Leveling up the World

Chapter 794: Level 80

Chapter 794: Level 80

The next gate Once Dallion went through it, he would join the ranks of nobilitynot the hereditary farce reserved for family members, but the real thing. There was no telling what would change once he did. No one past a gate spoke about it except to those who had done so as well. There was a time when Dallion yearned to find himself in such a position. Even before joining the Academy, the final awakening trials had proved way too difficult for him to pass. It wasnt merely a matter of finding the right question. The execution also proved beyond his abilities. The Blue Moon wasnt exaggerating when he said hed combined a series of events that werent supposed to occur.

In the world, there were impossibly few achievements that increased ones awakening level. Dallion had practically gone through all of them: destroying a Stars echo, defeating the Star himself, destroying a living colossus in the real world, and now upgrading a void guardian. There was a reason for the Blue Moon to be pissed.NewW novels updates at wuxiahere.com

Do I have to choose now? Dallion asked.

You have a reason not to? The faint amusement on the Moons face abruptly disappeared.

Its a bit sudden.

What is there to think? Either you want to join the ranks of nobility and find out what its about, or you are comfortable with the safety of your current situation. Youre not an imperial, so you havent made a vow to relinquish your nobility.

Relinquish? Dallion couldnt help himself from thinking.

Rules are rules. Imperial officers almost exclusively come from noble circles. Emperor Tamin requires them to vow to refuse the choice when it happens, capping them at level eighty. Its extremely annoying.

The explanation went a long way for Dallion to understand why the imperial troops were so feared. They were pretty much nobles that werent nobles. No doubt they were lacking a certain number of awakened powers, but even so they remained a force to be reckoned with; not to mention that they spent a lot of time in the wilderness, unlike the majority of sheltered awakened.

So I must decide now.

I didnt say that. The Moon waved the green rectangles away, replacing them with seven new ones. Choose your trait. Things half done are annoying.

The notion had completely skipped Dallions mind. So many major things had happened that the once cherished single point trait boost seemed rather inconsequential. Still, he upped his empathy to fifty-five. That left it and his perception in the mid-fifties, while all the rest were around the eighty mark.

Theres no time limit, the Moon sighed. It just annoys me.

Everything seems to annoy you, Dallion thought.

Stupidity annoys me, the boy added sharply. Youre like those people who beat the odds and find a winning lottery ticket, but are afraid to use it. He turned around. There is no deadline. Sort of. You dont have to choose now, but until you do, you cant go back to your realm, or any other realm. Think of it as an incentive to make up your mind fast.

Will I still be able to use my

Youll still be able to use your awakening powers, including the Vermillion ring hack.

Thank you. Dallion nodded.

There was a pause. The Moon looked over his shoulder, then turned around. Being thanked didnt seem like something that occurred often, which was strange. Given all the people that prayed at the Orders temples every day, one would think thered be more of that.

Slowly, the boy made his way to Dallion.

Felygn gave me this for you. He opened his hand. A rough green gem glowed within.

The moment he saw it, the otherworlder recognized the power it contained. This wasnt a skill gem, it was far more valuable.

A Moonstone, he whispered.

Hes always been sentimental. Take it.

I dont see anything.

Its not about seeing, its about knowing. Even Alien wouldnt be foolish enough to cluster a group of cloud forts so close together. Its one thing having a show of force where its safe. Out here, that would be too risky.

Are you saying that the emperor is a worse tactician than Alien?

No. The emperor is powerful enough not to care about losing them.

He wants you that badly, eh?

I would like to think so, but in this case, I doubt they are coming for me. No joy emanated from Adzorg. Look at the rest of the sky. Not a cloud in sight. Thats no chance or mere accident. Hundreds of furies must have painstakingly roamed the sky, making sure that it was flawless.

Why the hell would they do that?

They're here for you, dear boy. Did you think that your achievement would pass unnoticed?

Ten crimson cloud forts made their way to the capitals ruins. The few surviving dwarf guard towers didnt even make an attempt to interfere.

Ruby, Dallion looked at his left shoulder. Behave till I know whats going on.

The shardfly flicked its wings once. Although the Diroh it was supposed to protect within the vortexes had turned out to be a copyette, it had done little to end the deep sense of disappointment emanating from it. In the creatures mind it had still failed Dallion, and was willing to compensate to gain his favor.

Its fine, little guy, Dallion said. Just remain calm.

One of the cloud forts broke off from the rest, approaching further. Dozens of furies were visible on it, all of them with crimson red hair and imperial uniforms. One, wearing a breastplate of red crystal, flew off, elegantly descending to the ground a dozen steps from the otherworlder.

Dallion Darude, the fury said in a loud voice. Youre hereby summoned to the Imperial Palace. We are to escort you and your prisoner in the name of Emperor Tamin.

So, Adzorg was right. Interesting how the old man had predicted it, especially since there was so little to go by.

How did you know? Dallion asked over his shoulder.

Simple. The emperor told me. The former archmage said. I told you that nobles place echoes in the realms of their subjects. Why would you think I was any different?

Normally, the question would sound a lot more critical, as if it were Dallions fault for not figuring it out. This time, the only emotions coming from Adzorg were obedience and a sense of futility. There was no denying the emperors will, and at present Dallion had to agree.

Without a word, both mages cast their flight spells, floating up to the cloud bastion. A path of sea iron was expecting them there, leading inside. Close to a hundred furies stood silently, looking at them with emotionless expressions.

Send someone to inform the archmage, Dallion said as the armor clad fury landed in front of them, leading the way in.

Do not concern yourself with that, he said in a polite fashion. It will be taken care of.

That didnt bode well.

Can I know why I have been summoned? The otherworlder asked. If common logic was to be used, it was for him to be rewarded for a job well done. However, since nobles were involved, he put his chances at fifty-fifty. The last time he had done a noble a favor by saving her city, she had resented him for it.

That is for the emperor to say. All I know is that Ive been ordered to lead you to his private garden. Anything else youll have to find out for yourself.

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