Leveling up the World

Chapter 768: Power Forging

Chapter 768: Power Forging

It was scary how quickly a person got used to comfort. In his mind, Dallion didnt think he was remotely pampered. The last six months had been taxing both mentally and physically. When he wasnt learning, he was chasing after rogues or, on occasion, absorbing vortexes. The artifacts, the tomes of knowledge, even the Academy support hadnt made his life any simpler.

A few days of walking through the wilderness, without a robe or magic, on the other hand, had quickly taught him how unaccustomed he had become to normal life. Back when he was a full-time hunter, walking from Nerosal all the way to the fallen south had been a breeze. It wasnt that the walking tired him, but the fact that he had to do it at all. Every step he took made him think of the time wasted. When spellcraft was involved, he could fly a mile for the same time he made ten steps.

Calm, Dallion kept repeating. He had to be calm.

He took out his vortex finder, in the hope of finding any excuse to shatter the boredom. Sadly, he had no such luck. With a mental sigh, he put the device away again.

At least hed made sure to look like a hunter, if nothing else. The number of rings he was wearing masked his magic completely. Even a mage wouldnt be able to tell he had the trait. Yet while that made things simpler, it also made him a target of wilderness beasts and low-level awakened, even if they had no chance of winning.

Its always difficult letting go of the reins, the armadil shield said.

What? Dallion asked, confused.

Its an old dryad saying. Means that its never easy to let go of power, luxuries, and comfort. People who retire go through it. Or used to.

Did you? Dallion asked.

Its been a long time ago, the guardian said. Why dont you rest for a bit? Its been half a day.

Half a day of boredom.

When Dallion had left the citadel, his concerns were remaining undetected and facing Adzorg in enemy territory. He had never considered that just getting there would present such a mental challenge.

Determined to walk through it, he continued for half an hour more, after which he finally succumbed.

Well spend a while here, he told his items.

The area he was in was barren, completely flat for miles. There was no chance a creature would approach unseen, or even at all. Likewise, there was nothing Dallion could hunt.

Ruby, you can stretch your wings. Dallion sat down.

No sooner had he said that than the aether jellyfish popped into existence. Normally, Dallion wouldnt have anything against it. He knew how curious the creature was when it came to the real world. This wasnt the right time, though. Right now, Dallion was supposed to be an ordinary hunter.

No, he said firmly.

Just a bit, boss?

Not outside, Dallion replied.


Reality shifted to Dallions realm. The sun was just rising, its light mixing with the bright glow of the Moonstone crystal cluster. Immediately, Lux appeared with a pop.

Boss! the blue firebird said, flying twice around him.

Nice to see you, Lux. Dallion reached out to pet the creature. Only then did it occur to him how rarely he had done so. Magic had replaced all the abilities the familiar had offered in the past, and as a result of him, as well.

Confused, but also glad, the firebird stopped in place, letting Dallions hand enter the top of its head.

That escalated quickly. Was the nymph talking from experience?

Dallion looked at the blade. In one of his instances, he pricked the tip of his finger. Nothing happened. Not fully convinced, he aimed at the nearest tree he could see and threw the dagger.

The weapon flew through the end, sinking halfway into the trunk with a loud thump. No flames followed. Dallions sense of achievement faded away.

Why? he turned to the nymph.

Youre not mixing forging and magic. You just found a complicated way to enchant a weapon. There was a slight pause. Cool idea. It makes it difficult for the enchantment to be removed. Still is an enchantment, though.

Show me.

There was no response.

Harp, Dallion said loudly. Let him show me. He waited for a bit. If you cant show me, why not him?

Suddenly the tree with the dagger in it burst into flames. Looking closely, Dallion could see that the blade had been cleanly sliced off, releasing the metal potion he had put in it. A column of water fell from the air, enveloping the plant like a jelly prison, then splashed onto the ground.

Do I take that as a yes? Dallion asked.

No, the air nearby vibrated, forming words. He wont teach you, Harp said a few steps away. I will.

You can forge? Dallion wondered. Was that another skill she had hidden from him? There wasnt any such skill mentioned in the harpsiswords rectangle. Then again, spellcasting hadnt been initially present either.

You want to teach me? Dallion looked at her.

Im here to guide you. Came the reply. Even when I think youre following the wrong path.

Why is it wrong?

If I tell you, youll be following my path instead of yours. Several ingots appeared in the air, all of them sea iron. And neither of us will be happy about it.

As philosophical as that sounded, Dallion understood perfectly. The return to forging felt like a distraction while doing something else. Strictly speaking, he hadnt given up forging, he had just stopped actively using it as he had stopped so many other activities. As Nil used to say, there always were distractions; sometimes even the things that could bring the greatest benefit also were distractions on the path to something else. In this case, Dallion wasnt so sure.

Itll help me in the battle to come, Dallion whispered. In all the battles. Im new at magic, so I have to make up for it with something else.

There always was the Moonstone, but he was saving that for later. At some point, it was inevitable hed clash again with his former mage instructor. When that happened, it would take the power of a Moon to win.

What do you really want to learn? Harp asked.

Does it matter?

Even with all the time in your realm, you dont have enough to learn everything. Ill only teach you what you really need for the battle.

That made sense to some degree.

Shapeshifting items, Dallion said. I want to be able to reforge my weapons, so they change form in the real world. Just like Itellas.

Shifting weapons. A second anvil, made entirely of water, appeared next to Dallions. Lets get started.

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