youd hurt me. She filled her glass once more and drank it. And still, youre the safest bet that girl has. Pan doesnt think so, neither does March, but they dont know you as well as I do.

I bet you say that to every otherworlder.

When I look at you, I see a hurricane of change. Youll hurt a lot, more than you have hurt already. Youll scar the world itself.

In that case, why put Di under my care? Dallion felt a slight chill at the back of his neck.

Because as long as shes with you, shell be in the eye of the hurricane.

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